Part 18

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After 1 month

We just finished last day at school and we have 4 weeks of winter break. Mom and dad are coming back tomorrow and I'm so excited to see them. And yes, Jaden and I broke up. Just kidding, we are still together. I think that I fell for him. So hard. Blake is on the stadion, and Bryce is at Addison's. I texted Jaden.

Hey bby! Are you busy?

Hey angel! I'm not busy, why?

Can you come here?

I'm coming!

He didn't even ask why. I never said 'I love you' back, and I kinda feel bad, because I think I love him. I soon heard knocking. I went downstairs and I opened it.

Jaden: Hey.

Layla: Hey.

We kissed. We literally saw each other hour ago.

Jaden: Why did you ask me to come?

Layla: To watch a movie? I felt lonely.

He nodded. We made popcorn and we sat on the couch in living room. He put his arm around my shoulders and I layed my head on his shoulder. We started watching a movie. After like one hour nasty scene came up. I think that I got horny. I was moving all the time.

Jaden: Are you okay?

I nodded. I clenched my thighs. Jaden noticed that. He put his hand on my thigh, I moaned softly with closed mouth.

Jaden: Are you horny?

Layla: Mhm.

Jaden: I can help you with that.

He smirked.

Layla: Yes, please.

Jaden: Your room?

I nodded. He picked me up and he went in my room. He locked the door. He placed me on my bed. He took off my sweats and my t-shirt. He took off his t-shirt and jeans. I was just in my bra and underwear, and he was in his boxers.


He licked his lips and he kissed my neck. I arched my back, and he took off my bra. He throwed it somewhere. He then started kissing between my b00bs. He left few hickeys there, and he kissed my body down to my underwear. He took off my underwear slowly, and he kissed my inner thighs, leaving wet marks. I bitted my lip, holding moans in.

Jaden: Don't hold them in, angel. I wanna hear them.

He smirked. He got his tongue in my entrance, and I moaned. He got it out, and he went to his stuff. He pulled out a condom.

Jaden: You sure you wanna do this?

Layla: Yes.

He nodded. He got back on the bed, and he took off his boxers. He put on a condom. He kissed me, and then I felt him in my entrance. I moaned in the kiss, which turned out in make out. He goes faster, and I literally scream, so I pulled out from make out.

Layla: I'm c-close!

I said that between moans.

Jaden: Hold it!

We soon came at the same time. He pulled out and throwed condom in the trash.

Layla: Thank you for helping me out.

I smirked.

Jaden: You're welcome. It will be better next time. This was just few minutes.

He smirked back. He kissed me and we dressed up back in our clothes. We cleaned up my bed. We went downstairs, back in the living room. We sat on the couch and we cuddled. My head was on his chest and he side-hugged me. I was so happy at the moment. He makes my day so bright. I decided to tell him l-word.

Layla: Jaden?

Jaden: Yeah, angel?

He made eye contact.

Layla: I love you.

His smile was never bigger before. He made me smile.

Jaden: I love you too.

He kissed me slowly. Just then, someone came in. We pulled out. Oh, no it's Bryce.

Bryce's POV

I got back from Addison's house, and mom told me that Layla is probably home. Jaden is there, with Blake probably. I got in Layla's house. I wanted to say hi, but just then I saw Layla and Jaden kissing. They stopped and they looked at me. I didn't know if I was about to cry or about to beat up Jaden.

Layla: Oh, Bryce?! What are you doing here?

She was surprised, I could tell.

Bryce: I'm probably disturbing, am I? Don't worry, I will just leave.

I was broken inside, but I stayed strong. I left her house, and she followed me.

Layla: Bryce, please! I can explain. Bryce?

I turned around to see her crying. It hurted. She means a lot to me.

Bryce: What?

Layla: I was gonna tell you, but-

She couldn't speak normally.

Bryce: You already fucked each other didn't you?

She stayed quiet and she looked down. I could see her tears dropping on the ground.

Bryce: I can't believe this!

I got on the street and I got on the other side of that street. She followed me, and she got in the middle of the street. She couldn't breath. She tryed to tell me something, but I couldn't understand. Jaden got out of the house.

Jaden: Layla, watch out!

We ran to her but it was too late. Car was going so fast. Driver just stopped when car hit her. She was pushed on the floor hard. Jaden and I were crying.

Jaden: No!

We got to her. We tryed to wake her up.

Jaden: Layla, baby wake up! Please!

Bryce: Lay, wake up! Wake up!

We shook her.

Jaden: She has pulse, she is alive.

Bryce: Great!

Jaden: Go call ambulance, I will get her off the street.

I nodded. At this point, I didn't care if I hate Jaden or not. I just want my best friend to be okay. I got off the street and I called ambulance. Jaden got her inside the house on the couch.

Bryce: She will be okay, right?

Jaden: I hope so.

Her face was red and wet. Her hand was bleeding. I feel guilty. I'm the reason why she got on that street.

Bryce: This is all my fault.

He looked at me.

Jaden: Don't blame yourself.

He put his hand on my shoulder. Just then Blake got in the house, running.

Blake: Why is ambulance outside? What happened to my sister?!

Jaden: We will tell you in ambulance, just go!

Jaden picked up Layla, and he gave her to the people from ambulance. They placed her on the bed and they told us to follow them with another car. We got in Jaden's car and he followed ambulance.

A/N: Hi girls!

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now