A/N - As Its My Birthday On Tuesday I'm Going Too Update Any Story You Want Updating :D. This Update Won't Be A Long One. Hope You Like.xoxo
Chloe was becoming worried about Charlotte as she was being distant towards her friends, Chloe didn't blame her, she had lost her baby and Chloe would have done the same if she lost Aubree. While she was getting dressed her phone rang, looking she saw it was Chlo -
Chloe - hey what's up?
Chlo - have you heard from Charlotte? I tried calling her but she didn't answer.
Chloe - no I haven't. We'll see her at school. I hope.
Chlo - yeah you're right. Ben is having Sophia today, she's not very well.
Chloe - awh. Hope she's gonna be okay.
Chlo - she'll be fine. See you at school.
Chloe - yeah see you.
Chloe hung up and finished doing her make up "Chloe are you ready?" Chloe groaned every morning her mum asked that question "I'm ready" Chloe left the bathroom and saw her mum standing there "you stalking me?" Rachel sighed "Chloe you spend ages in that bathroom every morning" Chloe rolled her eyes "well I'm a teenage girl, I need too take pride in my appearance" Rachel smirked "I've been a teenager Chloe, and I never spent that much time in bathroom" Chloe again rolled her eyes "well you're old now so I do spend that much time in the bathroom" Rachel glared "less of the old if you don't mind" Chloe smirked and walked downstairs.
Arriving at school Chloe went to take Aubree to creche. On the way she bumped into Max who puck Aubree up and she grinned "I'll have her this weekend" Chloe nodded "alright" Max smirked and handed Aubree back to Chloe and walked off "well he doesn't hang around" Aubree giggled "Aubs, you're way too cute" Aubree looked at Chloe and smiled.
Once Chloe had taken Aubree to the creche she went looking for Chlo "alright?" Chlo nodded "there's Charlotte" Chloe looked over and saw Charlotte standing under a tree "come on" Chloe took Chlo's hand and they walked over to where Charlotte was standing "you okay?" Charlotte nodded "I'm fine" Chloe sighed "no you're not" Charlotte frowned "I said I'm fine" Chlo frowned as Charlotte walked away "she's grieving, she'll be alright soon" Chloe sighed "I hope so".
Charlotte knew taking it out on Chloe and Chlo was wrong but she knew if she stayed close wth them then she would end up loosing them and she didn't want that. Walking into the toilets she took out her bottle of vodka and started gulping it down. When she had finished the bottle she put it back in her bag and left. She made her way to registration "Charlotte is everything alright?" Charlotte looked at Vicki "why are you talking to me?" Vicki frowned "we're friends" Charlotte scoffed "yeah right" Charlotte walked off. Arriving in registration she saw she was the last one to arrive "Charlotte, you're late" Charlotte rolled her eyes and sat down "Charlotte, don't you have an apology?" Charlotte shook her head and Tom sighed and carried on with talking to the class. Charlotte wasn't paying attention and her phone vibrated, looking she saw a text from Chloe -
*Chloee - pls don't shut me out. I'm here 4 you. And Chlo is :'( xo
*Charlotte - I'm fine. I'm not shutting you out xoxo
*Chloee - you know you can talk too me xoxo
*Charlotte - I know xoxo
"Chloe, Charlotte, put the phones away or I'll confiscate them" Chloe rolled her eyes but Charlotte didn't put her phone away "did you not hear what I said Charlotte?" Charlotte smirked "I did but I don't wanna put my phone away" Chloe looked up and frowned "I asked you to put your phone away" Charlotte sighed and eventually put her phone away.
After registration Charlotte left without waiting for Chloe or Chlo "where is she going?" Chloe shrugged "hang on, she's going out the gates" Chlo frowned "if Tyler sees her then she's in trouble Chloe sighed "cover for us" Chlo nodded and watched as Chloe walked off.
Max saw Chloe go out of the gates and frowned "Chris I need to leave" Chris nodded "why?" Max looked at him "two pupils have left the premises" Chris sighed "right" Max walked to the office and got his car keys.
Chloe followed Charlotte to a weird looking club and followed her inside. She couldn't believe what she saw and that was Charlotte standing with a biker guy "Charlotte?" Charlotte looked up and smirked "fancy a drink?" Chloe frowned "no, and you shouldn't be drinking" Charlotte rolled her eyes "I don't care about myself, not anymore, I lost my baby" Chloe sighed "I know" Charlotte looked at her "my baby was the only thing I would have had that was mine and now I'm never gonna get to watch her grow like you will with Aubree" Chloe felt herself tear up and watched as Charlotte started flirting with the biker guy "how about you and I get out of here?" The biker guy smirked and nodded "Charlotte no" Charlotte turned to Chloe "I'm going with him and you can't stop me" Chloe frowned but she didn't realise Max was standing behind her "no, but I can" Chloe inwardly groaned "this is not gonna help" Charlotte went to walk out the club with the person who was named Neil "Charlotte wait, if you go with him, anything might happen" Charlotte glared "I'll be fine" Chloe sighed "yeah and what if you're not?" Charlotte sighed and looked at Neil "I should go" Neil glared at her "you were gonna use me?" Chloe took Charlotte's hand and pulled her outside.
When Chloe,Charlotte and Max got outside Charlotte went to walk away "where you going?" Charlotte turned to her "I'm not going back to school" Chloe frowned "I gathered that, where you going?" Charlotte sighed "I don't know, wherever I feel like going" Chloe went to follow her when Max grabbed her hand "get off, she can't go off on her own she's drunk" Max frowned "she doesn't want to go back, you can't force her" Chloe scoffed "yeah right, I'm not letting her go" Chloe shook Max's hand off her "Charlotte wait" Charlotte turned to her "what?" "You can't go off on your own, you're drunk" Charlotte rolled her eyes "whatever, I'll be fine" Chloe glared "no you won't, you're coming with me".
Chloe eventually got Charlotte to return to school and she had also managed to persuade Max not to give her detention. Arriving back at school Charlotte had headache "I wanna go home" Chloe smiled "not possible". Chloe and Charlotte made their way to the common room where Chlo was "Chlo" Chlo turned and hugged Charlotte "I'm here for you" Charlotte smiled "thanks, I'm sorry I've been distant" Chlo smiled "its fine" Charlotte sighed "no its not, I hurt my best friends" Chloe grinned "no matter what you do we're always here for you" Charlotte smiled and hugged her best friends knowing they would be there for her no matter what.
A/N - Hope You Like. StrangeDesires, Its Posted :P haahaa xoxo

The Daughter Of Rachel Mason
FanfictionChloe Mason, The Daughter Of Rachel Mason. Fiercely protective of her mum she would do anything for her. What happens when Chloe meets Max Tyler who doesn't hide his hatred for Rachel and what happens when Max manipulates Chloe into sleeping with hi...