A/N - I'm Setting This Update So Its Halfway Through The School Day & Sam Kelly's Death & Her Memorial Will Be Included.
I Doubt I'll Get The Final Two Chapters & The Sequel Posted Tonight So It Should Be Tomorrow. I've Got The Summary & Cover Done But I'm Having Trouble Coming Up With Idea's.
Anyways. Hope You Like The Update xoxo
Chloe sat in English with Charlotte and Chlo and there was a cover teacher as Tom had to go after Sam, Finn and Lauren who had gone to Blackpool. Sam had been diagnosed with a brain tumour and she had recently told everyone there was nothing more the doctors could do for her and according to Denzil she was getting worse everyday. While in lesson Chloe wasn't doing the work she was supposed to "I really hope Sam's okay" Charlotte sighed "me too" Chlo was the one who looked most upset, she was the closest to Sam after Tom had dated her mum "Chlo are you alright?" Chlo nodded "yeah, I'm fine" Chloe smiled just as Max walked in "I need a word with Chloe" Chloe rolled her eyes but followed Max outside "what's this about?" Max shook his head "not here" Chloe frowned and followed Max to the office.
Once they were in the office Max turned to Chloe and took her hand "you need to prepare yourself" Chloe frowned "for what?" Max sighed "Sambuca Kelly isn't getting any better" Chloe looked at him "thanks for reminding me" Max looked at her "Chloe, Tom has just rang, her health is getting worse by the minute" Chloe felt the tears in her eyes "so basically she's gonna die?" Max sighed "its looking that way" Chloe was crying and it was evident "why remind me?" Max kissed her "everything is going to be fine" Chloe nodded "I should go back to class" Max nodded and Chloe left.
Chloe walked back to lesson with the tears evident on her face. When she got back to class she ignored the teacher and sat with Charlotte "what's happened?" Chloe sighed "Max told me too prepare myself and he said that Sam isn't getting any better" Charlotte hugged her "everything is gonna be okay" Chloe nodded "yeah".
The bell rang so the girls made their way outside "nice day" Chloe nodded "yeah" Chlo sighed "is this all we're gonna talk about? The weather?" Chloe frowned "Chlo, what else can we talk about?" Chlo rolled her eyes "the fact that there's a 16 year old girl who's got a brain tumour and she's not getting any better" Chloe was crying again "Chlo, I don't wanna talk about that" Chlo sighed and sat with them "I'm sorry" Chloe wiped her eyes just as Rachel came over "girls, is everything okay?" Charlotte nodded "yeah" Rachel smiled and walked off "this is gonna suck".
Rachel took Chloe and Aubree home at the end of the day "Chloe are you okay?" Chloe nodded "yeah. I'm fine" Rachel smiled as Chloe walked upstairs. A few hours later Rachel was sitting in the living room working on some paperwork that needed sorting when her phone rang -
Rachel - Hello?
Tom - Rachel. I need to tell you something.
Rachel - What's wrong Tom?
Tom - Sam died half an hour ago in her sleep.
Rachel - Oh my god. I'm so sorry
Tom - Look I need to be here for Rose. Will you be able to tell everyone?
Rachel - Of course.
Rachel hung up and sighed, she had to tell Chloe so she walked upstairs "Chloe I need to talk to you" Chloe frowned "what's wrong?" Rachel sat on Chloe's bed "Tom rang me just, Sam's died" Chloe started crying "was she in any pain?" Rachel shook her head "she died in her sleep" Chloe nodded "can you go? I wanna be alone" Rachel smiled "of course". When Rachel had left Chloe logged onto her facebook -

The Daughter Of Rachel Mason
FanfictionChloe Mason, The Daughter Of Rachel Mason. Fiercely protective of her mum she would do anything for her. What happens when Chloe meets Max Tyler who doesn't hide his hatred for Rachel and what happens when Max manipulates Chloe into sleeping with hi...