Chapter 76 - Chloe's Been Attacked.

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A/N - This Chapter Might Be Sensitive.

Hope You Like xoxo


She lay there as it happened. She had been violated in a way she never thought would happen to her again. When it was over she got up off the floor and made her way home, she didn't care about the bruise she had on her face or the fact that she had ripped her top. When she got home she heard her mum calling her "Chloe, what's happened?" Chloe sighed "I got into a fight, no biggie" Rachel frowned "that bruise looks painful" Chloe shook her head "its not" if she was being honest she didn't feel anything other than dirty and all she wanted was to have a shower and fall asleep.

The next moring came and Chloe felt like breaking, she felt disgusted with herself for allowing it happen "Chloe come on" Chloe looked at the bruise she had on her stomach and Rachel walked in "oh my god Chloe" Chloe buttoned up her shirt "is that from the fight?" Chloe nodded "yeah" Rachel sighed "come on, Aubree is ready and waiting" at the mention of her baby girl Chloe's eyes welled up "Chloe, what's wrong?" Chloe shook her head "nothing".

Arriving at school Chloe took Aubree to the creche and went to sit in the common room she didn't want to be around anyone, she wanted to be alone. When the bell rang Chloe made her way to registration. While in registration Chloe sat in her usual place at the back and stared out the window not paying attention to anything "Chloe, are you listening?" Chloe wasn't listening so Tom placed his hand on her shoulder she flinched which made Charlotte frown, Chloe was never normally like that and Tom noticed "Chloe is everything alright?" Chloe nodded even though the tears were evident in her eyes "you sure?" Chloe nodded "I'm fine sir" Tom smiled even though he wasn't convinced.

After registration was PSHE but to Charlotte Chloe seemed miles away and she knew there was something wrong with her "Chloe, before we get to lesson is there anything wrong?" Chloe sighed "no I'm fine" Charlotte hugged Chloe "I'm here for you" Chloe smiled although she was breaking.

Max stood in the classroom watching everyone walk in and frowned when he saw Chloe looking pale and not wearing any make-up "take a seat" Chloe sat with Charlotte and Max started the lesson. Halfway through Chloe hated the subject that they were talking about 'Rape And How It Affects People'. She grabbed her bag and walked out the lesson "sir shall I go after her?" Max nodded and Charlotte took off after Chloe.

Chloe made her way to the toilets and broke down crying, she hated herself. Charlotte walked in and saw Chloe sitting on the floor crying "Chloe, what's happened?" Chloe looked up at Charlotte "I can't say" Charlotte joined her on the floor "yeah you can, you're safe here" Chloe was crying again so Charlotte held her "look you can tell me anything and I won't judge, I promise" Chloe looked at her "last night, I was ra-raped" Charlotte paled just as the bell went so Charlotte closed the toilet door and locked it and she sat back with Chloe "do you know who it was?" Chloe shook her head "no, he came from nowhere and it just happened" Charlotte sighed "does your mum know?" Chloe paled "no, you can't tell her, please" Charlotte held Chloe again "she needs to know" Chloe shook her head "she'll hate me, Max will hate me, they'll take Aubree away" Charlotte felt her heart break "no they won't, your mum loves you, Max clearly loves you" Chloe was crying again "it was my fault, I'm a slag" "no you're not, don't ever say that".

Max went back to the office and saw Rachel there but he was too busy thinking about why Chloe walked from his lesson "Max is everything alright?" Max nodded "everything is fine Rachel" Rachel smiled "good".

The bell rang but Charlotte and Chloe were still in the toilets "you need to tell someone so they can catch the scumbag that did this" Chloe shook her head "I can't, I don't want anyone knowing" Charlotte sighed "Chloe the person can't get away with this" Chloe rolled her eyes "he can if I don't say anything".

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