Chapter 81 - Melissa's Back.

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A/N - I Had An Idea For A Sequel For This Not Too Sure Though. If You'd Like Too Know Then I'll Tell You In A PM.

Hope You Like This Update xoxo


Chloe had been watching her mum and Eddie and thought that they were going off each other. While lying in bed she decided to text Charlotte -

*Chloe - mum&Eddie are drifting apart. We need to do something. Xo

*Lottie - I know. How about we set them up on a date? Xo

*Chloe - YES!! You are a genius xo

*Lottie - I don't know about that but haha xo

*Chloe - we'll sort it tomorrow. I'm off too sleep xo

*Lottie - night night xo

Chloe fell asleep that night with a massive grin determined to make her mum and Eddie happy.

*The Next Day*

Chloe woke and went downstairs "mum, how about we go out for dinner tonight, me,you and Aubree?" Rachel smiled "that would be great" Chloe grinned "okay". Chloe walked back upstairs to get dressed and get Aubree up and ready "Aubree, we're gonna get nana and Eddie happy" Aubree giggled.

Arriving at school Chloe got Aubree from the car and took her over to Charlotte "mum's up for tonight" Charlotte smiled "good, well I've spoke to Eddie and he says 'it'll be nice for us to have some bonding time" Chloe grinned "yay". Chloe and Charlotte took Aubree to the creche and went to registration "Chlo, are you alright?" Chlo smiled "I'm great, Sophia's crawling" Chloe smiled "awh cute" Chlo nodded just as Tom came over "there's an assembley instead of registration" Chloe rolled her eyes as Tom took them all to the hall.

Once the assembley was over Chloe was about to leave when Max walked over to her "office" Chloe grinned and nodded. Chloe made her way to the office "I swear I should move into this office" Max smirked "why's that?" Chloe rolled her eyes "I'm in here everyday, anyways, what did you want?" Max looked at her "am I not allowed to ask how my daughter is?" Chloe grinned "yeah, but we both know that you know she's fine" Max smirked and Chloe continued "it was an excuse too get me on my own" Chloe walked over to the desk "so Mr.Tyler. What was it you actually wanted?" Max kissed her and she kissed back just as the door knocked "come" Chloe walked away from Max just as the person walked in "oh you are kidding me?" Max looked at Chloe "who's this?" "Melissa Ryan. I'm actually looking for Rachel" Max smirked "I'm the executive head, maybe I can help" Chloe scoffed "she's my mum's sister" Melissa looked at Chloe "nice to see you again Chloe" Chloe gave a fake smile "thanks for that chat" Max smirked as Chloe walked out the office.

Chloe couldn't believe that Melissa was back, she went looking for Charlotte "we have a problem" Charlotte frowned "what's that?" Chloe sighed "Melissa is back" Charlotte frowned "who's Melissa?" Chloe groaned "my mums sister, she had a bit of a thing with Eddie" Charlotte sighed "that's a problem" Chloe nodded "yeah, don't worry, we're still team 'Reddie" Charlotte grinned "Eddie loves your mum" "I know and we're gonna make them realise they're meant to be together" Charlotte nodded.

Rachel made her way to the office and was confused to see a child who looked about three "Joyce, who's this?" Joyce looked at Rachel "her mother is in the office" Rachel frowned and walked into the office "Melissa?" Melissa turned to Rachel and smiled "hiya Rach" Rachel didn't know weather to be happy or annoyed "what are you doing here?" Melissa grinned "I need a job" Rachel scoffed "you're joking?" Melissa shook her head "no, I need to be able to provide for my daughter" Max smirked "Rachel, I'll let you deal with this" Rachel rolled her eyes as Max walked out.

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