A/N - Hope You Like. Xoxo.
Chloe was shocked that Rachel was taking a bunch of Waterloo Road male pupils on a trip too a prison Max was adamant that it would be a disaster. That day Chloe didn't have to get Aubree ready as she stayed with Max the night before "Chloe come on, I'm going on this trip" Chloe rolled her eyes "taking a load of bad boys on a trip to a prison isn't normal" Rachel sighed "Chloe this is an amazing opportunity to help those boys buckle down" Chloe started mumbling "less mumbling please".
Arriving at school Chloe saw Bolton acting stupid "you're gonna need all the help you can get" Rachel rolled her eyes "its gonna be fine" Chloe shrugged "whatever" she walked over to Chlo "morning" Chlo grinned "5months until half term" Chloe groaned "that's too far".
Chloe and Chlo were waiting for Charlotte "where's Aubree?" Chloe smiled "with her father". Chlo nodded and Charlotte walked over to them "running late aren't you?" Charlotte smiled "Eddie took forever" Chloe grinned "I needs my Aubree" Charlotte frowned "where is she?" "She stayed with her daddy" Charlotte smiled "bet you loved that" Chloe shook her head "no I bloody didn't".
After registration Chloe and Charlote had a free lesson so they went to the common room "have you seen Aubree today?" Chloe shook her head "gonna see her at break" Charlotte smiled "I'll come with you" Chloe nodded. While sitting in the common room a note came for Chloe -
*come to the office after break*
Rolling her eyes Chloe continued her work "Chloe I'm bored" Chloe looked up at Charlotte "do something then" Charlotte frowned "like what?" Chloe shrugged "I don't know" Chloe looked at the work she had done and groaned "this takes the biscuit".
Rachel and Max were in the office and Rachel was attempting to get some stuff sorted before she left for the trip "this trip isn't going to work" Rachel rolled her eyes "if it doesn't its because you're wishing it won't" Max smirked "taking Bolton Smilie,Paul Langley,Donte Charles and Finn Sharkey to a prison is bound to fail" Rachel sighed "look Max this is the last chance those boys have to make a change" Max again smirked "Rachel this won't work" Rachel glared "that's where you're wrong Max, it will work" Rachel left the office and Max stood there smirking knowing this trip would fail.
After break Chloe made her way to the office "Mr.Tyler sent for me" Joyce nodded and Chloe walked in "once again you sent for me" Max smirked "thank you for coming" Chloe rolled her eyes as Max shut the door and started kissing her neck "this all you wanted?" Max walked back to the desk "Mrs.Fry has been to see me" Chloe grinned "wow, that is fascinating" Max glared "you're failing to attend that lesson" Chloe rolled her eyes "I really don't need cooking" Max sighed "Chloe, failing too attend means failing the lesson" Chloe rolled her eyes "there's other things I can do with my time than cooking" Chloe went to walk out when Max took her hand "we make a deal" Chloe frowned "what?" "Stay with me and I will sort out the cooking lesson" Chloe was confused "what do you mean when you say 'stay with me'?" Max smiled "one day a week, you stay at my place" Chloe smirked "I can do that" Max then kissed her.
Chloe met with Charlotte and Chlo outside "where you been?" Chloe smiled "I've been in the nurse's office" Chlo nodded but Charlotte whispered in her ear "you were with Mr.Tyler" Chloe sighed "I know I was, we were talking about Aubree" Charlotte smiled "what was the conversation about?" Chloe smiled "just stuff that she did while he had her" Charlotte nodded and hugged Chloe.
Max sat in the office when Ruby walked in "have you spoke to Chloe Mason?" Max nodded "I did and she said she will try and make an effort" Ruby smiled and left the office.
Rachel returned from the prison annoyed that it didn't work the way she wanted it to "how did it go?" Rachel glared "I think you know how it went Max" Max smirked "I told you it wouldn't work" Rachel rolled her eyes "look Max you don't need to rub it in".
Chloe went home that afternoon and saw Max's car outside "how did you get here so fast?" Max smirked "I have my ways" Chloe rolled her eyes but grinned "often lurk about in driveways do you?" Max looked at her "happened too be passing" Chloe nodded "course" Max pulled her against him "why have you left school?" Chloe shrugged "headache" Max went to kiss her "you really wanna kiss me out here where neighbours can see" Max smirked "my place then" Chloe rolled her eyes but nodded.
Arriving at Max's Chloe noticed Aubree was asleep "I'll take her" Chloe handed Aubree over to Max who took her upstairs into the room she had. When he came back down he gave Chloe a drink "you trying too get me drunk?" Max smirked and kissed her "this is what I want to do" Chloe grinned and kissed him again.
Rachel went home and found Chloe wasn't there, her phone rang and she saw it was Eddie -
Rachel - Eddie what can I do for you?
Eddie - Charlotte tells me Chloe went home early. Is she alright?
Rachel - yeah she's fine, headache
Eddie - oh right. Hope she gets better soon.
Rachel - thanks Eddie. Look I've got to go.
Eddie - alright, I'll call you later.
Rachel hung up and sighed.
Chloe sat on the sofa with Max "alright?" Chloe nodded "yeah, never better" Max smiled and kissed her "is Aubree awake?" Max shook his head and Chloe sighed "she could sleep forever" Max smirked and Chloe groaned "stop smirking, drives me mad" Max kissed her again "quit doing that".
Chloe returned home and Rachel wasn't happy "where have you been?" Chloe sighed "I've been out" Rachel glared "I know that, where have you been?" "It doesn't matter" Chloe took Aubree upstairs and got her changed for bed "night night baby" Aubree fell asleep as soon as Chloe placed her in the cot. Chloe fell asleep soon after.
A/N - I'm Going Too Attepmt Another Update Tonight But I Have No Idea What Too Do. What I Do Know Is That There's Gonna Be More Chloe/Max. Hope You Likeed . Xoxo.

The Daughter Of Rachel Mason
FanfictionChloe Mason, The Daughter Of Rachel Mason. Fiercely protective of her mum she would do anything for her. What happens when Chloe meets Max Tyler who doesn't hide his hatred for Rachel and what happens when Max manipulates Chloe into sleeping with hi...