Chapter 38 - Blame It On The Alcohol.

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A/N - Hopee You Likee, xoxo


Chloe,Chlo,Janeece,Charlotte and Jess were all going on a night out although Charlotte and Chlo couldn't drink. Because Max was having Aubree so Chloe didn't have to rush back and Eddie was staying over that night with Rachel. As Chloe was getting ready she didn't hear her phone ringing until she heard Aubree holding it "you got my phone?" Aubree grinned and Chloe took the phone seeing a text from Chlo -

*Chlo - I'm on my way, Tom thinks I'm staying with Ben x

*Chloe - eeek! Sorry I didn't answer, Aubs had my phone little madam x

*Chlo - bless her, won't be long x

*Chloe - okay x

Chloe continued getting ready. 5minutes later Chlo arrived "I thought she was going with Mr.Tyler" Chloe grinned "yeah she is, he hasn't come for her yet" Chlo nodded and sat with Aubree on Chloe's bed "what time are the others getting here?" Chloe shrugged Charlotte's coming with Eddie, Janeece and Jess are meeting us there" Chlo nodded. Max arrived so Chloe took Aubree down "Chloe its a school night and you're going out?" Chloe grinned at her mum "don't worry, I won't be drinking much" Rachel glared "Chloe, come on, go the weekend" Chloe rolled her eyes "no, its all been arranged" Rachel sighed and Chloe walked out to Max's car "hi" Max smirked and took Aubree from Chloe.

As soon as Charlotte arrived they all left to go to the club. Arriving they saw Jess and Janeeece "looking good Chloe" Chloe grinned "same goes for you". Entering the club Chloe and Janeece went to get drinks while Jess,Chlo and Charlotte sat down.

After an hour in the club Chloe thought she saw someone "oh my god, look who's just walked in" Charlotte looked up "Mr.Mead?" Chloe grinned "well, now we know what he gets up to after school" Jess laughed "go over to him Chloe" Chloe smirked "come on Charl" Charlotte groaned but followed Chloe over to Chris "well look who we have here" Chris looked "girls what are you doing here?" Chloe smirked "letting our hair down" Chris frowned "its a school night, and she and Chlo are pregnant" Chloe rolled her eyes "they're not drinking, I'm making up for them" Chloe took Charlotte's hand and walked back to the others "what did he say?" Chloe grinned "being miserable, and going on about how we should be tucked up in bed" Jess laughed "wow, hypocrite much?" "I know".

A few hours later Chloe was completly drunk and was struggling to stand "Chloe you okay?" Charlotte noticed she was drowsy "her drinks been spiked" Chlo frowned "where's Mead?" Charlotte shrugged and looked round the club "he's over there" Chlo nodded and walked over to him "Chlo everything alright?" Chlo shook her head "no, Chloe's drink has been spiked" Chris frowned "where is she?" "Over here" Chris followed Chlo over to where Chloe was "right let's get her out of here" Chris and Jess helped Chloe up and took her outside.

Once they got Chloe outside Chris rung the girls a taxi "right get her home" Charlotte nodded "thanks" Chris smiled at her and went back into the club. When the taxi arrived Janeece and Jess helped Chloe up "text us later yeah?" Charlotte nodded "yeah we will".

Arriving back at Rachel's Chloe was barely awake so the girls had to get her into the house. Knocking the door Chloe couldn't stand and Eddie answered the door "what happened?" "Her drink was spiked" Eddie frowned "what?" Eddie took Chloe from Charlotte and Chlo and took her in the house "Rach?" Rachel came out the living room "what happened to her?" Eddie looked at Rachel "according to these her drink was spiked" Rachel gasped "Chloe, Chloe look at me darling, what happened?" Chloe couldn't speak "Eddie get her some water" Eddie went off "er Ben's waiting outside for me, can you let me know how she is?" Rachel nodded "see you Chlo".

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