Part 13

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I woke up. It's saturday morning, which means -no school today. I went in my bathroom and I did my morning routine. I just went downstairs to see mom and dad talking.

Layla: Good morning!

Dad: Good morning Layla.

Layla: Is everything okay?

Mom: Well, yes. They need us at work, so we will probably be out of this city for few weeks maybe.

Layla: Oww! I will miss you.

Dad: We will miss you too.

Mom: We are going tomorrow very early,  we will say goodbye tonight to Blake and you.

Layla: Of course. We can have family dinner tonight, with Bryce and his family.

Mom: That's great idea. I will call them now to ask them about that.

Mom left living room.

Dad: So, how is Josh and you 'thing' going?

Layla: It's not going at all. I broke up with him before few days maybe. I just didn't felt connection. We actually were just 'better friends' if I can call it like that.

Dad: Why you didn't tell me earlier?

Layla: I forgot. And it's not a big deal.

Dad: You know you can tell me everything. I'm your bestie too. Just like mom.

Layla: Next time, I promise I will.

Dad: Come here.

He opened his arms, and I hugged him. I am so close to my parents. It doesn't matter how far away they are. But I can't tell them about Jaden and me. I mean mom would be so happy to hear that, but I think it's better this way, for now.

Layla: I have to dress up in something else.

Dad nodded.

I went upstairs and I dressed up in shorts and crop top. I heard my notification for messages on my phone. It's message from Jaden.

Good morning angel! Can you help me with math today? I really need good grade.

Good morning to you too! Of course, just tell me where and when?

In my room in a hour maybe?

I will be there❤️


I smiled at myself. I went downstairs to eat something. Mom made pancakes so, I ate that. I finished my breakfast.

Layla: Mom, I'm going to Bryce's. Jaden need some help with math.

Mom: Okay.

She smiled. I went to Bryce's house and I knocked. Jaden's dad opened the door.

Jaden's dad: Oh, hey Lay! Bryce is not here right now. He went out with Addison.

Layla: I'm actually here because Jaden need help with math.

He was kinda shocked.

Jaden's dad: Well, he is in his room.

Layla: Yeah, thanks.

He let me in the house and I went upstairs to Jaden's room. When I got there, he smiled.

Layla: Hey!

Jaden: Hey angel!

Layla: Shhh!

Jaden: Relax, they are going to Target. See.

He pointed to them outside.

Layla: Okay, then.

I closed the door.

Layla: What is the problem?

I said that standing next to him, looking at his notebook. (He is sitting on the chair by the way.)

Jaden: Well, problem is that my girlfriend didn't give me kiss yet.

I rolled my eyes playfully. I kissed him. He kissed me back. I helped him with his homework and schoolwork. He brought us Coke to fresh up a little bit.

Jaden: Thank you!

Layla: No problem. I'm here to help.

Jaden layed on his bed.

Jaden: Come here.

Layla: There is no space for me. You used whole bed.

I giggled.

Jaden: You can lay on me.

He smirked.

Layla: I would rather be on Bryce's bed.

Jaden: But you are mine! Come here!

He opened his arms for me. I layed on him. My head was on his chest. He played with my hair.

Layla: I never expected you to be like this.

Jaden: Well, people think a lot of things about me and they are not true. Maybe I look like I'm heartless, but I have heart. I am actually very soft sometimes. All that people see is act.

It was sillent for few minutes.

Layla: I trust you Jaden. Everything you said about Ashley. I believe you.

He kissed my head.

Jaden: Thank you Layla. Your trust means a lot to me.

We kissed. Just then, someone knocked on the door. Jaden and I looked at each other and got up from the bed.

Bryce: Do I need to wait for you to dress up?

Jaden sat on the chair and he opened math book. I sat in another chair and I started talking something about math.

Jaden: Nahh, I'm fine bro.

Bryce opened the door and he was lightly shocked.

Bryce: Lay? What are you doing here?

Layla: I'm helping Jaden with math.

Bryce: Oh, okay.

Layla: I'm gonna go now. Jaden if you have any problems or something you don't understand just text me.

Bryce: No, you can stay. I actually wanted to have sleepover here tonight. With our group.

Layla: I can't. My parents are leaving this city tonight. I want to be with them until they go.

Bryce: I understand. Say 'bye' from me.

Jaden: And from me too.

Layla: I will. Bye.

I smiled and I left their room. I went to my house.

Layla: Hey guys! I'm back!

Mom: Great, can you clean your room?

Layla: Ugh, yeah I can.

I went upstairs to my room and I cleaned it. I helped mom to clean whole house. After all that, I went to my bathroom, to shower. I dressed up in something comfy. Bryce, Jaden and their parents came soon. Jaden, Blake, Bryce and I went in my room to watch movies. Bryce and I sat on my bed, while Jaden and Blake sat next to the bed (under us literally). Bryce and I just looked down at them and then at each other with evil smile. We took my pillows quietly, and we started hitting them. I hitted Jaden, and Bryce hitted Blake. Blake took another pillow and he started hitting Bryce. Jaden took the pillow from me and he started hitting me. I started running because I didn't have pillow anymore. I ran out of my room and I got in Blake's bathroom. Jaden got in after me.

Layla: Don't hit me!

I put hands in front of me.

Jaden: I'm not gonna hit you.

I looked at him weird and I put my hands down. He got closer to me and he kissed me, actually.

Blake: Hey come back we- WOAH! What is going on?

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now