Chapter 85 - The End Of Term.

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A/N - Massive Thank You Too 5sos158 For This Idea :D

Hope You Like xoxo


It was the last day of term and Chloe was overjoyed at the fact that she would be able to have a lie-in. When she had done her hair she got changed into her school uniform and got Aubree dressed "Bree, no more early mornings for 6weeks" Aubree giggled as Chloe got her dressed "Chloe are you ready darling?" Chloe grinned "yeah" Chloe puck Aubree up and took her downstairs "morning" Rachel smiled "you're cheerful" Chloe smiled "last day of term, what's not too smile about" Rachel "good point love" Chloe grinned "I'm looking forward to having a lie-in" Rachel rolled her eyes "you would".

Arrving at school Chloe took Aubree from the car and made her way to the creche "bye bye baba" Aubree smiled and went to play with the toys and Chloe left. While walking to registration she was pulled into a classroom by Max "I thought it would be you" Max smirked and noticed that she was wearing the bracelet he got her "nice bracelet, someone must be head over heels" Chloe grinned "yeah, just someone who says he loves me but I'm not convinced" Max smirked and kissed her "how much convincing do you need?" Chloe shrugged "I don't know, I'll have to let you know" Chloe went to walk out when Max took her hand "tonight. My place" Chloe nodded "yeah, I'll be there" Max smirked and kissed her again.

Chloe couldn't keep the grin off her face "well, what's got you all grinning?" Chloe winked "for me to know and you to find out" Charlotte smiled "something to do with Max?" Chloe again winked "I might tell you one day" Charlotte laughed "I hope you're happy though" Chloe smiled "I think I could be" Charlotte hugged her.

Max,Rachel,Michael and Chris were in the meeting and Kim walked in "sorry I'm late. Dex isn't well" Rachel frowned "is he okay?" Kim nodded "yeah, he'll be fine" Rachel smiled "well Chloe was in high spirits this morning" Chris grinned "its the end of term" Rachel laughed "yeah" Michael looked at Rachel "let's hope that this day is uneventful" Rachel nodded "I'm looking forward to not having Chloe moaning about the early morning wake up's".

Chloe,Charlotte and Chlo made their way to Science "so who's up for getting hammered tonight?" Chloe grinned "no can do, I'm all booked up" Chlo groaned "Charlotte?" Charlotte shook her head "not tonight" Chlo sighed "fine, next week then?" Chloe nodded "deffo" Charlotte smiled "I'm in" Chlo squealed "good, Chloe make sure you have a babysitter" Chloe grinned "I will". While in science Chloe was listening to her earphones "Chloe are you listening?" Chloe grinned "yeah I am sir" Chris rolled his eyes "take the earphones out" Chloe glared but did it "I think that Mr.Mead needs to lighten up" Chris looked at her "Chloe, school doesn't finish until 3:15, that's 4hours away" Chloe smirked "yeah but still excited. Six weeks of not being here" Chris rolled his eyes again and carried on with the lesson.

Charlotte and Chloe were sitting outside "its weird knowing that next year is our last year" Chloe smiled "I know, I'm gonna miss this place heaps" Charlotte grinned "been quite a year" Chloe nodded "I know , not all of its been bad though" Charlotte grinned "Max?" Chloe smiled "I'm crazy to love him aren't I?" Charlotte grinned again "no you're not" Chloe sighed "I love him Charl, like I've never loved anyone before" Charlotte hugged Chloe "trust me, I know how that feels" Chloe sighed "remember what we said before? Sisters before misters?" Charlotte laughed "I remember that day well" Chloe grinned "yeah. That's always gonna be our motto".

Max had just sent for Chloe and when she came in she had a grin on her face "you sent for me?" Max smirked as Chloe walked over and sat on the desk "I did" Chloe grinned "what for? There's no professional reason" Max stood and kissed her "I meant it" Chloe feigned innocence "meant what?" Max smirked "I love you" Chloe smiled "I love you too" Max kissed her again just as there was a loud bang "what the hell?" Max frowned as Joyce walked in "Mr.Tyler there's been an explosion in the hall and there's flames everywhere" Max looked at Chloe "get outside, now" Chloe was panicking "Aubree" Max kissed her "she'll be fine" Chloe nodded and left the office.

When she got outside Charlotte came over and hugged her "you're okay!" Chloe nodded "yeah I'm fine" Charlotte smiled "Aubree's with Jess, she got scared" Chloe looked at Jess and saw her holding Aubree so she ran over "come here baby" Aubree started crying "shh baby its okay". Chloe sighed in relief when she saw Max "where's my mum?" Charlotte frowned "I don't know, I've not seen her" Chloe paled "she's still inside" Charlotte sighed "Chloe, we don't know that" Chloe handed Aubree to Jess and took off towards the school "CHLOE!".

Max turned when he heard Chloe's name being yelled and saw her running towards the building "Chloe!" Max, Tom,Eddie and Michael took off after Chloe "you're not going in there!" Chloe was crying "my mum is in there!" Eddie paled "Chloe its not safe" Chloe scoffed "I don't care!" Max took hold of Chloe's arm "I'm not letting you go in there" Chloe tried to get his hand off her "Melissa?" The men turned and Chloe ran into the building "Chloe, get back here".

Chloe couldn't see where she was going but she wasn't giving up "Mum. Where are you? You can't leave me. I need you, Aubree needs you" Chloe was crying "MUM!".

Max couldn't believe that Chloe had gone into a burning building, he was reminded of why he loved her "Max anything?" Max shook his head "no" Chris sighed "she needs to get out there" "I know"

Chloe had found her mum but she wasn't moving so she dragged her down to by the doors. She was close to getting out when she heard creeking above her and knew she had to get out now before the celing collapsed.

Max stood watching the building and sighed in relief when Chloe came out with Rachel "Chris" Max and Chris took off with Eddie to get Rachel. Eddie and Chris took Rachel over to an ambulance while Max stayed with Chloe "you were incredibly stupid" Chloe rolled her eyes "I'm not gonna let my mum burn am I?!" Max sighed "you need to be examined" Chloe sighed "I'm fine" Max glared "Chloe you ran into a burning building you need to be checked over" Chloe groaned as Max took her over to an ambulance "she needs to be examined".

Chloe's examination was over "you've inhaled a bit of smoke but you should be okay" Chloe looked at Max "told you so" Max smirked and kissed her "that's good" Chloe nodded "yeah it is".

Eddie had taken Chloe to the hospital so she could see her mum and Max had Aubree with him "look Chloe, this might not be easy" Chloe sighed "Eddie, I wanna know if my mum is okay" Eddie nodded "we're looking for Rachel Mason" the receptionist pointed to Rachel's room so Chloe and Eddie walked in "mum, I need you too wake up, I can't live without you. Aubree needs you too" Eddie saw the vulnerability in Chloe's eyes and sighed "Chloe, she'll be fine" Chloe wiped her tears "you think?" Eddie nodded "yeah, tough as old boots your mum" Chloe grinned "I'd die without my mum" Eddie smiled "come on, let's get you home yeah?" Chloe nodded and they left the hospital.

Chloe got home and saw Charlotte and Michael there "how is she?" Chloe sighed "in a coma" Charlotte pulled Chloe into a hug "she's gonna be okay" Chloe nodded but she wasn't sure.


A/N - Chapter 90 Will Be When I End This But I'll Start The Sequel Soon As The Last Chapter Is Posted.

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Bye For Now xoxo

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