Chapter 66 - A Complaint Has Been Made.

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A/N - This Chapter Is Dedicated Too MorganByrne09 For The Amazing Idea For This Chapter. Hope You Like xoxo


Things for Chloe were looking up, she was doing well in her lessons and Max had covered for her with the cooking lesson. That morning Chloe woke with high spirits, when she was dressed she made her way to Aubree's room "Aubree wakey wakey" Aubree opened her eyes and smiled "you are seriously beautiful" Aubree giggled "mama" Chloe took her out the cot and took her downstairs "Chloe have you seen Philip?" Chloe rolled her eyes "have you checked Danielle's bed?" Rachel glared "Chloe have you seen him or not?" Chloe shook her head "nope, not since last night".

When Chloe arrived at school she saw that they had arrived the same time as Eddie and Charlotte "morning" Chloe grinned "you're rather cheerful today" Eddie laughed "Easter is coming up Chloe, means chocolate" Rachel rolled her eyes "right, meeting in 15minutes" Eddie nodded as Chloe and Charlotte walked off "so have you spoke to Tom at all?" Charlotte shook her head "no, I'm trying not too, don't wanna give Chlo a reason to not talk too me" Chloe nodded and Charlotte spoke "what about you know who?" Chloe frowned "who's that?" Charlotte rolled her eyes "Max" "oh, what about him?" Charlotte sighed "have you spoken to him?" Chloe nodded "have too don't I? Aubree".

Once Aubree was in the creche, Chloe and Charlotte made their way to Registration "morning girls" Charlotte grinned while Chloe gave a small smile. When registration began Chloe started droning Tom out "Chloe are you here?" Chloe rolled her eyes "clearly otherwise I wouldn't be answering" Tom frowned "Chloe are you okay?" Chloe sighed "I'm fine" Tom nodded and carried on with the register.

After registration Chloe made her way to Science with Charlotte and Chlo "what's up? One minute you're happy the next you're not" Chloe sighed "I'm fine, just feeling crappy lately" Chlo frowned "maybe you should go to the doctor" Chloe shook her head "I'll be alright".

Rachel and Max had just finished the meeting when Joyce walked in "Miss.Mason there's a phonecall from the LEA" Rachel nodded and went to take the phonecall. When she came back in she got her coat and bag "problem?" Rachel sighed "emergancy LEA meeting, I trust I can leave you in charge" Max smirked "course" Rachel nodded "thanks" Max watched as Rachel walked out the office.

Chloe sat in Science but she wasn't paying attention "Chloe can I have a word outside?" Chloe sighed but followed Chris outside "what?" Chris frowned "are you alright?" Chloe nodded "why does everyone keep asking? I'm fine" "I've heard from a few people that when you arrive at school you're all cheerful but when school starts you look down" Chloe rolled her eyes "well its noone's business, in fact everyone can back off" Chloe walked off as Max walked down the corridor "Chloe?" Chloe ignored him and carried on walking.

Max looked at Chris "what happened?" Chris shook his head "I have no idea" Max frowned and walked off trying to find Chloe. Chloe was sitting in the creche with Aubree "you're the only person mummy needs, and she's lost without you" Aubree gave a cheeky grin to Chloe "you always cheer me up with those beautiful smiles", Chloe had no idea that Max was standing behind her "you have a habit of walking out of lessons" Chloe turned to him "well the teacher shouldn't annoy me" Chloe puck Aubree up as she walked over "why walk off anyway?" Chloe shrugged "fed up of everyone asking me if I'm okay, they need too understand that I'm fine".

Chloe had been sent to the cooler for being disruptive but she wasn't in the mood so she decided to get Aubree and go home. When she got there she got changed into a black dress and white cardigan. After a few hours the door knocked "can I help you?" "Chloe Mason?" Chloe nodded "yeah, who are you?" "I'm Patricia Williams, Child Services" Chloe frowned "why you here?" "A complaint has been made" Chloe frowned "about what?" Patrcia looked at Chloe "that you're neglecting your child" Chloe was shocked "neglect? No I'd never do that" "may I come in?" Chloe nodded. Chloe sat on the sofa "who's made this complaint?" "I'm not at liberty to say" Chloe sighed "I'm not neglecting my baby, she's the best thing in my life" Patricia smiled "may I see where Aubree-Leigh sleeps?" Chloe looked at Aubree asleep in her playpen and nodded "follow me" Patricia followed Chloe upstairs "look whoever made this complaint is lying, I'd never do anything to hurt or neglect my baby girl, she's everything too me" Patricia smiled "I can see that she is loved" Chloe smiled "I'd do anything for her".

Once the social worker had done an assesment on the house she looked at Chloe as she got Aubree out "she's very cute" Chloe grinned "yeah, she's my perfect little princess" Patricia smiled "whoever made this complaint has obviously wasted my time, I can see the love you have for your daughter" Chloe smiled "she's amazing, she was the making of me".

Rachel returned home and saw Chloe pacing the living room "Chloe what's wrong?" Chloe looked at her mum "someone rang Child Services on me" Rachel frowned "who?" Chloe shrugged and started thinking "I'll be back in a bit" before Rachel could say anything Chloe stormed out the house.

Max had just returned home when the door knocked, he smiled when he saw Chloe but noticed she looked angry "problem Chloe?" Chloe glared "why did you do it?" Max frowned "do what?" "Call Social Services" "Chloe I didn't" Chloe scoffed "who did then?" "I don't know" Chloe felt her eyes water "why would someone do this?" Max sighed "I don't know, they won't get away with it" Max pulled her into his arms as she cried.


A/N - Hope You Likeed xoxo

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