Part 35

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We laughed.

Jaden: Wanna play some games?

Blake: Sure.

Layla: Wait. So you guys really have nothing to say? Like "this is so wrong", or "you two can't date again", or something like that.

Bryce and Blake looked at each other.

Both: No, not really.

Jaden: See? It wasn't so hard.

He kissed my forehead.

Bryce: Maybe we're okay with this, but I don't still approve kissing in front of me.

Blake: Me neither.

Layla: Okay then. Bryce. Addison and you can't kiss in front of Jaden and me. And Blake, you can't do that either with Amelie.

Bryce: But I can kiss her in front of you if I want to.

Jaden: I can kiss Layla in front of you both if I want to.

Bryce: Ugh, okay.

I looked at Blake.

Blake: Still no from me. Amelie and I didn't even have our first kiss.

Layla: Okay. That's fair then. But, when it actually happens-

Blake: Still no.

He cut me off.

We argued half an hour, and then we just all shut up. It was silent for few minutes.

Jaden: Still down for that game?

Bryce: Yup.

We played some games on PS. I won the first round.

Layla: You suck suckers!

Jaden: Layla.

Layla: Yes?

Jaden: You're too competitive.

Blake: Uh-hum.

Bryce: You just called your brother, your best friend and your boyfriend suckers.

Layla: You all are such babies. Are you gonna cry?

Jaden: Oh, you're so on!

We played few more rounds. I won the most of them.

Layla: Yes! Who wanna play again?

Bryce: I'm out.

Blake: Me too.

Layla: What about you, jerk?

Jaden: I'm out too, angel.

Layla: Why?

I whined.

Jaden: Who's the baby now?

I pouted.

Jaden: Definitely you.

He kissed my cheek.

Bryce: I really have to go now. I have to meet up with Addison.

Blake: Yeah, I have to meet up with Amelie, too.

Layla: Wait, like a date?

Blake: Kind of. We actually have double date with Bryce and Addison.

Layla: I'm so happy for you.

I hugged him.

Blake: Thanks. Bye.

Jaden: Bye.

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now