Part 23

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He played with my hair. My head was buried in his chest. His hands moved down to my butt. I sat up on his lap.

Layla: Jaden, no.

He sat up too.

Jaden: Why not? You are mine.

I smiled. He kissed me. I kissed back.

Layla: I know you want to get me back for kissing your neck.

He smirked.

Jaden: You mean this?

He pulled me closer, and he started kissing my neck. He found my sweet spot, and I quietly moaned in his ear.

Layla: Jaden, my parents are home. My brother and best friend too.

Jaden: They were home when you kissed my neck too.

He pulled out from my neck.

Layla: You are right.

He smirked and he wrapped my arms around his neck. He put his hands around my waist. He kissed me. We started to make out. We were making out few minutes, and then I pulled out.

Layla: Wanna play basketball now?

Jaden: Sure. You ready to lose?

Layla: No, I'm actually ready to win.

He laughed sarcasticly.

Layla: Let me get ready.

I stood up and I went over to my closet. I choosed a sport bra and leggings.

Jaden: You can't wear that.

Layla: Why not?

Jaden: It will take my attention away from the game.

Layla: You mean like last time?

I smirked. He blushed a bit.

Jaden: I was not- No, I didn't- I, uhm...

Layla: You are very good liar to others, but you can't lie to me.

I opened the door of the bathroom.

Jaden: Uhm, Layla?

Layla: Yeah?

I turned around to look at him. He looked down at his sweatpants. You could see the red spot on them. I got in the bathroom and I slammed the door. I was so embarrassed. I sat down and I leaned my back on the door. I got my freaking period. He knocked on the door.

Jaden: Layla, it's okay. It's a normal thing.

Layla: I'm so sorry Jaden. I am so embarrassed right now.

Jaden: Don't be. You couldn't know.

I stood up and I opened the door. I hugged him and he hugged me back.

Layla: I love you Jaden.

Jaden: I love you more.

I giggled. We pulled out from the hug.

Layla: I will just clean myself up, and I will give you another pair of sweatpants.

He nodded. I closed the door, and I cleaned myself. I dressed up in clean clothes. I finished everything that I had to and I got out of the bathroom. I got to my closet and I took one pair of sweatpants that were actually his. I throwed them to him and he catched them.

Jaden: I looked for these everywhere!

Layla: Well, you didn't look in my closet. So, you didn't look everywhere.

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now