Chapter 77 - She's Not The Same.

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A/N - I Don't Know When I Can Next Update.

This Won't Be A Long Update.

Hope You Like xoxo


Since Chloe's attack she hadn't been the same and everyone was starting to worry about her. That morning she lay in bed not wanting to move but that didn't seem to work as Rachel walked in "Chloe time to get up" Chloe rolled her eyes but didn't move "Chloe come on" Chloe kicked the duvet off her and got out of bed "I'm leaving in 45 minutes" Chloe simply nodded and Rachel walked out the room. Chloe get changed into black skinny jeans, white school shirt and left a few buttons undone, black knee-length boots, she curled her hair and did her make up. When she was ready she walked downstairs and saw Aubree sitting on the sofa with her teddy "mama" Chloe smiled at her little girl, no matter how down or angry she was she wouldn't take it out on her baby girl.

Arriving at school Chloe took Aubree to the creche and made her way to registration "hiya Chloe" Chloe just sat at her desk and ignored Tom. When Charlotte walked in she saw Chloe and sat with her "how are you holding up?" Chloe shrugged "getting there" Charlotte smiled "good, how's Aubree?" "Great". After registration Chloe went to art "Chloe can I have a word outside?" Chloe looked at Kim and nodded. Kim took Chloe outside and looked at her "how are you holding up?" Chloe sighed "I'm fine, why does everyone keep asking?" Kim sadly smiled "because we care about you" Chloe rolled her eyes "no you don't, I've seen the way you're all looking at me, like I'm some little girl who needs fixing, well guess what? I'm fine!" Chloe walked off leaving Kim standing there shocked.

Chloe walked out of school, she didn't want to stay there where everyone was feeling sorry for her. She had just got into town when she saw a club that was open 24 hours a day which made her grin, entering the club she walked over to the bar and ordered a large vodka and coke.

Kim got worried when Chloe didn't return "right, can you just carry on with your work, I need to do something" Kim made her way to the office and saw Max "where's Rachel?" Max looked at her "I've not seen her" Kim frowned "is there a problem Kim?" Kim sighed "Chloe, I had a little chat with her and she walked off" Max looked at her "what did you say to her?" Kim sighed "I asked her how she was holding up and she went off about everyone treating her like a little girl and then she walked off"

After a few drinks Chloe was slowly getting drunk "another" the bartender gave Chloe another drink "don't you think you've had enough?" Chloe rolled her eyes "no, I'm filling your till up aren't I? So keep the drinks flowing" the bartender sighed and went to serve some other customers.

Max was trying to figure out where Chloe could have gone when Chris walked in "anything?" Max shook his head "no, she's not answering her phone" Chris was about to speak when the phone rang and Max answered -


Max - Waterloo Road, Max Tyler speaking

Club - hi, there's a pupil here that attends that school and she's getting into quite a state

Max - can you describe the pupil?

Club - brown hair, brown eyes and wearing a white shirt, black boots

Max - thank you, I'll come and collect the pupil, what's the club name?

Club - club ace, its the 24 hour one.

Max - thank you.


Max hung up and looked at Chris "Chloe's been spotted at a club in town" Chris frowned "she's been drinking?" Max nodded "yeah, I should go and collect her" Chris nodded "I'll let Rachel know" Max sighed "don't, its best she doesn't find out" Chris again frowned "Max, her daughter has been drinking she needs to be told" Max looked at Chris "Chloe is going through hell at the moment and she's not the same" Chris sighed "fine go on" Max got his car keys and made his way to the club.

Max got to the club and went over to the bar "Max Tyler, we spoke on the phone" the bartender nodded "yes, she's over" Max turned and saw Chloe dancing on a table with some guy cheering, he walked over to her "Chloe"

Chloe looked down and saw Max "what are you doing here?" Max looked at her "taking you back to school" Chloe rolled her eyes "no I'm not going back to school" Max sighed "Chloe come on" Chloe glared "no" Chloe got off the table and walked over to the bar "fill me up" the bartender looked at her "no, you've had enough" Chloe scoffed "what type of club is this where you can't get a drink?" Max took hold of Chloe's waist and pulled her away from the bar "get off me, you don't want me, I'm damaged goods" Max sighed "Chloe don't ever say that" Chloe rolled her eyes "its true, I am" Chloe pushed Max off her and walked over to some guys standing at the bar "fancy buying me a drink?" One of them smirked "vodka for the lady" before Chloe could have her drink Max took hold of her hand and pulled her away "Max don't do this, let me deal with this on my own" Max looked at her "you're not alone Chloe".

When Max said that Chloe felt her eyes water "yeah I am though, everyone is treating me like I'm delicate and that I could break at any time, I hate that" Max looked at her and kissed her "I said you're not alone" Chloe pushed him away "don't do this, not here" Max took her hand and took her outside. When they were outside Chloe looked at Max and smiled "anyone would think I meant something to you" Max smirked "you know you do" Chloe sighed "life sucks" Max smiled "not always" Chloe stood and walked off "where are you going?" Chloe grinned "I need another drink" Max frowned as Chloe walked into a shop.

Chloe came out the shop with a bottle of vodka, she unscrewed the lid and began gulping it down without taking a breath "Chloe that's enough" Chloe looked at Max "I'm not finished yet" Max took the bottle from her and threw it down "why did you do that?" Max glared "that's enough" Chloe smirked "you can't stop me" Chloe took another bottle from her bag but Max took that one too "quit doing that" Chloe went to walk off and Max grabbed her "get off!" Max looked at her "you're coming back to school" Chloe glared "are you gonna make me?" "If I have too" Chloe scoffed "I'd love to see you try" Max and Chloe stood glaring at each other and the Max roughly kissed her and she kissed back, he pushed her against the wall and began kissing her again.

Max had taken Chloe back to school after their rendevouz in the alley "I've been a right cow" Max sighed "you've been having a tough time lately" Chloe rolled her eyes "that doesn't make any difference" Max took hold of hand "you're not alone" Chloe smiled and kissed him, she didn't care who saw.

Chloe walked to the common room and saw Charlotte "hiya" Charlotte looked up and smiled "hi, are you okay?" Chloe nodded "I'm getting there, I'm sorry I've been distant" Charlotte pulled Chloe into a hug "I don't blame you, I'd be the same" Chloe smiled "I am working on getting better" Charlotte grinned "I'll help you, you'll get through this Chloe" Chloe nodded "thanks, for everything and for being an amazing friend" "no worries" Chloe hugged her again grateful she had an amazing friend like Charlotte.


A/N - I'll Be Starting The Next Update Tonight :)

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Bye For Now xoxo

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