Chapter 20 - A Night Out With The Girls.

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A/N - Hope You Likee The Update, The Girls Are In Year 11, Series 6 Will Be The Start Of Their A-Levels xoxo

Chloe had been growing confused about her feelings for Max, she was in love with him but she was starting to like someone else. That night Chloe,Chlo and Charlotte were all going on a night out and Max was having Aubree although Rachel hadn't been happy about it and she had offered to have Aubree. Arriving at school Chloe walked over to her friends "this baby gets heavier everyday" Chlo grinned "she gets cuter everyday" Chloe handed Aubree to Charlotte "Chloe I need to talk to you" Chloe turned and saw Max "er Chloe I'll take her to creche for you" Chloe smiled "thanks" Chloe followed Max to the office "what now?" Max smirked "your grades are falling" Chloe rolled her eyes "right, is that it?" Max sighed "Chloe, these grades are your future" Chloe scoffed "come on, we both know you don't give a hoot abouut my grades" Max frowned "who says I don't?" Chloe smirked "you just wanted to get me on my own" Max smirked "I will put your grades up" Chloe rolled her eyes "here we go, is this where you say 'I'll put your grades if you sleep with me' always happens" Chloe turned and walked out the office "Chloe I'm not finished" Max stood and followed her out he saw her standing by the door "I said I wasn't finished" Chloe smirked "what are you gonna do?" Max took her arm and pulled her back into the office "don't ever walk away from me again" Chloe grinned.

Chloe left the office and went too see her friends "was Aubree okay?" Charlotte nodded "yeah, fell asleep" Chloe grinned "that kid loves her sleep, where's Chlo?" Charlotte shrugged "something to do with Ben" Chloe nodded "true love" Charlotte laughed "we got registration" Chloe groaned "its annoying" Charlotte took Chloe's hand and pulled her to the class. After registration Chloe made her way to the science lab as she had a free "alright Chloe?" Chloe smiled and nodded "I need something too do for the next hour" Chris laughed "you can help me if you like?" Chloe nodded.

Halfway through Chloe had no idea what she was meant to be helping with "I'm confused" Chris smiled "what with?" Chloe grinned "these chemicals, what are they?" Chris laughed and walked over to Chloe "basically, they're meant to make different colours" Chloe frowned "right, that's confusing" Chris smiled "it is, you'll get the hang of it" Chloe nodded "yeah, no thanks" Chris stood by Chloe "how are things?" Chloe shrugged "they're good" Chris nodded "have you seen Max at all?" Chloe nodded "yeah, he works in the school, and he's Aubree's dad" Chris sighed "must be hard?" Chloe nodded "yeah, but seeing my baby girl makes everything worth while" Chris smiled.

Chloe left the science lab and made her way to the Art room. Arriving she saw Charlotte who had tears in her eyes "what's wrong?" Charlotte sighed "Bolton, he's not intrested in me" Chloe frowned "did he say why?" Charlotte shook her head "I don't think I can face this lesson" Chloe again frowned and watched as Charlotte walked off "er Chloe is Charlotte alright?" Chloe shook her head "she's not feeling well" Kim nodded "in you go".

Halfway through the lesson Chloe received a text from Charlotte -

*Lottie - Can u meet me in the toilets? X

*Chloe - yeah x

Chloe put her phone away and went to speak to Kim "miss I need the toilet" Kim nodded and Chloe left to go see her friend. "Charlotte? You here?" Charlotte walked out one of the cubicles "what's wrong?" "I kissed Tom again" Chloe frowned "oh, how did that happen?" Charlotte sighed "I was upset about Bolton and he was in his classroom and he comforted me, then we kissed" Chloe sighed "look I can't judge can I ? I've been sleeping with Max Tyler" Charlotte smiled "at least you've got something worth holding onto from that?" Chloe frowned "what's that?" "Aubree" Chloe smiled "yeah, she's probably the best thing that's ever happened too me".

Chloe,Charlotte and Chlo made their way to science "I seriously hope we don't have too use those confusing chemical whatsits again" Chlo grinned "guess what?" Chloe frowned "what?" "Me and Ben have set a date for the wedding" Chloe smiled "wow, when?" "Half term" Chloe smiled "I'll be there" Chlo grinned "Charlotte?" "I'll be there aswell" "this wedding is gonna be so much fun" Chloe laughed and they walked into the science lab.

Chloe had received a text from Max saying he couldn't have Aubree that night as he had something to attend "mum, can you have Aubree?" Rachel frowned "I thought Max was having her?" Chloe shook her head "nope, I thought that she could spend the evening with her granny" Rachel sighed "fine" Chloe grinned "thanks mum".

Chloe met with Chlo and Charlotte "right, ready for an epic night out?" Chlo grinned and nodded while Charlotte smiled "let's do it". Arriving at the club Chloe went to buy the drinks "three WKD's" the bartender handed the drinks to Chloe and she walked back to her friends "here is too being us forever" the girls grinned.

After a load of drinks, Chloe was drunk "I need to go" Charlotte frowned "Eddie is picking me up" Chloe shook her head "there's something I need to do" Chlo frowned "what?" Chloe winked "you'll see" Chloe stood and left the club.

Max sat at home drinking and thinking about stuff when the doorbell rang, glancing at the clock he saw the time was 11:45pm so he got up to answer the door "Chloe?" Chloe didn't speak instead she pushed him into the house and kissed him "still gonna blackmail me to get my grades up?" Max smirked and kissed her again, he then pulled her up to the bedroom.

The next day Chloe woke in Max's bed and sighed, she noticed he was still asleep so she got out the bed and got dressed "Chloe?" "I need to go" Max nodded and watched as she left the house.

Chloe arrived home and saw Adam holding Aubree "why are you holding her?" Adam sighed "she was crying Chloe" Chloe took Aubree from Adam "where's my mum?" "Popped out" Chloe glared "I don't want you holding her" Chloe walked upstairs and lay on her bed with Aubree.

A/N - Hope You Likeed xoxo

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