Part 34

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I woke up because my phone was buzzing. It's message from Jaden.

Good morning :)

Good morning to you too.

Wanna tell them this morning or later?

Maybe when we get home?


I feel like we shouldn't tell them. I know what happened last time Bryce found out.


Bryce's POV

I got back from Addison's house, and mom told me that Layla is probably home. Jaden is there, with Blake probably. I got in Layla's house. I wanted to say hi, but just then I saw Layla and Jaden kissing. They stopped and they looked at me. I didn't know if I was about to cry or about to beat up Jaden.

Layla: Oh, Bryce?! What are you doing here?

She was surprised, I could tell.

Bryce: I'm probably disturbing, am I? Don't worry, I will just leave.

I was broken inside, but I stayed strong. I left her house, and she followed me.

Layla: Bryce, please! I can explain. Bryce?

I turned around to see her crying. It hurted. She means a lot to me.

Bryce: What?

Layla: I was gonna tell you, but-

She couldn't speak normally.

Bryce: You already fucked each other didn't you?

She stayed quiet and she looked down. I could see her tears dropping on the ground.

Bryce: I can't believe this!

I got on the street and I got on the other side of that street. She followed me, and she got in the middle of the street. She couldn't breath. She tryed to tell me something, but I couldn't understand. Jaden got out of the house.

Jaden: Layla, watch out!

We ran to her but it was too late. Car was going so fast. Driver just stopped when car hit her. She was pushed on the floor hard.

End of the flashback

I shook my head. I went in the bathroom, and I brushed my teeth. I got out and I dressed up for school. I got downstairs, and I saw Blake on his phone.

Layla: Hey.

Blake: Hey. You don't look happy. What's wrong?

Layla: I am happy and nothing is wrong. But, can you be here when we get back? Jaden and Bryce will be here too. We will just h-hang out.

Blake: Sure.

We got out of the house. Jaden and Bryce were waiting for us.

Bryce: There you are.

Blake: Sorry for waiting.

Jaden shoot me a smile, and I faked a smile. He looked at me worried. I shook my head, reassuring him everything's fine. We got in the car, and Jaden drove us to school. I got out first, not wanting Jaden to ask me questions about earlier. He called my name. I turned around.

Layla: Jaden, I'm fine. Everything is fine. I was just tired, that's all.

Jaden: You are lying.

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now