A/N - Chloe's Dad Simon Would Be Played By Jeremy Sheffield + Hope You Likee The Update xoxo
Chloe was still not talking to Phillip and she was starting to not want too talk to her mum "Chloe come on,we're gonna be late" Chloe walked downstairs with Aubree in her arms "come on Chloe get dressed" Chloe glared "I'm not going in" Rachel frowned "what do you mean you're not going in?" Chloe smirked "just that, me and Aubree are staying home" Rachel glared "Chloe I suggest you get your uniform on right now" Chloe glared back "or what?" Rachel continued glaring "because I said so Chloe" Chloe rolled her eyes "best reason ever" Rachel sighed "Chloe I am warning you, get dressed now" "no" Rachel turned to leave the house "Chloe you're grounded" "whoopee".
Once Rachel had gone Chloe turned to Aubree who was in the carseat "don't worry Aubs, grandma is being a horrible cow" Aubree looked at Chloe with intrest in her eyes "Aubree you are the person mummy needs" Chloe's phone rang, looking she saw it was Chlo -
Chloe - Chlo what's up?
Chlo - why aren't you in school?
Chloe - I'm not in the mood for it today
Chlo - damn, wish I could bunk off
Chloe - come round here then
Chlo - what you wouldn't mind?
Chloe - Chlo, my only company is Aubree and she'll sleep most of the day so get your butt round here
Chlo - alright, I'll make my way there now
Chloe - good see you soon
Chloe turned to Aubree "aunty Chlo's coming to see you" Aubree looked confused "and youprobably have no idea what I'm going on about".
10minutes later Chlo arrived "I had too sneak out" Chloe grinned "that's my girl" Chlo laughed "where's Aubree?" "Behind you" Chlo turned to see Aubree asleep in the moses basket "she looks like Tyler" Chloe grinned "yeah, but she's way cuter than him" Chlo laughed "yeah".
Tom was annoyed Chlo hadn't turned up for registration "Janeece have you seen Chlo anywhere?" Janeece shook her head "she mentioned something about Chloe earlier though" Tom nodded and made his way to Rachel's office "Rachel is Chloe in school today?" "No she's not" Tom frowned "Chlo was this morning but she didn't turn up for registration" Rachel sighed "I'm guessing Chlo is with Chloe" Tom nodded "me aswell, why isn't Chloe in school?" Rachel shrugged "told me this morning she wasn't coming in" Tom grinned "the teenage rebellion" Rachel nodded "yeah".
Chloe had just fed Aubree when the doorbell rang "Chlo take Aubs for me" Chlo took Aubree from Chloe and she went to answer the door "dad!" "Hello Chloe" Chloe didn't know what to say "wh-what are you doing here?" Simon glared "I heard you jumped into bed with an older man and got knocked up so I came to meet the kid" Chloe frowned "you're not coming by my baby" Simon frowned "Chloe its my grandchild" "it is a she" Simon rolled his eyes "Chloe I suggest you let me in" Chloe glared "I am not letting you in and you're not going by my daughter" Simon smirked "let me in" Chloe shook her head "no, I don't want you by me" "I wouldn't hurt you darling" Chloe rolled her eyes "yeah right, just go away" Chloe slammed the door in his face causing Simon to start banging the door "Chloe what's going on?" Chloe looked at Chlo "we can't open that door for anyone" Chlo nodded "who's that?" "My dad" Chlo frowned as Aubree started crying "pass her here" Chlo handed Aubree to Chloe "shh baby, the mean man has gone" Chloe looked at Chlo "can you go and close the curtains in the living room?" Chlo nodded and went to do what Chloe asked "come on baby shh" Chloe placed Aubree in the moses basket "what happened between you and your dad?" Chloe shook her head "we've never got on" Chlo nodded "I've never got on with my dad either, he was a jackass".
Eddie was annoyed that Chloe wasn't in lesson as he knew she needed to catch up on the work she had missed. After the lesson was over he made his way to Rachel's office "is there a reason Chloe wasn't in my lesson" Rachel sighed "Chloe isn't in school today" Eddie frowned "why?" "She's being stubborn" Eddie smirked "like mother like daughter" Rachel rolled her eyes "hush" Eddie grinned "I've missed you Rach" Rachel smiled "I've missed you too, but I'm with Adam now" Eddie sighed "I know".
Chloe couldn't believe her dad was still outside "when is he gonna go?" Chloe shrugged "whenever the moron has annoyed me up to his standards" Chlo nodded "take it he hasn't reached his standards yet?" Chloe nodded "got it in one".
Rachel and Adam returned aftter school had finished and Rachel got a shock when she saw Chloe's dad "Simon, what are you doing here?" Simon smirked " came to see my daughter and meet my granddaughter" Rachel rolled her eyes "I'm assuming Chloe hasn't let you in" Simon nodded "I don't blame her" Simon grinned "Rach come on, let me in" Rachel shook her head "no, if Chloe doesn't want you around then I have to respect her decision" Simon sighed "I will be back".
Entering the house Rachel walked into the living room and saw Chloe playing with Aubree "where's Chlo?" Chloe smirked "Chlo hasn't been here" Rachel rolled her eyes "Chloe stop with this attitude towards your mother" Chloe looked at Adam "what are you my dad?" Adam glared "show some respect, you're a mother yourself Chloe, what if Aubree spoke too you like that?" Chloe rolled her eyes "just do one, noOne wants you here" "Chloe! Enough" Chloe stood with Aubree in her arms and left to go too her room "don't worry Rach, she'll stop with this attitude sooner or later".
Chloe put Aubree to bed and fell asleep herself wishing she had her own place.
A/n - hopee you likeed it xoxo

The Daughter Of Rachel Mason
FanfictionChloe Mason, The Daughter Of Rachel Mason. Fiercely protective of her mum she would do anything for her. What happens when Chloe meets Max Tyler who doesn't hide his hatred for Rachel and what happens when Max manipulates Chloe into sleeping with hi...