Chapter 87 - P.E Arguments.

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A/N - When Should I Start The Sequel? Tonight/Tomorrow Or Sunday. I'm Not Fussed :)

Next Chapter - Tonight (Hopefully).

This Chapter Is Dedicated To StrangeDesires.

Hope You Like


Charlotte had been getting scared. Her period was late and she knew it was Michael's baby, she didn't know how he would take it or Chloe for that matter. That morning she text Chloe -

*Charlotte - Can you come into town with me at break? X

*Chloe - yeah sure. Is everything alright? X

*Charlotte - I'll explain it too you later x

*Chloe - Okay. C U At School X

Charlotte sighed "Charlotte, are you ready?" Charlotte nodded "yeah" Eddie smiled "come on then". Arriving at school Charlotte saw Chloe so she walked over to her "hiya" Chloe grinned "hey, you wanna tell me what's going on?" Charlotte nodded "not out here though" Chloe smiled and took Charlotte inside. Once they were in the common room Charlotte took a deep breath "I think I'm pregnant" Chloe smiled "is it Michael's?" Charlotte nodded "yeah, if I am pregnant then its his" Chloe sighed "we'll get you a test at break" Charlotte sighed "I'm sorry Chloe" Chloe frowned "sorry for what?" "Sleeping with your uncle" Chloe smiled "don't be sorry. I could tell something was gonna happen between you" Charlotte felt her eyes welling up "why do I always do this?" Chloe grinned "Charlotte, if you are then he'll be an amazing dad" Charlotte smiled.

When breaktime arrived Chloe and Charlotte left school and made their way to the pharmacy to get Charlotte's pregnancy test "its better you do it at the school so its not linked back to you" Charlotte nodded "never thought I'd be here again" Chloe grinned "yeah" Charlotte sighed "would you have kept the baby if you could handle it?" Chloe shrugged "I don't know, I love Aubree so much and she's my world but I'm only 17 and having another baby would mean I wouldn't be able to do my a-levels" Charlotte smiled.

Once they got the test they walked back to school "I'm dreading this" Chloe smiled "don't be" Charlotte sighed "how would he take it though?" Chloe grinned "could always do what I did, tell him and then run" Charlotte laughed. Entering the bathroom Charlotte went to do the test and Chloe sat on the sinks. When Charlotte came out she handed the test to Chloe so she could wash her hands "how long left?" Chloe looked at the timer on her phone "one minute" Charlotte groaned "this is going slow" Chloe grinned just as the timer beeped "what was it you were saying?" Charlotte rolled her eyes "what's it say?" Chloe puck the test up "positive" Charlotte didn't know weather to cry or not "oh" Chloe frowned "is that a good thing?" Charlotte shrugged "I don't know" Chloe hugged her "look I'm here for you okay" Charlotte smiled "thanks Chloe".

Charlotte couldn't believe she was pregnant. She didn't know how to feel about it, Chloe was being supportive but she didn't want anyone to know incase they thought it was Tom's baby and Chlo stopped talking to her "hey, wait up" Charlotte turned to see Chloe running after her "wow, you ran in heels" Chloe grinned "see, I can do that" Charlotte laughed just as Jess came over "Aiden is hot" Chloe rolled her eyes "you would say that" Jess laughed "he is" Chloe smirked and she walked off with Charlotte.

Tom was sitting in his classroom when Chloe and Charlotte came past "have you told him you're pregnant yet?" Charlotte shook her head and Tom frowned he didn't know Charlotte was seeing anyone "maybe you should, look what happened last time" Charlotte nodded "I'm gonna" Chloe smiled and hugged her. Tom couldn't believe Charlotte was pregnant again, he wanted to know who the father was.

Chloe sat in the common room thinking when Max came in "why aren't you in class?" Chloe looked up and sighed "because like I keep saying that class is pointless, and should be kicked off the curriculum" Max sat opposite her "you're gonna fail that lesson" Chloe rolled her eyes "I can cook, not that dumb" Max smirked "I know, but you need to attend all lessons" Chloe grinned "here was me thinking that you'd be able to get me out of that lesson" Max took her hand "why would I do that?" Chloe grinned "because you wanna".

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