A/N - Enjoy, Xx
Chloe hadn't spoken to Max since Phillip caught them kissing and she was starting to miss him, she was currently lying in bed when she heard her mum's voice "Chloe you awake?" Chloe sighed "yeah I'm awake" Rachel walked in "come on, time to get ready for school" Chloe frowned "do I have to?" Rachel smiled "I'm afraid so love" Chloe groaned "fine" Rachel watched as Chloe got out of bed "come downstairs soon" Chloe nodded and Rachel left Chloe's room.
Arriving at school Chloe was feeling down and all she wanted to do was climb back into bed "Chloe, didn't you hear us calling you?" Chloe shook her head "no, sorry" Chlo frowned "are you alright?" Chloe nodded "I'm fine" Janeece decided to annoy Chloe "can't believe you're pregnant" Chloe frowned "why mention it?" Janeece looked at Chloe "alright moody" Chloe rolled her eyes and walked off "well done Janeece".
Chloe was walking with tears in her eyes and Max noticed "Chloe?" Chloe looked up through her tear-filled eyes "oh, hi" Max frowned "what's wrong?" Chloe shook her head "nothing" Max knew she was lying "if it was nothing you wouldn't be crying" Chloe walked off leaving him confused as to why she was upset "sir, have you seen Chloe?" Max turned to Chlo "she went that way, why was she crying" Chlo sighed "Janeece, she opened her massive gob about Chloe being pregnant and it upset her" Max nodded "go after her then Chlo" Chlo smiled and walked away after Chloe.
Chlo found Chloe in the bathroom looking at her stomach in the mirror "weird isn't it?" Chloe turned to Chlo "what is?" Chlo smiled "knowing there's something growing in you" Chloe grinned "I can't believe there's gonna be something relying on me" Chlo smiled "I always thought it would be me and Donte having a baby" Chloe grinned "yeah, me too" Chlo sighed "I messed up sleeping with Brett, but I loved Donte to bits" Chloe smiled " been there" Chlo frowned "I'm talking about I got cheated on" "oh" Chloe grinned "I loved him too bits, but I caught him in bed with some slag" Chlo frowned "I'm sorry" Chloe grinned "don't be, he got HIV from her" Chlo laughed "wow karma" "I know" Chlo looked at her watch "we better go, Tom will do his nut if we're late".
During registration Chloe was feeling sick but she wouldn't get fresh air as she was in Tom's lesson until break "Chloe, did you not hear me?" "No, sorry sir" Tom frowned "are you alright?" Chloe shook her head "I have stomach pains" Tom again frowned he along with the rest of the staff had been told about Chloe's pregnancy so they knew not over-work her "go to the nurse" Chloe nodded and left the room.
Max was walking through the corridor when he saw Chloe "Chloe?" Chloe turned to Max and he saw her looking pale "are you alright?" Chloe shook her head "I have stomach pains" Max frowned and walked into Tom's lesson "Tom, I'm taking Chloe to the office where Rachel can see to her" Tom nodded "Chloe come on".
Max took Chloe to the office where Rachel was "Chloe?" "Tom said she was feeling ill" Rachel frowned "do I need to take you home?" Chloe nodded "Max I'm taking her home, I'll be back soon" Max nodded "get well Chloe" Chloe nodded "thanks sir".
When Rachel arrived back at school she was worried about Chloe as she had been having stomach pains but she had promised if the pain was still there then she would take her to the hospital "how is Chloe?" Rachel sighed "she's in pain, if she still is pain when I go home I'm taking her to hospital" Max nodded "well I hope her and the child are okay" Rachel smiled "thanks Max, I need to go speak to Kim" Max nodded "I need to run a personal errand" Rachel watched as Max left the office.
Chloe was sitting on the sofa with a hot water bottle when the doorbell rang, sighing she got up to answer it "look, I aint intrested in buying your stupid.." She stopped when she saw Max which made her frown as she thought he didn't know where she lived "what are you doing here?" Max smirked "I wanted to see how you were, you are afterall pregnant with my child" Chloe rolled her eyes "the pain has gone but I still feel sick" Max nodded and pushed Chloe in the house where he began kissing her passionatley "stop! You can't do that here, my mum could be back any minute" Max sighed and left.
*3days Later*
Chloe had her scan that day and she was finding out the sex of the baby "Chloe, I'm sorry I can't be with you today" Chloe sighed "I'll live" Rachel frowned "why not ask the baby's father? Chloe shook her head "not happening" "why not?" "Because he's not intrested in me or the baby" Rachel nodded "well let me know how you get on" Chloe nodded.
Chloe arrived at the hospital and saw Chlo "Chlo? What you doing here?" Chlo grinned "can't let you find out what you're having and not tell me" Chloe grinned "I was always gonna tell you" Chlo smirked "good". After 20minutes of waiting "Chloe Mason" Chloe and Chlo stood and followed the midwife into the scan room "hello Chloe how are you?" Chloe smiled "I'm okay thanks" the midwife smiled "is this your sister?" "Er no, she's my best friend, my mum couldn't be here" the midwife nodded and began the scan "Chloe, the baby is small but healthy" Chloe nodded "can you tell what it is?" "Yes, its 91% a girl" Chloe grinned "my baby girl" Chlo grinned happy for her friend.
"Can't believe you're having a girl" Chloe grinned "yeah, I know" Chlo smiled "you got a name for her?" "I kinda like Aubree-Skye" "woah, that name is beautiful" Chloe smiled "you think?" Chlo nodded "yeah, she's gonna be well cute".
Arriving at school Chloe noticed Max looking her way "Tyler is looking again" Chloe grinned "must be the bump" Chlo laughed "remember, the girls at John Foster's never got pregnant, must be a first for him" Chloe started laughing "I need to go see my mum" Chlo nodded "I'll meet you in the common room" Chloe smiled and watched as Chlo walked away and Max walked over to her "where have you been?" "Baby scan" Max frowned "why didn't you tell me?" Chloe sighed "oh yeah, how could I have? I've been off school for the last 3days" Max frowned "what did the hospital say?" "Baby is small but healthy and its a girl and her name is gonna be Aubree-Skye" Max nodded as Chloe walked away.
Max had just sent for Phillip "thank you for coming" Phillip nodded "you were very funny earlier" Phillip smiled "thanks sir" "are you doing that in the show?" Phillip shook his head "I'm not doing the show" Max smirked "I need your help" "with what?" Max again smirked "I need your help proving Miss.Haydock's grasp on the French language isn't what its supposed to be" Phillip frowned and Max continued "I can't be in every lesson, so if you could give me a few examples of when Miss.Haydock's performing well and not other times not so well, paticularly the later and what she's like on discipline" Phillip frowned "I can't do that Sir" Max was getting angry "does your entire family lack ambition?" Phillip looked at Max "what?" "You heard me Ryan, the only one who would get somewhere in life is Chloe" Phillip was getting equally as angry so he stood and went to leave the office "I haven't finished with you yet" Max grabbed Phillip and threw him against a filing cabinet as he got up he looked at Max "I hope Chloe keeps that kid away from you" Max smirked.
Chloe was in lesson when a note came "Chloe, you're needed at the office" Chloe groaned but got up to leave. When she got there she saw Max looking angry "what's wrong with you?" Max glared "Phillip tells me he knows that I'm the child's father" Chloe frowned "what did he say to you?" Max smirked "that you're planning on keeping the child away" Chloe shook her head "no I wouldn't do that, its not right keeping a baby from its father" Max nodded "I will do what it takes to be in my child's life" Chloe sighed "I thought you were going to say that, you can be involved but she stays with me".
Arriving home Chloe was annoyed with Phillip "oi come here" Phillip walked up to Chloe "what did you have to say that to him?" Phillip glared "he doesn't derserve that kid" Chloe rolled her eyes "what gives you the right to even think that? He's her dad, just because you haven't got one, doesn't mean you have to ruin it for my baby" Phillip watched as Chloe walked upstairs, he was determined to end Max Tyler's career.
A/N - Next Chapter - Max Found Out.

The Daughter Of Rachel Mason
FanfictionChloe Mason, The Daughter Of Rachel Mason. Fiercely protective of her mum she would do anything for her. What happens when Chloe meets Max Tyler who doesn't hide his hatred for Rachel and what happens when Max manipulates Chloe into sleeping with hi...