Part 31

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I got downstairs, and Blake saw me.

Blake: Woah! Woah! Woah!

He said that fast.

Blake: Where are you going?

Layla: On a party.

Blake: Like that?

Layla: Yes. Is there a problem?

Blake: Uh, yes!

Layla: Okay, then solve it yourself, because I have to go. Bye!

I left the house, and there were my friends. I went in the car, and Anthony drove us to the party.

Avani: Wow girl! You look amazing!

Layla: Thank you, Vani! I love your dress!

We got in the house where the party was. I saw Vinnie, Bryce and Addison already there. Noah, Anthony, Avani and I were the last ones who got on the party.

Bryce: Oh, hey. We didn't see each other very long time.

Avani: True.

Addison: Bryce, you wanna dance?

Bryce: Sure.

They went to dance.

Anthony: Hey Avani, you wanna dance too?

Avani: Of course!

They went to dance too.

Vinnie: So, Layla. I can't believe that your ex was Jaden. So that's the reason why he was so rude when we met.

Layla: Yeah. He is jealous type.

Noah: We can tell.

He pointed to the Jaden, who was death-staring Vinnie.

Layla: I don't care. I came here to have fun. And I can't say no to free drinks.

Noah: Is that Layla Gray saying?

Layla: Yeah.

Noah: Wow. I will need few drinks.

He got to the bar in kitchen.

Vinnie: You wanna dance maybe?

Layla: Why not?

We went to the people who are dancing.

Vinnie: Wow, Jaden is literally undressing you with his eyes.

Layla: Don't look at him. Look at me.

He looked at my eyes.

Layla: Put your hands on my waist. And dance with me.

He did what I said. We danced. When song finished, I asked Vinnie:

Layla: Wanna have a drink?

Vinnie: Sure.

We got to the bar. I got us two beers.

Layla: Here you go.

Vinnie: Thanks.

After few beers, I felt kinda tipsy.

Vinnie: You alright?

Layla: Yeah. I just feel the heat in my chest.

Vinnie: Few more drinks and you are gonna be drunk, girl.

I took few shots of every alcoholic drink here.

Vinnie: Woah. Okay, that's enough.

He took glass from me.

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now