Part 17

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Next day

Avani woke me up by jumping on my bed.

Layla: Vani, stop!

She giggled. I threw one pillow at her.

Avani: Ouch!

She got off the bed.

Avani: Get upp!

I groaned and I eventually got up from the bed.

Layla: You already dressed up?

Avani: Yeah, I woke up very early. I even made pancakes.

Layla: Wow! Thank you, Vani. That reminds me of my mom.

I looked down, playing with my fingers.

Avani: Aww, you miss your parents?

Layla: Yeah. I am trying not to show that I miss them, because it seems so childish.

Avani: It's okay to miss them. I miss my parents too, sometimes. Come here.

She opened her arms, and I hugged her. We pulled out after few minutes.

Layla: Can we cuddle?

I asked her with puppy eyes.

Avani: Get ready first.

I pouted. I went in my bathroom and I did my morning routine. I got out and I dressed up in something casual. Like mom jeans, and hoodie.

Layla: Can we cuddle now?

Avani: Of course!

We layed on my bed and we started cuddling. Jaden got in my room.

Jaden: Good morning, angel... and Avani?

Layla: Hey jerk!

I giggled.

Jaden: What are you doing under my girlfriend?

He asked Avani.

Avani: We are cuddling.

She giggled.

Jaden: Well, you are on my place.

He crossed his arms. I smiled at his jealousy face.

Avani: I thought you were a bad boy who doesn't have feelings.

Layla: He has bigger feelings than anyone. He even started all of this. He said 'I love you' first, and-

Jaden: Okay, that's enough.

He cut me off. Avani and I laughed. I kissed Jaden and he didn't kiss me back.

Layla: You are not gonna kiss me?

He looked away from me.

Layla: Okay then. I'm pretty sure Vani will continue to cuddle with me.

She nodded. I wanted to go to Avani, when Jaden pulled my wrist and turned me around. He grabbed my neck and he kissed me so passionately. I got butterflies in my stomach. When he pulled out, I was speechless. I just blushed.

Avani: Okay, that kiss was so hot! I will have to do that with Anthony.

We laughed.

Jaden: Let's go. We are gonna be late.

Layla: From when do you care about being late?

Jaden: I care about you. You are gonna be late.

Avani: Aww! I didn't expect you two to be so cute.

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now