Part 43

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Jaden: I would like to breathe, Layla.

Layla: Oh. Sorry baby.

She pulled out of the hug.

Layla: Spend this day with me.

Jaden: I wouldn't want anything else.

I kissed her forehead. She got up.

Layla: You wanna shower with me really quick?

I jumped up and I followed her in the bathroom as she giggled. We took a shower together. She gave me my clothes to wear.

Jaden: How do you have these?

Layla: I don't know.

Jaden: Layla.

Layla: I didn't steal it from you. I just- When you were here, you would leave shirt or jacket or something. When I was cold you would give it to me.

Jaden: Aww. I love you.

Layla: So you want it back? I can give it to you.

Jaden: No, no. It's okay. It's yours now.

Layla: I don't deserve you, Jaden.

She hugged me almost crying.

Jaden: Don't you dare cry. It's just clothes. I will buy new shirts and stuff.

Layla: It's not just clothes. It's you.

I hugged her back.

Jaden: You know what? I will bring a picnic here. Because you can't go out.

Layla: Stop it with that charm!

She hit me playfully. I laughed and I left to get picnic basket.

Back to Layla's POV

I couldn't get smile off my face. Even if I'm grounded. Jaden soon got back with picnic basket. We had picnic on the floor in the living room. I checked notifications on my phone. Jaden took it away from me.

Layla: What the heck?

Jaden: No phones on picnic.

Layla: Okay.

We spent few hours on that picnic. We had so much fun. We laughed like never. We talked about everything. We talked about our future together. Marriage. Kids. We had our whole lives planned out. It's great to imagine. Then reality hit us. He was so sad.

Layla: Babe, it's okay.

Jaden: Everything will be okay. I know.

Layla: Is there something bothering you?

Jaden: No. I'm fine.

He lied.

Layla: Jaden. You can talk to me.

Jaden: I know. I just have nothing on my mind.

Layla: When you're ready, I'm here.

He hugged me. We talked some more and then he left my house. I cleaned up after us. I might be the luckiest girl in the world. And to even think about how we hated each other. I guess "From Ennemies to Lovers" is our story. I am so happy. And even PROM is tomorrow night. Friday night. Could this get any better?

Then I saw my mom in her pajamas.

Layla: Hey mom! When did you come back home?

Mom: Few hours ago.

Layla: But, how? I didn't see you come in.

I was confused.

Mom: Your father and I saw you two lovebirds on the floor, laughing and talking. We didn't want to interrupt you. You both looked so happy. You reminded me of your dad and I when we were teenagers. I am very happy for you.

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now