Part 39

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Next day

I woke up late. I couldn't sleep all night. I brushed my teeth, and I unlocked the door of my room. I got downstairs to eat. Mom and dad hugged me.

Mom: Are you alright, honey?

Layla: No.

Mom: What happened?

Layla: Jaden wants to stay here.

Dad: Why is that a problem? You want that.

Layla: Yeah, but he wants to stay because of me.

Mom: That's so cute.

Layla: No! He won't go to college. Harvard is his dream, like forever.

Dad: Maybe it's not. Anymore.

Mom: You can't make him go if he doesn't want to.

Dad: Mom's right.

Layla: But- He- I- uhm.

Mom: Okay, so they called us over for a diner tonight, so you still have time to think about that, but please don't lock your room again.

Layla: I don't wanna go, mom. I feel so stupid right now.

Dad: Oh, but you will go.

I sighed.

Layla: Why?

Dad: Because they called us all over. Not just your mom and me.

Layla: Ugh, okay.

I finally ate my breakfast and I went upstairs. I tryed to study and to get my mind off Jaden and all that stuff. But I couldn't. I called Avani.

Avani: Hey girl! How are you?

Layla: Not so good, you?

Avani: I'm fine. What's up with you?

Layla: You know how I overreacted about that scholarship thing?

Avani: Uhm, yeah.

Layla: Well, he apologised for that yesterday, and I accepted it-

Avani: That's awesome!

Layla: But, he then told me that he wants to stay here, with me. I felt so selfish and I got mad at him, and now I feel so bad. I didn't want to ruin his sport career, his dream, but he said that I'm his dream now.

Avani: Aww.

Layla: Please don't be like my mom. Am I always the one who sees things differently?

Avani: Sometimes...

We talked for two hours. I then took a bath and I dressed up. I wrote some things I should say to Jaden on a paper, and that's how my trash got full of papers. I didn't like anything I wrote. I just laid down on my bed, looking at the ceiling. Doing what I do best. Overthinking. Blake knocked on the door.

Layla: Come in.

He got in.

Blake: You should start getting ready, we are going in an hour.

Layla: Okay.

I wore black top with black pants, pair of black Vans' and I got downstairs.

Layla: I'm ready.

Dad: Great. Let's go.

We went over to their house, and they let us in. We all went in the dining room and we sat down. Bryce and Jaden got down and they sat with us as well. Jaden looked at me, I could feel it. I just avoid to make eye contact. I feel so stupid and awkward. After we ate, our parents started drinking coffee, and Blake, Bryce, Jaden and I went upstairs, in their room.

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