Part 38

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Our practise finished, and I ran to cafeteria on the break. I sat with my friends and I waited for Jaden to show up.

Layla: Did you guys see Jaden anywhere?

Bryce: No, why?

Layla: I just found out that he got scholarship for fricking Harvard, and he didn't tell me!

Bryce: But he got it yesterday.

He covered his mouth with his hand fast.

Layla: You knew?!

I got up from my seat.

Bryce: Yeah, I heard him talking to our parents about it, so I asked him about it, and he said he just got it.

Layla: Really great!

I sat back down.

Noah: But why are you so furiously mad at him?

Layla: Because of many things, Noah! He was with me yesterday, and he lied to me when I asked him why was he in the principal's office. He had that whole day to tell me, but he didn't. And he is going away now, and I'm losing him, again.

Addison: Woah, woah, woah, girl! You are not losing him, it's not that deep, L. You will be fine, just calm down. You are just overthinking right now.

Layla: I can't calm down! He would live there for few years, Addison, how am I not losing him?!

I started crying.

Vinnie hugged me from the side. Him and Avani just got here.

Avani: Is it about the scholarship?

Anthony: Yes.

Avani nodded. She hugged me and didn't say anything. I wiped away my tears and I stopped crying.

Layla: And now, I just look awful.

Vinnie: No, you don't.

Avani: You are beautiful, girliee.

Layla: That's really sweet of you.

Jaden came here with my brother.

Jaden: Hey, Layla can I talk to you for a minute?

I got up and we stood a little bit further from our table.

Jaden: I wanted to tell you this, since like forever-

He cut himself off.

Jaden: Were you crying, b?

Layla: No. Just say what you have to.

Jaden: Baby, I can see that you have been crying, why are you lying to me?

He put his hands on my cheeks.

Layla: You mean like you lied to me about that scholarship for Harvard? I don't think that's the same.

I grabbed his arms and I got them off my face.

Jaden: When did you find out? And how?

Layla: Really? That's the thing you are gonna say right now?

I crossed my arms.

Jaden: I really wanted to tell you yesterday right away. And I tryed to tell you few times today. I really didn't wanna be the one who breaks your pure happiness.

Layla: But you were the reason why I was so happy, and you didn't wanna be that one person who will stop my happiness, but guess what? You are that one person.

I got all my stuff.

Layla: Have fun in Harvard.

I left cafeteria. I went to my locker to change books. I went on the last period. Math. Noah came few minutes after and he sat next to me.

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