Chapter 51 - Romance Is Blossoming.

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A/N - This Chapter Is Dedicated Too StrangeDesires. Once Again She's Given Me An Amazing Idea. Hope You Like. Xoxo


It was soon time to go back to school although Chloe had to admit she was looking forward to it, even if she did have too do P.E in the freezing cold. While getting dressed she saw Aubree attempting to stand up on the bed "Aubs you can't stand on there" Aubree gave Chloe a smile that said 'I can try' "Aubree, you're gonna hurt yourself" Aubree started crying which made Chloe sigh "you're just like your daddy".

Arriving at school Chloe was freezing "I hate winter" Rachel smirked "Chloe you've been moaning about the weather since the holidays" Chloe rolled her eyes "it shouldn't be so blooming cold then" Rachel grinned and walked over to where Eddie was standing and Charlotte walked over to Chloe "you okay?" Charlotte grinned "never better" Chloe frowned "okay, why?" Charlotte shrugged "no reason, just happy" Chloe nodded "right" Charlotte and Chloe walked to the creche with Aubree "she was funny earlier, tried standing on my bed I told her not too and she gave me a funny look" Charlotte laughed "she's a cutie" Chloe smirked "you try saying that when she's glaring at you". After taking Aubree too creche the girls made their way to registration "morning Mr.Clarkson" Tom smiled at Charlotte which made Chloe grin "sir what we doing in P.E?" Tom smirked "football" Chloe groaned "no way" Tom laughed "afraid so" Chloe mock-glared "so un-fair".

Chloe,Charlotte,Chlo,Jess and Janeece made their way to P.E "if I could then I'd bunk off" Chlo rolled her eyes "it won't be that bad" Chloe frowned "its gonna be freezing". Once they were ready for P.E they made their way outside "I'm gonna freeze". Halfway through the P.E lesson Chloe noticed Tom and Charlotte flirting and grinned as Charlotte walked over "well you and a certain Mr.Clarkson looked like you were getting on just spiffingly" Charlotte smiled "we were talking" Chloe grinned "yeah right, looked a bit more then talking" Charlotte rolled her eyes "whatever Chloe".

Chloe stood with Chlo watching Tom and Charlotte again "they look cosy" Chloe grinned "I know" Chlo looked at Chloe who looked deep in thought "what you thinking?" Chloe winked which made Chlo groan and Chloe walked off and begun singing -

(Song Begins)

The moment I wake up

Before I put on my make up

I say a little prayer for you

While combing my hair now

And wonder what dress to wear now

I say a little prayer for you

Forever and ever

You'll stay in my heart

And I will love you

Forever and ever

We never will part

Oh how I love you

Together together

That's how it must be

To live without you

Would only mean heartbreak for me

(Song Ends)

Chloe grinned when she realised Janeece and Chlo had joined in "Chloe this is P.E not music" Chloe smirked "well sir, singing helps me warm up" Tom rolled his eyes but laughed.

After P.E the girls had English with Tom "oh look Tom's lesson again" Charlotte rolled her eyes but inside she was excited. In the lesson that day they were discussing Pride & Prejudice "what can anyone tell me about this story then?" Chloe raised her hand "Chloe?" Chloe grinned "basically its about these two people who love each other so much but circumstances don't allow them too be together, but they should anyway, true love conquers all" Tom smiled "that's exactly it Chloe" Chloe grinned as Charlotte smiled at Tom which made Chloe think of something.

When English was over Chloe and the others went to Science and Chloe was singing again "do you always sing?" Chloe nodded "yeah, has too be done" Jess grinned as Chris walked out "girls you're late" Chloe frowned "eh?" Chris rolled his eyes "the bell rang 10minutes ago" Chloe was confused "its only just gone" Chris glared "get in".

After Science Chloe and Charlotte had a free while the others had French "be honest, what's going on with you and Tom?" Charlotte frowned "nothing" Chloe rolled her eyes but grinned "yeah right, I saw a serious energy exchange between you two" Charlotte sighed "I love him Chloe, you know what that feels like" Chloe was confused and Charlotte rolled her eyes and continued "Max Tyler ring a bell?" "Oh yeah, damn I almost forgot for a moment" Charlotte smiled "we always fall for the ones we shouldn't" Chloe nodded "I know" Charlotte groaned "life sucks sometimes" "I know".

Chloe left to see Aubree in the creche and saw Max there "wow, don't normally see you in here" Max smirked and puck Aubree up who was attempting to stand against the gate "so why are you in here anyway? Never usually are" "I came to see my daughter" Chloe nodded "well she's honoured" Chloe looked at Aubree who was trying to climb down "take it back, she's not fussed" Max handed her back to Chloe and kissed her before walking out "Aubs he's confusing" Aubree gave her confused look "and you look confused".

Walking through the corridor Chloe saw Charlotte walk into Tom's classroom and grinned, she snuck up to see what they were doing, she smirked when she saw them kissing "Chloe what you doing?" Chloe paled "er nothing" Chris frowned "what's going on?" "Nothing" Chris went to walk in the classroom "you can't go in there" "why not?" Chloe had to think of a reason "er Mr.Tyler wants you in the staffroom" Chris nodded "right" Chloe let out a sigh of relief when Chris turned to walk away "Chris" Chloe inwardly groaned when she heard Max's voice behind her "damn" "Max, Chloe said you wanted me in the staffroom" Max frowned "no" Chris glared at Chloe "oh is it the time? I should go" "Chloe" Chloe turned back to Chris "yes Mr.Mead?" "What's going on in there?" Chloe feigned innocence "in where sir?" Chris glared "in Mr.Clarkson's classroom" Chloe shrugged "I wouldn't know, I've been trapped here" Chris rolled his eyes and walked past Chloe so she knocked on the window of the classroom.

Charlotte and Tom jumped apart as the window knocked just as Chris walked in "what's going on in here?" Charlotte frowned "Mr.Clarkson was just giving me some advice" Chloe choked on her laughter "that what we calling it now" she mumbled under her breath "Chloe you're not helping" Chloe went to walk out the classroom but grinned at Charlotte as she did.

Chloe went home that day and text Charlotte -

*Chloe - 'givin me advice' that's an amazing excuse :D xo

*Lottie - what was I supposed 2 say? Xo

*Chloe - anything but that, was cute too see though xo

*Lottie - haha, ur funny xo

*Chloe - I try, txt u l8r xo

Chloe looked at Aubree who was playing with her shoe "Aubree, what you doing?" Aubree grinned and handed Chloe her shoe "I didn't want this" Aubree smiled and Chloe puck her up "I seriously love you, my little angel". Chloe fell asleep that night with Aubree snuggled in her arms.


A/N - Hope You Likeed. Xoxo

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