Part 28

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Next day

My dad woke me up.

Dad: Good morning Lay, you have school so get up.

Layla: Five more minutes.

Dad: You will be late. You have half hour to get ready.

Layla: Ugh, okay.

I got up, and my dad left my room. I got in my bathroom and I did everything I had to. I got out and I picked an outfit for today.

And I actually don't care if I get dress coded

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And I actually don't care if I get dress coded. Okay, maybe a little bit. Whatever. I packed my backpack. I got downstairs, and I ate my breakfast. I got out of the house. I saw Bryce and Jaden already there.

Layla: I'm not talking to both of you, so don't try to say 'hi'.

Jaden: Why? What did I do?

Layla: You were rude to the new student. Vinnie.

Jaden: Of course I'll be rude around every boy near you.

Layla: You are doing it again. You act like my brother.

Bryce: Lay, I'm sorry.

I just looked at him. He knows what he has to do.

Bryce: I'll be right back.

He left, and Blake came.

Blake: Hey Jaden. Hey Lay.

Jaden: Hey.

Blake: What's wrong?

Layla: Nothing. 

Jaden: Everything.

We said that at the same time.

Layla: He is just being protective like you, again. I don't need two brothers.

Blake: I don't see a problem.

Layla: Of course YOU don't see a problem.

Blake: Every boyfriend should be protective of his girlfriend if he loves her.

Layla: What boyfriend? I'm single.

Jaden: Ouch.

He put his hand on his heart.

Layla: Well, we are friends for now, remember?

He rolled his eyes.

Layla: You know, we don't have to be friends either.

Jaden: No!

I laughed.

Blake: Wait, isn't that shirt too short?

I sighed.

Layla: Here we go again.

Then Bryce came back.

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now