Part 22

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Jackson and Blake started hitting me with pillows, so I woke up.

Layla: Stopp! It's so early, I can't do this right now.

I mumbled.

Jackson: It's literally 11am.

They looked at each other with a smirk.

Layla: That's still early. I will call mom if you don't get out of my room right now.

Blake: We're out!

He pulled Jackson out of my room, and they got out of my room. I locked the door. I went in the bathroom and I did my morning routine. I dressed up in a white t-shirt and black sweatpants. I tied my hair in a high ponytail, and I unlocked my door. I got out and I went downstairs to the kitchen. I hugged mom and dad, when I saw them.

Mom: I made a breakfast!

Layla: Great, thank you mom! I'm hungry.

Jackson and Blake got downstairs too. We all started eating in dining room.

Mom: What are your plans for today?

Jackson: I actually wanted to visit some old places today. Wanna go?

He asked me.

Layla: Sure.

I smiled, and so did he.

Mom: Blake?

Blake: Uhm, I will probably practice basketball with Jaden.

Mom nodded. After we finished with eating and all, we got ready to go where we are supposed to. Jackson and I went to the mall first. We bought some things we don't need. We also bought pink matching hoodies. After few hours of walking in the mall we decided to go in our favourite restaurant. We sat at one of the tables, and waiter came.

Waiter: What would you like to order?

Jackson: One Ice Tea for me.

Layla: And one Coke for me.

Waiter wrote our order and he left.

Jackson: I'm still confused how are you and Jaden together? We all know that you hated each other.

Layla: Uhm, we talked, and we actually hated each other without a reason.

Jackson: So you started dating?

He chuckled. I giggled.

Layla: No, it's just- it's kinda complicated. I was mad at him because he was like my older protective brother. He didn't let me to wear a skirt, to go out on dates and that stuff. I told him not to do that stuff because it pissed me off. He wanted to talk after that. He said that he never loved his girlfriend then, and that he just wanted to make me jealous. I was confused, why would he make me jealous, you know? He then cutted me off by kissing me, and he said that he always had feelings for me.

I could talk to him about anything, and it never gets awkward.

Jackson: And just like that, you started dating?

Layla: Yup. I had feelings for him long time before you and I dated. I thought I got over him when I dated you, but it looks like my feelings are back.

I smiled.

Jackson: I'm actually happy you moved on from me. I'm happy for you two. It still hurts seeing you with someone else tho.

He laughed a bit.

Layla: Jack, I told you. You will find someone.

I put my hand over his.

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now