Chapter 54 - Supply Teacher.

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A/N - The Song Used In This Chapter Didn't Come Out Until 2014 But

But Its Being Used So I Can Show What A Rebel Chloe Can Be. Hope You Like. Xoxo


Chloe had spent the night round Max's although she told her mum she was staying with Jess so her mum agreed too have Aubree and bring her into school. While she was getting dressed Max was sorting something out. When she was finally ready she walked downstairs and saw him doing something "you're up too something" Max smirked "if I was I wouldn't tell" Chloe frowned "I think you should tell me" Max stood and walked over to where Chloe was standing "Its a secret".

Max drove Chloe to a street by the school "are you having me on?" Max smirked "can't be seen together" Chloe glared "seriously?" Max looked at her "I know there's nothing wrong with your legs" Chloe smirked and Max went to kiss her "no, get off" Chloe got out the car and walked off towards school meeting with Jess "my mum was none the wiser" Chloe grinned "that's good" Jess smirked "where were you really?" Chloe winked "for me too know and you too never find out" Jess laughed as Max pulled into the school car park "morning girls" Jess smiled and Chloe raised her eyebrows and walked inside with Jess.

Charlotte sat in the common room alone when Chlo walked in "Chlo can we talk?" Chlo looked at Charlotte and nodded "I'm sorry about what happened, it shouldn't have" Chlo sighed "imagine how I felt when I saw one of my best friends snogging my dad" Charlotte looked at her "I accused Chloe of flirting with Eddie" Chlo frowned "she wouldn't do that" "I know, I apologised" Chlo smiled "look I forgive you, just try not too do it again" Charlotte nodded "I won't" Chlo and Charlotte hugged "where's Chloe?" Chlo shrugged "taking Aubree too creche" Charlotte shook her head "Rachel took her" just as Charlotte finished speaking Chloe and Jess walked in "is it safe too come in or is World War 3 about too break out" Chlo smiled "its safe" Chloe nodded "right, well Jess has just informed me we have a cover teacher for History" Chlo grinned knowing what was coming "this is gonna be fun" Chloe laughed and walked over to Charlotte "you've never been with me in a cover lesson have you?" Charlotte shook her head which made Chloe grin.

Chloe made her way to the creche to see Aubree and as she was walking towards the room her mum was walking out "Chloe, nice time with Jess?" Chloe nodded "yeah, it was good" Rachel smiled "Aubree was great last night" Chloe smiled "okay" Rachel frowned "you alright?" Chloe nodded "yeah I'm fine" Rachel nodded "you look tired" Chloe sighed "me and Jess didn't get much sleep" Rachel grinned "well early night then" Chloe nodded "right okay" Rachel walked off and Chloe walked into the creche "Aubree" Aubree looked up from her teddy bear and smiled "mummy missed you".

Chloe left the creche and went to registration "Chloe, nice of you too join us" Chloe grinned "I was debating not turning up but then I realised you wouldn't cope without seeing me" Tom laughed "Chloe sit down" Chloe grinned and sat with Chlo as Charlotte was sitting with Janeece "so Tom told us that we have got a cover teacher for Miss Montoya" Chloe grinned "oh yeah".

Chloe,Charlotte,Chlo,Jess and Janeece made their way to Spanish "this is gonna be so much fun" Chlo grinned "especially with you". Arriving at the classroom Chloe grinned "he looks quite easy too wind up" Janeece laughed knowing what Chloe was like when it came to supply teachers. Entering the classroom Chloe grabbed Bolton "you're in this lesson" Bolton grinned "I'm with Mead innit" Chloe smirked "no, you're staying in here". Chloe sat with Charlotte and the teacher started "I'm Mr.Andrewson and I'm covering this lesson until your proper teacher is back" Chloe smirked and looked at Bolton "er sir, all cover teachers need too go speak with Mason and Tyler" Mr.Andrewson frowned "I wasn't informed of that" Chloe grinned "I'm surprised Mr.Tyler never told you, he's big on disipline" Chlo rolled her eyes but laughed "right I'll be right back" Chloe watched as he walked out the classroom "close the blinds and put something against the door" Bolton and Donte put a table against the door Chloe connected her phone to the computer in the classroom and begun singing along to her favourite song with Jess -

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