Part 27

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I woke up feeling better. I don't feel sad or anything anymore. I'm glad that Jaden and I talked yesterday. But I feel guilty because I didn't kiss him. I mean I wanted to, but he broke up with me week ago, and he expects me to kiss him? It just doesn't feel right. It's also first day of school. So I got up to get ready. I got in the bathroom first. I brushed my teeth, and I got out. I dressed up in jeans and a hoodie. Nothing special. I got downstairs to eat something. Mom made us breakfast and I started eating.

Mom: Are you okay? What happened yesterday?

Layla: I'm okay. Jaden and I talked, we are good now.

Mom: But you aren't back together?

Layla: Yeah. We are friends for now.

Mom nodded. Blake got downstairs and he ate breakfast, too. We said 'bye' to our parents and we got out of the house. Bryce and Jaden were already there.

Bryce: Should we go?

Layla: Yes, probably.

Bryce: Blake, come in the back.

Bryce said already being in the back of a car.

Layla: Wait, what? I thought we would sit together in the back.

Blake: Looks like you have to sit in the passenger seat. With Jaden.

They smiled. I looked at Jaden, and he was already looking at me.

Layla: Okay.

I sat in the passenger seat and Jaden sat in the driver's seat. He started driving. I looked at him few times, but he was focused on the road. I looked over to the window, until we got to school. We got out of the car, and got in the school. Bryce and I met with our best friends.

Addison: Hey guys!

Bryce: Hey.

They kissed, and she blushed. I'm honestly jealous of their relationship.

Avani: Lay, are you excited for a first day of school, after our winter break?

Layla: Not really. I mean it's just a school, who would be excited?

I walked away to my first period.

Avani's POV

Anthony: She did NOT just say that!

Noah: Is Layla broken or something?

Bryce: Well, kinda.

Avani: What?! What happened?

Bryce sighed.

Bryce: Jaden broke up with her more than a week ago. It's pretty complicated.

Addison: Wait, I expected her to broke up with him.

She said that confused.

Bryce: We all did.

Back to Layla's POV

I was walking and looking down, when I bumped into someone.

??????: Oh, sorry.

Layla: You should be.

I pressed my lips together, because I felt instant regret.

Layla: Sorry, I'm just having a bad day.

Or like bad week. He smiled.

??????: Honestly, same. I'm new here, and I can't find Physics classroom.

Layla: Oh, my first period is right there, I can show you.

??????: Thank you.

We walked to the classroom.

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now