A/N - One Chapter Too Go xD Haa!!!
Anyways Hope You Like xoxo
It had been a week since Sam had died and Waterloo Road hadn't been the same although Chloe knew it would take a while for them to be the same. That morning when they arrived at school Chloe saw Charlotte standing with Jess so walked over to them "morning" Charlotte faintly smiled "alright?" Jess had recently found out that she was pregnant "how's the baby mummy to be?" Jess smiled "feeling incredibly sick, don't want anyone knowing" Chloe smiled "I won't say anything" Jess smiled "thanks".
During registration Chloe noticed the awkward looks between Tom and Charlotte and was confused as to what happened between them "Charl, is everything alright?" Charlotte nodded "yeah, why?" Chloe smiled "no reason" Charlotte smiled and went back to looking out the window. After registration Charlotte was the first one to leave the class "wow, she's in a rush" Chloe nodded "yeah, seems too be" Chlo smiled "wish I could run that first" Chloe laughed "you and me both". Chloe saw Charlotte standing on her own so walked over to her "what's wrong?" Charlotte sighed "nothing" Chloe raised her eyebrows "I don't believe you" Charlotte looked at Chloe "I'm fine, just thinking about stuff" Chloe nodded "okay. I'm here if you need to talk" Charlotte smiled "thanks" Chloe hugged her and walked off.
Chloe knew Charlotte wasn't being truthful about what had happened so she went to talk to Tom. She got by his classroom when she saw Max walking towards her "you shouldn't be in here at break" Chloe rolled her eyes "I'm sure I'll live" Max smirked "what's wrong?" Chloe smiled "nothing" Max nodded and walked off and Chloe walked into Tom's class "what's happened between you and Charlotte?" Tom looked up and frowned "I don't know what you're talking about" Chloe rolled her eyes "I'm not stupid, I can tell that something has happened, the awkward looks between you and the fact she can't be in the same room as you" Tom sighed "Chloe, it doesn't matter" Chloe glared "yeah it does matter. She's my best friend and I don't want her getting upset again" Tom looked at Chloe "drop it" Chloe scoffed and left the classroom.
Walking through the corridor Charlotte heard people talking about her and calling her a slut but she didn't care. She had just sat outside when Danielle came over "you're seriously messed up in the head" Charlotte rolled her eyes "whatever" Danielle frowned "you are, calling yourself a slut" Charlotte looked at her "go away" Danielle walked off and Charlotte heard her mumbling under her breath calling her a freak.
Chloe went looking for Charlotte when she heard someone mention Charlotte and calling her a slut "Chloe" Chloe turned to Jess "what's everyone saying about Charlotte?" Jess sighed "they're saying she's a slut" Chloe frowned "why?" Jess shrugged "I heard it from Lauren" Chloe groaned "who started it?" Jess looked at her "she started it herself" Chloe was shocked "she wouldn't" Jess nodded "Danielle told me" Chloe sighed "where is she?" Jess shrugged "not seen her since registration" Chloe smiled "thanks Jess".
Charlotte went looking for Tom and found him in his classroom "ignoring me again are you?" Tom looked up "you shouldn't be in here" Charlotte scoffed "we slept together again and once again you're treating me like I don't exsist, I've had enough of it. From now on, we'll stay away from each other!" Tom sighed and watched as Charlotte walked out the classroom.
Chloe carried on looking for Charlotte "Chlo, have you seen Charlotte?" Chlo shook her head "no" Chloe sighed "thanks" Chlo smiled "problem?" Chloe shook her head "nothing I can't handle" Chlo nodded "have you heard what people are saying?" Chloe nodded "yeahn I'm gonna sort this out once and for all" Chlo grinned "good luck" Chloe smiled "I'm gonna need it".
Charlotte sat on the roof looking down "thought I would find you up here" Charlotte looked up and saw Chloe "hiya" Chloe came and sat down by her "why start a rumour about yourself?" Charlotte sighed "its true, I am a slut" Chloe frowned "why?" Charlotte started crying "because I slept with Tom again" Chloe sighed "that doesn't make you a slut" Charlotte nodded "yeah it does, I slept with him when he was feeling down about Sam" Chloe hugged her "trust me, you're not a slut, but why start the rumour?" Charlotte shrugged "because like I keep saying its the truth" Chloe took her hand "you're not a slut Charl, you're one of the most loveliest people I've ever met and I'd be damned if I ever meet anyone else like you" Charlotte smiled through her tears "I don't deserve a friend like you do" Chloe grinned "yeah you do, and you deserve too be happy but I'm gonna say this Tom Clarkson isn't worth the aggro" Charlotte nodded "I know but there's something pulling me back. Like with you and Max" Chloe smiled "strange things happen" Charlotte sighed "I need to move on don't I?" Chloe nodded "yeah you do. You're gonna make yourself ill and I don't want that, you're my sister and I love you" Charlotte hugged Chloe "thanks" Chloe grinned "no worries. How about we get down off here? Before we're accused of bunking off and we're dragged in front of Max" Charlotte laughed and they got down off the roof.
Chloe took Charlotte to the common room where Chlo was "I'll be back soon" Charlotte smiled and Chloe left to go to the office. Entering she saw Max there "what can I do for you?" Chloe smiled "how was Aubree?" Max smiled "good" Chloe nodded "that's good, was she clingy at all?" Max shook his head "no, why?" Chloe sighed "she's been acting shy lately and really clingy" Max frowned "she was fine" Chloe nodded "well I should go" Chloe went to leave when Max called her "wait" Chloe turned back to him "what?" Max smirked "you didn't come here just to ask about Aubree" Chloe grinned "I did" "Chloe why did you really come?" Chloe walked over to him "to give you this" Max frowned just as Chloe kissed him "now I should go" Max smirked and took her hand pulling her towards him "what now?" Max didn't speak but kissed her "you can leave now" Chloe grinned and left the office.
Once she had gotten Aubree from the creche she made her way to her mum's car "alright Chloe?" Chloe nodded "yeah, let's go" Rachel smiled and got into the car. When they got home Chloe text Charlotte -
*Chloe - remember. You're an amazing person xx
*Lottie - thanks Chloe. I'm determined to move on xx
*Chloe - good. You're gonna be happy. I promise xx
*Lottie - :) me & Eddie are going to the cinema. Speak soon xx
*Chloe - have fun xx
* Lottie - I will xx
Chloe smiled she knew that Charlotte would get over Tom. It would take time but she would and Chloe was determined to help her.
A/N - Wow. It Took Me Half An Hour Too Write This xD New Record Haa!!!
All Credit For This Goes Too StrangeDesires. :D
Next Chapter - The Final One.
Hope You Liked.
Bye For Now xoxo

The Daughter Of Rachel Mason
FanfictionChloe Mason, The Daughter Of Rachel Mason. Fiercely protective of her mum she would do anything for her. What happens when Chloe meets Max Tyler who doesn't hide his hatred for Rachel and what happens when Max manipulates Chloe into sleeping with hi...