Chapter 11 - Its Hard.

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A/N - For All Eddie Lovers (@StrangeDesires) :P He's Coming Back Too This Story (-: Xx

Chloe had recently dyed her hair brown and since the end of last term she had been meeting up with Max as he wanted to know how his baby was doing. That day she was going round after school as she didn't want to be around Phillip because of what he had done.

Arriving at school she saw Chlo "Chloe, why haven't you text me back?" Chloe shrugged "didn't realise you were talking to me" Chlo frowned "why wouldn't I talk to you?" "Because of what I did with Max Tyler" Chlo sighed "we've all made mistakes, Janeece fell in love with a supply teacher" Chloe frowned "who was he?" Janeece walked up to them "his name was Wilson Bingham" Chloe again frowned "what happened?" "Because I was underage, then he got arrested and I had to give evidence against him" Chloe felt bad "oh my gosh, Jan I'm so sorry" Janeece waved it off "I'm over it" Chlo smiled "you do realise that no matter what you do, we're always gonna love you" Chloe grinned "the unholy trinity" Janeece grinned "that is awesome".

Rachel,Chris and Kim were sitting in the canteen talking "we all went through the ringer last term didn't we?" Chris smirked "maybe we should get some help in" Rachel looked at him "what like physcologists?" Kim butted in "or an exorcist" Rachel laughed "Kim come on, Max Tyler's gone" Kim sighed "not before he did a load of damage, how's Chloe?" Rachel sadly smiled "she's confused" "look, we are gonna take this school into the future" Kim took a deep breath "its not gonna be the distant future for me I'm afraid" Rachel looked confused "what's wrong?" "I'm gonna have to go on maternity leave" Rachel sat back down "is that good?" Kim shook her head "its Max's" Chris gasped "what does Max think of that?" Kim sighed "he doesn't know, and he's not gonna know" Rachel nodded.

Chloe was walking to lesson when Bolton came up to her "Chloe you alright?" Chloe nodded "yeah, I'm fine" Bolton smiled "its weird seeing you preggers" Chloe laughed "I know, its even weirder for me" Bolton sighed "if we hadn't split that could of been my baby" Chloe frowned "yeah maybe, look I gotta go" Bolton watched as Chloe walked away.

Rachel was thinking about things when Chris walked in "shocking isn't it?" Rachel frowned "what is?" "Kim and Chloe, both being pregnant by Max" Rachel sighed "I know, Chloe, she's struggling to cope, I said before she wants this baby so bad but she said its hard for her" Chris sadly smiled "its bound to be hard, she's 16 and pregnant with an ex headteacher's baby" Rachel smiled "this sounds like a bad TV drama" Chris laughed "Chloe will be alright, she's got the support of you and her friends" Rachel again smiled.

Chloe was sat in the common room when Phillip walked in "Chloe" Chloe looked up and stood to walk away "wait Chloe" Chloe turned to him "what?" Phillip sighed "I don't know how many times I can apologise" Chloe scoffed "I don't want your apology, its nothing to me" Phillip watched as Chloe walked away and Rachel walked in "Phil? What's wrong?" "Chloe, she hates me" Rachel sighed "she doesn't, its her hormones they're all over the place" Phillip nodded "you think she'll talk to me again?" Rachel nodded "yeah, you live in the same house" Phillip smiled "thanks Rach".

After school Chloe was waiting by her mum's car when Kim came over to her "how are you Chloe?" Chloe smiled "fine thanks Miss" Kim smiled "your baby is gonna have a brother or sister" Chloe frowned "what you mean?" Kim sighed "I'm pregnant with Max's baby" Chloe gasped "you? You're pregnant!?" Kim nodded "I just thought I'd tell you so you know you're not alone" Chloe nodded "thanks miss" Kim walked off.

When Chloe got home she got changed and left to go too Max's. Arriving she saw his car so knew he was in, knocking the door she waited 2minutes when he answered "Chloe, come in" Chloe smiled at him and walked in "Kim Campbell's pregnant" Max frowned "Kim?" Chloe nodded "she told me after school" "right".

After an hour at Max's Chloe returned home "Chloe, you can't avoid me forever" Chloe rolled her eyes "yeah I can, I HATE you" Phillip frowned "I did what I thought was best, you deserve better than Max Tyler's kid" Chloe glared "this baby is MY baby and she's the best thing that will ever happen too me!" Phillip rolled his eyes "wake up Chloe, you got knocked up by some ex-teacher" Chloe smirked "you're jealous" Phillip frowned "jealous?" "Yeah because you are just some virgin who couldn't even get it on with Flick Mellor, even she had to go back to Marley Kelly" Phillip got angry and went to hit her "what you gonna do? Smack a pregnant girl?" Phillip felt ashamed "I'm sorry" Chloe walked upstairs into her room and text Chlo -

*Chloe - Phillip just went to hit me!

*Chlo - OMG! Tell ur mum

*Chloe - She wouldn't care,

*Chlo - Come & stay with me if u want

*Chloe - Nah ur alright, I'll stay here, he's the one that should go

*Chlo - Okay, here if u need me

Chloe didn't reply instead she rubbed her stomach "you are my precious baby girl and mummy will love you always, no matter what you get up too" she then fell asleep dreaming about her baby.

A/N - Hope You Enjoyeed, Eddie Will Be In Either In Chapter 16 or 17 So Not That Long :P Xx

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