Part 8

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What did he just say?! Josh and I looked at him suprised and confused.

Josh: And why is that so?

Jaden: Bruh, she is Blake's little sister. You can't sleep with her!

Layla: Hey! I'm not little! I'm just year younger than Blake and you all! I'm almost an adult now!

Jaden: Yeah, yeah. Blah, blah, blah.

I could punch his pretty- I mean his face. I could punch his face. I splashed them with water.

Layla: Fuck you both!

I got out of the pool. I went over to Bryce. He was listening to music and tanning. I sat on the sun chair next to him.

Layla: Uhm, hey.

When I saw Bryce I was calm instantly. I felt like I ruined our relationship, so it was a little bit awkward. He didn't even look at me this whole time. I needed to ask him about our friendship.

Bryce: Oh, hey Layla.

He never said my name like that. So cold. Like I was a stranger.

Layla: I wanted to know how are you? And I'm really sorry, Bryce I just-

Bryce: I know, I understand. You didn't want to ruin our friendship. I would want the same if I was you.

He understand me so well. He know me so well.

Layla: Can I hug you?

Bryce: No!

Layla: Why?!

Bryce: You are wet!

Layla: But you told me you want wet hug?

Bryce: When I said that?!

I pulled him off the sun chair and hugged him.

Bryce: Oww!

I laughed. He had smirk on his face. He pushed me in the pool, but Jaden was about to jump in it, again, so he pushed me on Jaden. Jaden turned around just in the moment we were about to fall. Then we both fell in the pool. Let's just say, I felt his thing on my butt.

Layla: Bryce!

Jaden: What the fuck dude! Are you crazy?

Layla: We already know the answer.

Jaden gave me high-five. And I felt electricity again. That spark. I looked at Jaden, and he was looking at me too. The same way. Everybody looked at us suprised. Probably because they still don't know we are friends again. Kinda.

Avani: Okay, so we all saw that?

Layla: Saw what?

Addison: You two just, gave high-five to each other?

Noah: I'm confused.

Anthony: Me too.

Avani: Did you all just, acted like you are on good terms?

Addison: Yeah, like Jaden and Layla are actually friends?

Layla: What's so weird and suprisingly?

Jaden: Yeah, we are friends guys.

Layla: Yeah, we actually hated each other without any actual reason all these years.

Bryce: Well, I'm not going to be friends with him in a million years.

Bryce joked and we laughed.

After 4 hours

We all had fun and they all left home. I showered and put on sports bra and leggings. I dryed my hair and I saw Jaden down playing basketball. I don't want to be awkward with him, so I will just forget these ✨sparks✨. I decided to play basketball with him, if he wants of course. I got downstairs, and I got to Jaden. He was on our playground, still playing.

Best Friend's Brother | Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now