Chapter 86 - The Beginning Of The End.

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A/N - There's Only 3 Chapters Left On This Book. That Means I'll Be Starting The Sequel Either Tomorrow Or Sunday. Depending On What Ideas I Have For The Remaining Chapters.

Is There Anything You'd Like Too Happen In The Sequel?

They'll Be Moving To Scotland After Sam Kelly's Death & The Gang Stuff Will Happen In Scotland.

Hope You Like xoxo


It was soon time to head back to school even though Chloe was dreading it, she had been starting to worry about Aubree as she has been quiet and acting shy lately and Aubree was never quiet. The night before the new term started Rachel had invited Eddie and Charlotte round along with Michael and it was hard for Charlotte to keep her eyes off Michael "Bree what's the matter?" Charlotte looked at Chloe and saw her holding an upset Aubree "what's wrong with her?" Chloe shrugged "she's been like this for the last few weeks" Charlotte frowned "Aubree smile" Aubree hid her head on Chloe's shoulder "Bree come on baba" Chloe tried to put her on the sofa but she clinged onto her "I've never seen her like this" Charlotte held her arms out for Aubree "you gonna go to Charlotte?" Aubree looked at Chloe and held her arms out so Charlotte took her "I have to go pee" Charlotte grinned as Chloe ran upstairs "mama?" Charlotte looked at Aubree and smiled "she'll be back soon" Aubree started crying again "mama" Rachel came over "shall I take her?" Aubree looked at Rachel and held her arms out so Rachel took her "mama?" Rachel took Aubree up to bed and Chloe came into settle her "shh baba".

*The Next Day*

Chloe woke the next morning and couldn't believe she was in her final year of school but she had no idea how different this year would be. Once she was dressed she went into Aubree's room and saw her lying awake in the cot "Bree" Chloe was starting to get concerned "Aubs come on baba" Chloe took her from the cot and she hid her head on Chloe's shoulder. Heading downstairs Chloe saw her mum rushing around "what's happened?" Rachel sighed "someone's broken into the school" Chloe grinned "who would wanna break into that dump?" Rachel glared "Chloe come on, are you ready?" Chloe nodded "yeah" Rachel smiled "let's go then".

Arriving at school Chloe saw a load of kids standing outside the gates "I thought the caretaker was responsible for opening gates" Rachel rolled her eyes "he is" Chloe grinned "not doing a very good job is he?" Rachel glared "hush" Chloe smirked as she got out the car and got Aubree out.

Once Aubree was in the creche Chloe went to meet with Charlotte when she was pulled into the cooler "seriously? Its not even 9am yet" Max smirked "couldn't wait" Chloe rolled her eyes "right,what you want now?" Max took her hand "where's Aubree?" Chloe grinned "creche, like always" Max nodded and went to kiss her but she saw someone walk past.

Chloe,Charlotte and Chlo made their way to assembley "our last year" Chloe grinned "yeah, its gonna be weird" Chlo nodded "I know, I don't wanna leave" Charlotte smiled "me either" Chloe groaned "come on, its our last year and its gonna be one too remember". Halfway through the assembley Chloe noticed the caretaker trying to get her mum's attention so Michael walked out to see what he wanted. Janeece who was late just got into school and heard the conversation "someone's dumped a baby?" Michael turned to try and keep Janeece quiet but it was too late Janeece went into the hall "Miss, Someone's dumped a baby" Chloe was shocked "who the hell would dump a baby?" Charlotte shrugged "its not right".

The assembley was over and Chloe made her way to the office where her mum,Max, Eddie and Chris were "Chloe, what are you doing here?" Chloe looked at Chris who was struggling with the baby so she took the baby from him "you need to support his head" Rachel looked at Chloe "do you know who the mother is?" Chloe shook her head "no, why would I know?" Rachel smiled "no reason" Chloe nodded "right, well when you find the mother tell me so I can slap her" Rachel frowned "that won't help Chloe" Chloe rolled her eyes "someone dumped their baby in a changing room, he could have died" Rachel took the baby from Chloe "go to lesson" Chloe sighed "whatever" Chloe left the office.

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