Chapter 29 - What's Wrong With Her ?

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A/N - Hope You Like & This Won't Be A Long Update, Also Go Check Out AmeliaWilliams44's Fanfic 'Mr.Clarkson's Daughter (Chris Mead Fanfiction) Its Amazing So Far & StrangeDesires 'Please Save Me' xoxo

Chloe had been rushed to hospital as she still hadn't woken up, Eddie had offered to take Aubree back to Rachel's. Arriving at the hospital Rachel had Chris with her for support "why would she just collapse like that?" Chris sighed "she collapsed earlier" Rachel frowned "what? Why didn't you say anything?" Chris looked at Rachel "she begged me not too" Rachel was annoyed "Chris she shouldn't have gone on stage" "I tried to tell her but she's stubborn, like her mum" Rachel smiled "she is" Rachel and Chris continued the wait to hear about weather Chloe was okay.

The results of the talent show had been put on hold until everyone knew Chloe was ok, Eddie had gone to collect Aubree from the creche as he was looking after her until Rachel told him what was happening although Max hadn't been happy about that as Aubree was his daughter therefore she should stay with him while Chloe was unwell but he wouldn't cause a row in front of the pupils or his daughter. Chlo,Charlotte and Janeece were sitting together when Tom came over "have you heard anything?" Tom shook his head "no, Rachel or Chris haven't got in touch" Charlotte sighed and heard Aubree cry so went to help Eddie with her "Eddie shall I take her?" Eddie nodded and handed Aubree to Charlotte "its easy, she misses Chloe" Eddie smiled. Max stood watching Charlotte with his daughter and frowned she was goood with her.

Chloe had just woken up and felt numb "where am I?" The nurse walked in "hiya Chloe I'm Lynn" Chloe nodded "okay, why am I here?" Lynn smiled "you collapsed" Chloe frowned "why?" Lynn looked at her "we've done some tests and you're physically fine, I think it was because you're exhausted, has there been a change of circumstance at home?" Chloe looked at Lynn "I recently had a baby and she wakes every hour and half" Lynn smiled "its probably that" Chloe smiled.

Rachel and Chris were still in the waiting room when the nurse walked in "Chloe Mason?" Rachel and Chris stood "what's wrong with her?" Lynn smiled "exhaustion" Rachel nodded "is she alright?" Lynn nodded "yeah she's fine" Rachel let out a sigh of relief "can we see her?" Lynn again nodded "follow me". Entering Chloe's room Rachel saw her hooked up to an IV drip "oh love are you alright?" Chloe nodded "yeah" Rachel smiled "good, what happened?" Chloe shrugged "Aubree waking me, and the fact I've been sneaking out" Rachel frowned "sneaking out where?" Chloe shrugged "out and about" Rachel sighed "Chloe that's not acceptable" Chloe rolled her eyes "I know, I'm sorry" Chris looked at Rachel "how about you get some coffee?" Rachel nodded and left "you gave us a scare" Chloe smiled "I bet, who won the talent show?" Chris shrugged "apparently, they're waiting to see if you're okay" Chloe grinned "wow I'm that loved" Chris laughed "yeah" Chloe looked at him "thanks sir, for everything" Chris smiled "its alright" Chloe was about to speak when Rachel walked in "you're being discharged" Chloe nodded.

Rachel,Chris and Chloe had just returned to the school "wow, everyone is here still?" Chris smiled "everyone is worried" Chloe grinned "I feel honoured" Rachel laughed "come on". Entering the school they made their way to the hall where everyone was "she's back!" Chloe inwardly groaned as Danielle and Aleesha came running over to her "are you alright?" Chloe smiled "I'm fine" Danielle grinned and turned to Max "sir can you announce the winner?" Max smirked and nodded "the winner by unanimous vote is Chloe" Chloe rolled her eyes but smiled.

Max left the hall and Chloe went after him "Max" Max turned "Chloe are you alright?" Chloe nodded "yeah" Max nodded and went to walk off "wait" Max turned back to her "what?" Chloe smiled "I should have let you have Aubree today" Max smirked "I had things too do" Chloe rolled her eyes "that's not true" Max turned and walked off leaving Chloe standing there.

Rachel took Chloe and Aubree home "Chloe I'll have Aubree tonight" Chloe sighed "I can't ask you to do that" Rachel smiled "you need your rest, you heard what the nurse said" Chloe nodded "if you're sure, I don't wanna put you out" "you're not" Chloe nodded "thanks, I'm gonna bed now then" Rachel nodded and watched as Chloe walked upstairs.

A/N - I'm Sorry This Is Short But I'm Not Very Well, Hopee You Likeed Though xoxo

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