Part 24

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Few hours later

Layla: What am I going to wear?

Avani: Dress?

Layla: Nahh.

Avani: Well, you asked me! I just answered.

Layla: Woah, Vani. Are you on your period?

Avani: Yes.

She smiled. I just giggled at her and I turned around to my closet again. You are probably confused right now. You are probably thinking, where is Jaden?, when Avani came? and that stuff. Well Jaden and I talked some more time, we shared a few kisses, and I swear they were just kisses nothing more! After that I took a shower, and I called Avani over. She got ready for the party and she got to my house. Right now, she is helping me to choose what am I going to wear. After hour, I found what would I wear.

Layla: Found it!

Avani: Finally!

I chuckled. I showed her the dress.

Avani: Lay?

Layla: Yeah, Vani?

Avani: I'm gonna fucking kill you right now!

Layla: Why?

Avani: You said that you don't want to wear a dress!

Layla: Well, I changed my mind.

I grinned. She just pressed her lips together, making them disappear. I could see the anger on her face.

Layla: Calm down. It's not a big deal.


Layla: But on the other side, I will let you borrow it!

Avani: Okay then. But, I'm waiting for you in the car.

I laughed a bit.

Layla: Okay.

I dressed up in this dress, after she left my room:

I put on my air forces 1, I just brushed my hair, and I brought silver purse with me

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I put on my air forces 1, I just brushed my hair, and I brought silver purse with me. I left my house. I saw Jaden and Blake standing next to Blake's car. They were talking, obviously.

Layla: Let's go boys! I'm ready!

Avani yelled from the back of the car "FINALLY". We laughed. Jaden kissed my cheek, and he whispered "Isn't that dress too short?". I got to his ear and I whispered "Isn't that shirt too unbuttoned?", I smirked and I got in the back with Avani. I saw him shaking his head, while smiling.

We got to the party. I saw Tayler and he came to me.

Tayler: Heyy, Layla! We didn't see each other long time.

Layla: Yeah, I know.

We hugged.

Tayler: You look beautiful!

Layla: Thank you! You don't look so bad either.

Tayler: I heard that you was in coma. Is that true?

Layla: Yes, it is. But, I'm okay now.

We talked some more time, and then started REAL party. Music was so loud, people were dancing and kissing. I sat down beside Avani, and we started talking. Well, yelling actually.

Avani: You having fun?

She yelled over loud music.

Layla: Yeah.

Avani: Just don't drink anything, and we will be fine!

I laughed at her. Just then I felt hand on my thigh. I wanted to push it off, but I turned to my right side and I saw Jaden. He was literally undressing me with his eyes.

Layla: Pervert!

He chuckled.

Jaden: Do you wanna dance?

He yelled.

Layla: Why not?

I yelled back. He got up and he put his hand for me to take it. I took it and we went over where people were dancing. We started dancing, and he got behind me. He holded my waist. After few minutes we got tired and I sat back on the couch.

Avani: I brought you a drink.

Layla: Thanks, Vani.

I took a drink from her and I drank it.

Avani: Just don't dri-

Layla: Alcohol, yeah I know.

I rolled my eyes. She laughed. I went over where drinks were, and I took one more soda. After that one, I had to go to the bathroom. I asked Tayler: "Where is the closest bathroom?". He said: "Upstairs, next to my room." I nodded and I went upstairs. I got into his room, and I opened the bathroom. I saw Jackson in there and I jumped lightly.

Layla: You scared me, Jack.

Music wasn't so loud here.

Jackson: Well, you can use the bathroom now, I was just checking myself out anyways.

He looked me up and down and he got out. I closed the door and I did what I had to. I washed my hands, and I got out. Jackson was still there.

Layla: Hey, uhm, are you okay?

Jackson: Yeah, I just got something in my eyes.

Layla: Oh, let me see it.

I got to him, and I checked his eyes.

Layla: There is nothing in your eyes.

Just then, door opened. Jackson saw the person who was on the door and he kissed me. Someone slammed the door and got out, and I pushed myself from the kiss.

Layla: Oh my God! Jackson! Why?!

Jackson: I don't know, okay! It was just in the moment. I'm sorry.

Layla: Don't talk to me!

I got out of the room. Tears were streaming down my face. What if the person who saw us was Jaden? I can't believe that I just cheated on him. I hate myself right now. I got downstairs. I wiped my tears away. I got to Blake.

Layla: Can we go home? I don't feel good.

Blake: Of course, let me just get Jaden. You find Avani.

I nodded. I found her after few minutes.

Layla: Avani, I wanna go home. I'm just not okay.

Avani: Lay? You cried?

I can't lie to her now. I just looked down. She hugged me.

Avani: Let's go.

We got out of the house. Soon Blake and Jaden came too. I couldn't even look at Jaden. I feel so guilty. We all got in the car. Blake drove Avani to her house, and then he drove us to our houses. We got out of the car.

Layla: Can we talk? Like tomorrow?

Jaden: Yeah, of course.

We hugged. Blake and I got inside of my house.

Mom: Wow kids, you got here faster than I expected. Wait, where is Jackson?

Layla: I really don't care.

I rolled my eyes and I got upstairs to my room. I heard them talking downstairs. I dressed up and I just layed on my bed. I just cryed until I fell asleep.

A/N: Hi girls!

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now