Chapter 15 - Trip To Hospital

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A/N - Enjoy xoxo

Chloe was getting annoyed at living with her mum as she always found something to moan at her about. That day Chloe decided to walk to school with Aubree but she hadn't told her mum "I'm going" Rachel frowned "Chloe we don't need to leave yet" Chloe rolled her eyes "I didn't tell you? I'm walking into school" Rachel sighed "no you're not Chloe" Chloe glared "you gonna stop me?" Rachel glared at Chloe "yes I will" Chloe again rolled her eyes but placed Aubree into the carseat then placed the carseat onto the pushchair and left the house.

When Chloe arrived at school she noticed her mum waiting for her "wow, I get the welcoming commitee? Where's Adam,Chris,Kim and Eddie?" Rachel glared "why do you act like this? Before you had Aubree you were mature and now you've been acting childish" Chloe rolled her eyes "back off" Rachel looked shocked Chloe had never spoke to her like that before "take her in now" Chloe entered the school and took Aubree to creche.

Halfway through French Chloe received a text from Max -

*Max - collect Aubree-Leigh and meet me outside

*Chloe - okay

"Miss I need the toilet" Steph rolled her eyes "fine go on then Chloe" Chloe smirked and left to go to the creche.

Chloe got to the creche and got Aubree but not before she had an argument with the key-worker.

Max had been waiting for Chloe when he noticed her walking up to his car so he got out and smirked "Chloe" Chloe smirked back "Max" Max noticed she was annoyed "what's wrong?" Chloe groaned "the creche in this dump, its a joke" Max frowned "why?" "Tried telling me what to do with Aubree" Max smirked "they're imcompetent here" Chloe grinned "I'm so tempted to take her out of there" "I'll watch her" Chloe frowned "you?" Max nodded "I'm sure I can manage" Chloe grinned "there a reason you asked me to skip school?" Max smirked "I'm taking you and Aubree to mine" Chloe smirked back "who said I wanted to go?" "Me" Chloe grinned.

When they got to Max's Chloe had received at least 5messages from her mum -

*Mum - Chloe where are you?

*Mum - Answer me Chloe

*Mum - where the hell are you?

*Mum - Chloe seriously now where are you?

*Mum - when you get home you are in serious trouble

Chloe groaned "problem?" "My mum, going on at me" Max smirked as he puck Aubree up.

Rachel couldn't believe that Chloe had taken Aubree and left school "Rach did she say where she was going?" Rachel shook her head "she's not replying to my messages or answering my phonecalls" Adam frowned "have you tried Max? She's probably there" Rachel sighed "if she was he wouldn't tell me, part of me thinks he got Chloe pregnant on purpose" Adam sighed "Rach, to Max it was just sex" Rachel groaned "I didn't wanna know about Max and my daughter in bed".

Chloe was watching Max with Aubree when her phone rang and she knew it would be her mum -


Rachel - Chloe where the hell are you?

Chloe - what's it matter?

Rachel - because it does, and why take Aubree?

Chloe - like I keep saying she's my little girl

Rachel - the creche is there to help you

Chloe - the creche is a joke they're incompotent

Rachel - that's Max Tyler speaking not you

Chloe - he's right


Chloe hung up as Max turned to Chloe "she's turned blue" Chloe paled.

Arriving at the hospital Chloe was panicking "she's gone blue and needs seeing to" the nurse took Aubree from Max and took her into a room "I hope she's gonna be okay" Max sighed "she'll be fine".

Rachel was annoyed as Chloe hadn't come home yet so decided to call her again -


Chloe - what?

Rachel - where are you?

Chloe - hospital, Aubree turned blue

Rachel - what? I'll come up to you

Chloe - Max is here

Rachel - Chloe I don't care, she's my granddaughter

Chloe - fine but don't start,


Chloe hung up and turned to Max "my mums coming" Max smirked "be nice" Max again smirked.

Rachel and Adam arrived at the hospital "excuse me I'm looking for Aubree-Leigh Tyler" the receptionist looked up "age?" "8weeks" "childrens ward" "thankyou". Arriving on the childrens ward Rachel noticed Chloe "Chloe have they said anything?" Chloe looked up and shook her head it was then that Rachel acknowledged Max "Max" Max smirked "Rachel" Chloe felt the tension between her mum and Max "look we all know you two hate each other but you both love Aubree so be nice until we know what's wrong with her" Rachel rolled her eyes but nodded "Max?" "Fine".

After a further half an hour of waiting the nurse who took Aubree came out "is she alright?" The nurse smiled and nodded "she's fine, she was just developing a cold but because she was premature her immune system couldn't handle it" Chloe nodded "can we see her?" The nurse again nodded "follow me".

Entering the room Chloe saw her baby girl lying on the hospital cot "hey baby" Aubree smiled "can I take her home?" The nurse nodded and left "see what happens when you don't listen" Chloe turned to her mum "you what? You're blaming me?" Rachel sighed "Chloe you're always taking her out" "this isn't my fault" Chloe glared "if that's how you feel then I'm moving out" Rachel frowned "where you gonna stay?" Max had an idea so he spoke up "she'll stay with me" Rachel looked annoyed "no she won't" Max again smirked "I believe that's her decision" Rachel scoffed "not happening, I couldn't stop her sleeping with you but I'm stopping that from happening" Chloe rolled her eyes "look I told you no arguments in front of Aubree" Rachel sighed "you're not staying with him". Rachel had left and Chloe turned to Max "why did you say that?" Max smirked "because you're the mother of my child, therefore I care" Chloe rolled her eyes "and here was me thinking you were winding my mum up" Max smirked again.

Max took Chloe home so she could get her's and Aubree's stuff. While she was in her room her mum walked in "Chloe what are you doing?" Chloe rolled her eyes "getting my stuff" Rachel frowned "you're not staying with Max Tyler" Chloe glared as Adam walked in "where's Aubree?" Chloe looked at him "she's with her father" Adam sighed "you wanna leave that's fine but she stays here" Chloe scoffed "no chance, she's my little girl therefore where I go, she goes" Adam glared "no Chloe" "yes Adam and you can't stop me" Adam slapped her "Adam!" Chloe looked at him with hate in her eyes "you're gonna regret that" Chloe got her bags and left "Adam why did you that?" Adam sighed "I'm sorry Rach".

Max was sitting outside with Aubree when Chloe came out and Max noticed she had a red mark on her face so he got out the car "Chloe what happened?" Chloe turned to see Adam following her "keep away from me" Adam looked at Max "Chloe can leave all she wants but Aubree-Leigh stays here" Max smirked "what relation do you have to my child?" "I'm her grandfather" Chloe rolled her eyes "you're nothing to Aubree or me for that matter" Adam frowned and attempted to open the car door to get Aubree out so Max locked it "let me get Aubree and you can leave" Chloe glared "Adam get lost, touch her and I'll get you done for assault" Max smirked as he unlocked the car "Chloe get in" he unlocked the car and she got in.

When they were back at Max's, Chloe settled Aubree. When she was asleep Chloe looked at Max "drink?" Chloe nodded so Max handed her a drink and they sat on the sofa. After a few bottles of wine Max started kissing Chloe and she kissed back "upstairs" Chloe nodded and they went upstairs.

Rachel couldn't believe Chloe had moved out "Rach, she'll come back when she realises Max isn't intrested in her" Rachel sighed "you didn't have to hit her Adam, right now Max is probably manipulating her in to calling the police" but Rachel had no idea how wrong she was.

A/N - Hope You Likeed The Update xox

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