Part 14

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Layla: Blake, calm down.

Jaden: She just had something in her eyes, and I was trying to get it out. What else could be going on?

Jaden is such a good liar. I would believe him if I was Blake.

Blake: And why she had something in her eyes?

Jaden: I hitted her with pillow, and something got in her eyes.

Blake nodded lightly.

Blake: Mom is calling us down to eat, so hurry up.

I looked at Jaden, he winked at me, and we all went downstairs. We ate food, and we played truth or dare in my room.

Bryce: Okay, I will go first. Uhmm, Blake.

Blake: Truth.

Bryce: Do you like that new girl, Amelie?

Blake: Uhm, yeah. She is pretty cute.

He blushed.

Layla: Ooh, my brother is simping over Amelie.

Blake: Okay, okay. Jaden. Choose.

Jaden: Truth.

Blake: Have you ever liked someone for real?

Jaden: Uhm, no.

I looked away. That hurts. So, he don't like me? He never liked me? Was he lying all the time? Jaden broke my thoughts.

Jaden: Layla? You okay?

Layla: Yeah, yeah. I will choose truth, too.

I didn't make eye contact with him at all.

Jaden: Do you like someone right now?

I shook my head, looking down.

Layla: No wait, I actually like someone.

I could feel that his face lit up.

Layla: But, he doesn't like me back.

I finally made eye contact with Jaden. His smile faded away.

Bryce: Well, now you know how I felt.

He chuckled.

Layla: It's okay. I will move on.

I faked a smile.

Bryce's mom: Bryce, Jaden we have to go! Say bye and go down!

Bryce's mom yelled. We all got up and they said bye to us:

Bryce: Well, uhm, bye Lay and Blake. We will see you soon?

Layla: For sure.

We hugged.

Jaden: Bye Blake.

They gave bro-hug to each other.

Jaden: Bye Layla.

Layla: Yeah, bye.

I crossed my arms. They got out of my room and Blake and I went downstairs to say bye to their parents. They left the house, Blake and me helped mom and dad with dishes and everything. We said bye to our parents, because they are leaving tomorrow. Blake and I went to my room. We sat on my bed.

Blake: Are you okay? You look sad.

Layla: I'm okay.

Blake: You promise?

Layla: I promise.

Blake: Give me your hug.

He loves my hugs. I gave him a hug.

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now