Part 44

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When we got home, our parents were gone. They left for the business trip. Jaden kissed me.

Jaden: I had such a great time tonight, all thanks to you, my love.

Layla: I could say the same for you. I love you, baby. Goodnight.

Jaden: Goodnight, baby. Sweet dreams. I love you more.

He kissed me again. With so much passion. We started making out. Our brothers just talking to each other and looking at us. Then they left. He hugged me so tightly. I hugged him tightly too.

Jaden: Don't forget me, baby. Ever.

It looked like he had tears in his eyes. He is such a baby in our relationship.

Layla: How can you say that?! Of course I won't. We see each other every day, baby.

Jaden: Okay. I love you so much, you have no idea.

Layla: I love you so much too, baby.

We kissed again, and we left our ways. I felt like he watched me get in my house. Then he got in too. I dressed up and took my make up off. I smelled Jaden's roses. I felt so happy. I got in my bed. I texted my parents that we got home. I fell asleep.

Next morning

Jaden's POV

I woke up at 6am to get ready. I brushed my teeth, and I dressed up. I got downstairs with my suitcase. My family was there, waiting for me.

Dad: This day has really came. My son has so grown.

Stepmom: He really has.

Bryce: Are you ready, bro?

Jaden: I am. Let's go.

We got in the car. We talked until we got to the airport.

Stepmom: Keep in touch, honey. Every day at least twice.

Jaden: Mom.

Stepmom: Okay, once a day. Call us every day.

Jaden: I will.

Bryce: Did you tell Layla?

Jaden: I didn't. I just couldn't. Please give her this letter as soon as you see her.

I gave him the letter I wrote few days earlier.

Bryce: I will. Don't worry.

Jaden: Thank you.

Bryce: I just knew that you had no balls to tell her. She looked so happy these past few days. Leaving like this is gonna crush her.

Jaden: I know, but I have hope that it doesn't. I wanted to leave like this, because it's easier. For both of us. If I told her earlier, she would have been crushed at the prom. I didn't want that. I know how much it means to her.

Bryce: I know. But she would have supported you, understand you. She always does. And EVERYBODY else knows EXCEPT her?

I just nodded, bitting my lip in guilt.

Bryce: Wow, bro.

It was silent for few minutes, and we got to the airport. We had to wait for all the security stuff to finish. We sat and waited. We continued talking. After two hours, my flight was called in. I hugged everybody. Bryce was last.

Jaden: Do you think if we will see each other again and end up together in the end?

Bryce: Yes, I'm 100% sure in that. You guys are soulmates, and you will end up together.

Jaden: I know that. I just felt more relieved when I heard you say it.

He smiled. We hugged again.

Jaden: I'm late, see you soon.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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