Part 7

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Back to Layla's POV

We finished watching a movie and I was the most scared one. They literally laughed at me the whole time.

Jaden: I thought this was horror movie, not comedy!

They all laughed, not including me.

Layla: Okay then. You can continue watching those movies without me!

Bryce: No, Layla!

I crossed my arms and left. I went to my room upstairs. Bryce followed me. I layed down on my bed.

Bryce: You know we were just kidding, right?

Layla: I don't know. You all get on my nerves sometimes.

Bryce: Okay I know that about Jaden and Blake, but me?!

He sat next to me.

Layla: I really need to be more with girls than boys. You guys only talk about chicks, video games, and other disgusting stuff.

Bryce: Well, what do you expect us to talk about? Boys? Make-up? Outfits?

Layla: Okay, no.

I sat up.

Layla: What I'm trying to say is, that I need to hang out with Avani and Addison more. Wait, can I ask you something?

Bryce: Oh, okay. Yeah, sure.

Layla: Do you like someone?

Bryce: Well, yes. Kind of.

Layla: And you didn't tell me?!

Bryce: You didn't tell me for Quinton, so, it's kinda fair.

Layla: You got the point. Now, tell me who is it?

Please be Addison, please be Addison!

Bryce: Well, she is one of my best friends...

Oh my God, Addie is one of the best friends!

Bryce: I won't tell you more.

Layla: I think I know who it is.

Bryce: Who?

He asked nervous.

Layla: Addison!

I said so excited.

Bryce: What?!

Layla: I'm so happy for you both! I always shipped you two!

I hugged him tight.

Bryce: Lay?

Layla: Yeah?

I was still hugging him.

Bryce: It's not Addie.

I pulled away. What?!

Layla: What?!

Bryce: I don't have a crush on her.

Bryce don't have crush on Addison? So that means he likes Avani! Wait, no Avani has a boyfriend. So that means he likes... Uhm he likes... Me?!

Layla: Wait, what, but- I- but it can't be!

Bryce: Yes, Lay. I like you.

Layla: How long?

Bryce: Like 7 years?

Layla: 7 YEARS?! 7 FUCKING YEARS?!! How, just how? I shipped you and Addison. I have so many questions right now.

I jumped from a bed, so I was standing.

Bryce: I know. I was just shy to tell you that, I guess.

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now