Part 3

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Avani, Anthony, Addison, and Noah were at Avani's locker. Looks like she really needed help about homework. I got to them.

Layla: Sorry about earlier guys.

Avani: Well, it was weird.

Addison: Definitely!

Noah: You hate that guy. Why would you date him?

Anthony: Yeah, it doesn't make sense at all.

Layla: Uhm... I just found out loving is somehow same as hating?

I said that unsure. I would really like to tell them what's going on.

Avani: Uhm, okay. I guess.

Layla: Where is Bryce? I need to talk to him.

Addison: I think, I know where he is. Wait here!

She ran to the other side of the hall, we didn't see her anymore.

Addison's POV

I saw how Bryce walked or almost ran, all mad this way. I wanted to find him. I saw him and Jaden talking.

Bryce: Are you crazy?!

Jaden: Why would I be crazy?

Bryce: I told you to get your players away from Layla! She is my best friend! I don't want her to be with anyone of you! One of you would use her for sex, and then leave her! You would use her for her body!

Jaden: Yo, me or boys didn't say even one pick up line to her! Don't blame me! And she's not my type, actually.

Bryce: You think that I don't know you at all?! Your type is literally every girl in this school!

Jaden: Don't say that! I don't like the fat ones.

Bryce: Layla isn't fat! And I think Quinton already knows that.

Jaden: Quinton?

Bryce: Yeah, you heard right. Quinton and Layla are 'dating'!

Jaden: Wait, w-what? We don't date girls!

Bryce: Yeah, I know. You just have sex with them and leave them, like I said before. That's why I don't want Layla near my brother or his friends!

He was going in my way. I got in front of him.

Addison: Uhm, Bryce.

Bryce: Yeah, Addison?

Addison: Layla wants to talk with you.

Bryce: Oh no! Her legs are already numb, so she can't walk to me?! That jerk will feel my fist in his fucking body!

Addison: Oh my God, Bryce, No! She just didn't know where you are, and I saw you walk this way.

Bryce: Oh, thank God!

He grabbed my shoulder, and touched his heart (left side of the body). We soon got to the lockers. Layla turned around.

Back to Layla's POV

I turned around to see Bryce and Addison walking to us. I secretly ship them, not gonna lie. He looked down at my legs. I looked at them too, confused. He looked at my eyes, and forced a smile. His smile dropped fast.

Layla: Can we talk?

I said that to Bryce. School bell just rang.

Bryce: Later.

I nodded and looked down. I had english next, so I went to english classroom. I tryed to find free seat, and I found it. Last free seat. It was next to Jaden. Well, his backpack was on that chair, but I got to him and said to move it away.

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now