Part 9

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Back to Layla's POV

Next day

I woke up by smell of pancakes. I saw pancakes on my desk. I knew it was Blake. I checked the time and it was almost 11am. I jumped from the bed, brushed my teeth, tied my hair up, and I started eating pancakes. Blake got in my room.

Blake: I forgot the juice.

Layla: Thanks bro!

He left the juice next to the plate with pancakes.

Blake: Wait, you are awake? Are you okay? It's only 11am, that's too early for you! You usually wake up at like 1pm on sundays.

Layla: I know. I just wanted to run today, to clear my head of stress, you know?

Better said to clear my head of Jaden and things he said. He catched feelings for Ashley? No way! He could never!

Blake: Yeah, okay.

He left my room. I dressed up in black sweatpants and white crop-top. I looked thru my window, and I saw Bryce awake. He waved to me, and I waved back. I got out of my room and I got downstairs. Jaden and Blake were talking. I stayed behind the wall to hear them.

Jaden: Yeah, I'm breaking the group. I'm breaking the code. I'm breaking everything.

That must be about fuck boys group and code.

Blake: Why? I mean I agree, I don' wanna be fuck boy either, but why?

Jaden: I think I catched feelings for someone. And I want to be in a real relationship with her. Not to just use her, you know?

Blake: Yeah, I want to be in a real relationship too. I'm okay with breaking the code and everything.

Jaden: Awesome, bro! But I don't think Josh would agree with us.

Blake: He will, we just have to find him a girl.

I then got in the kitchen, where they are.

Layla: Find a girl for who?

Jaden: For Blake!

Why he lied? I know it's for Josh! I mean, I don't like Josh, I just said that yesterday in the moment.

Layla: Uhm, I heard it was for Josh, you guys.

Blake: So what with it?

Jaden: She kinda likes Josh.

He rolled his eyes.

Blake: No way!

Layla: Yes way. Well, I'm going to run outside, so bye.

Blake: Bye, sis.

I got out of the house. Someone grabbed my wrist and turned me around. It was Jaden, of course.

Jaden: Wait! You can't date him!

Layla: Who said I will? I just said I like him, that's it. And even if I start dating him, why would you care?

Jaden: Because, you are my best friend's sister, and I know him. Even if he would be in a relationship, he would just use you.

Layla: Like you would do something different to Ashley.

I got my hand out of his grip, and I started running. I just wanted to clear my head of everything.

Jaden's POV

I can't believe it. I really catched feelings for the first time in my life, and she likes someone else. She is even mad at me now. I can't decide the person that she should date! I'm so stupid, what was I thinking? Of course she wouldn't had crush on me whole her life! She moved on. I just can't. Life is not fair! I should maybe move on too. I should date that girl Ashley. I will see her tomorrow in school probably, and I will ask her out. But first I have to call Josh to tell him about breaking the code and the group. I called the Josh:

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now