Chapter 58 - Another Attack.

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A/N - This Chapter Is Basically Chloe&Co Having Fun On The Weekend. There Is Gonna Be Some Drama. Hope You Like xoxo


It was soon Friday and Chloe,Charlotte,Chlo,Jess and Janeece were all going on a night out. Chloe had been apprehensive about taking Aubree back to the creche at school but Rachel had told her that every half hour a member of staff would be supervising the creche. That day she was getting ready for school she saw Aubree walking which made her smile "Aubree come here" Aubree toddled over to Chloe who puck her up "you need too stop growing" Aubree giggled "where's eeyore?" Aubree smiled and pointed to Chloe's bed.

Arriving at school Chloe saw Max so she put Aubree down and got her school bag before walking inside and taking Aubree to creche "mummy loves you loads princess" Aubree smiled and sat down. Chloe left the creche and saw Max walking towards her which made her confused thinking about how he always knew when she left the creche "anyone would think you're watching me" Max smirked and took her hand "you shouldn't grab me in the corridor, anyone could see" Chloe was struggling to hide her grin "where is she?" Chloe frowned "who?" "Aubree?" Chloe grinned "creche" Max was about too kiss her when Chris came down the corridor "what's going on?" Chloe grinned again "nothing, talking about Aubree" Chris nodded "Max there's a call for you in the office" Max looked at Chloe and walked off.

In registration Chloe and Charlotte were discussing the night out "I'm determined too get drunk" Charlotte laughed "yeah, who's having Aubree?" Chloe grinned "my mum, means I don't need too worry" Chlo tapped Chloe on the shoulder "Bolton mentioned that he,Paul and Finn were going out tonight" Chloe groaned "let's just hope we don't run into them" Charlotte nodded "hopefully we don't run into anyone from school" Chloe laughed "imagine if we saw any of the teachers, wearing baggy jeans and floral shirts" Chlo burst out laughing which started Chloe off and then Charlotte "girls something funny?" Chloe looked at Tom and pictured him in baggy jeans and hawiian floral shirt and she was gone again "you didn't?" Chlo was red with laughter "calm down". The three girls eventually stopped laughing "I hate you Chloe, giving me them images" Chloe grinned.

Rachel was sitting in the office when Eddie walked in "what you doing tonight?" Rachel grinned "babysitting" Eddie frowned "was gonna ask if you fancied a meal out" Rachel smiled "you could always come round" Eddie grinned "its a date" Rachel laughed "Chloe and Charlotte are going out tonight" Eddie nodded "Chlo,Janeece and Jess are going aswell" Rachel was about to speak when Max walked in "we have a problem" Rachel frowned "what?" "There's been another attack" Rachel was shocked she had thought the attacks had stopped "who?" Max sighed "year 11 girl, Keeley Turner" Rachel looked horrified "Keeley? She's the quiet one" Max nodded "that's the one" Rachel couldn't believe it, Keeley had never got into trouble or even spoke back to a teacher "what was she doing walking through an alleyway?" Max looked at Rachel "the police informed me that this happened in the park" Rachel paled knowing Chloe walked through the park when she walked to school "Rach is everything alright?" Rachel looked at Eddie "Chloe, she walks through the park to get too school when she walks" Eddie sighed "she can't walk too school until this sicko has been caught" Rachel nodded "I know".

Chloe was walking to the common room when Max discreetly placed a note in her pocket and then walked off. When she got to the common room she read the note -

*Office, 20minutes*

"What's that?" Chloe put the note away and saw Philip "what's it got too do with you?" Philip frowned "just curious is all" Chloe rolled her eyes "leave me alone" Chloe walked over to where Charlotte was standing "problem?" Chloe nodded "my cousin is stalking me" Charlotte grinned "sounds like an episode of Jeremy Kyle" Chloe laughed "he would love me, 'I got knocked up by the Headteacher' I can just see it now" Charlotte burst out laughing "I'd pay too watch that" Chloe rolled her eyes but smiled.

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