Part 30

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Next day

Back to Layla's POV

I woke up, and did my morning routine. I was excited and nervous for the results. After I done everything, I got downstairs. Jaden and Blake were talking.

Layla: Good morning guys!

Blake: Good morning Lay.

Blake smiled.

Jaden: Yeah.

Jaden barely looked at me. I hope that he is not mad after yesterday. I got out of the house. I greeted Bryce. Blake and Jaden came here after few minutes. Blake drove us to our high school, and we left the car. Bryce and I saw our group near lockers.

Vinnie: Heyy!

Layla: Hii!

Vinnie and I hugged.

Layla: Hey guys.

Avani: Vinnie got 'hii!' and a hug. And we just got 'hey guys'

Layla: Yeah, but you get cuddles.

Avani: Okay, then.

She is so adorable. My first period was English. I got in the classroom, and I sat next to Jaden, like usual.

Layla: Hey.

He just looked at me and he looked back slowly.

Jaden: Hey, Quinton!

Quinton: Yeah?

Jaden: You wanna sit here?

Quinton: Sure.

He wanted to get off the seat, but I grabbed his hand.

Layla: What are you doing?

Jaden: I'm giving you space. Just like you said.

I really hate him right now.

Layla: I didn't mean it like that!

Jaden: Like what then?

I stayed silent. He got on Quinton's seat.

Quinton: Hey Layla.

Layla: Yeah, hey.

This period was boring. Quinton talked about himself whole time.

Quinton: Do we have a chance to get back together? I missed you.

Layla: No. You really expect me to get back with you after everything?

I left classroom. I went to our lockers. I put my English book in my locker, and I slammed my locker door.

Addison: What's up with you?

Anthony: Don't tell me you didn't get the role!

Layla: No! It's not that. It's about Jaden. Since I told him we still need space yesterday, he was so cold to me. I usually sit with him when it's English. But not anymore! He switched seats with QUINTON, and he told me "I'm giving you space. Just like you said". Ugh!

Addison: You guys are so confusing.

Bryce: Wait, with Quinton?!

Layla: You are not helping. I just want nice Jaden back.

Then Avani came all happy.

Avani: Y'all guess what?

Bryce: You got 100 dollars?

Avani: No, it's better.

Bryce: 200?

Avani: Oh my God, no. Layla, Vinnie and I got the roles!

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now