Chapter 69 - Locked In.

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A/N - ThankYou Too 5sos158 For The Idea For This Chapter. I'm Gonna Break It Up Into Chapters.

Hope You Like xoxo


Chloe had been watching Max and thought there was something odd about him but she didn't say anything. That morning while she was getting ready she saw Aubree attempting to climb and stand on her computer desk "Aubree no" Aubree frowned "Aubee yes" Chloe grinned "no" Aubree gave Chloe her 'I'll do it because I can' look "listen madam, you're one years old, you can't give me that look" Chloe puck Aubree up just as Philip walked in "Rachel's asked if you're ready" Chloe rolled her eyes and walked downstairs "morning love" chloe smiled "morning", Chloe didn't realise that Philip was behind her staring "Phil, what you doing lurking behind Chloe?" Chloe turned and frowned "you really are weird".

When they arrived at school Chloe took Aubree from the car and walked away just as Philip went to speak with her "Chloe I need a word with you" Chloe turned to Philip "can you just leave me alone? You're creeping me out now" Philip frowned "look I need to speak with you" Chloe rolled her eyes "back off and leave me alone". Once Chloe had taken Aubree to the creche she went to meet with Charlotte "you look annoyed" Chloe nodded "yeah, my cousin is a weirdo, he was standing behind me this morning looking at me weird and now he needs a word with me" Charlotte frowned "wow, stalker alert" Chloe nodded "yup". The girls stood outside the gates waiting for Chlo, when she arrived Chloe grinned at the song that was playing "what's the grin for?" Chloe looked at her "we built this city on rock and roll" Charlotte laughed as Chlo came over "his music is too loud" Chloe grinned "the song is amazing though" Chlo rolled her eyes but smiled.

While in registration Chloe was drowning Tom out, she had no idea that Max had walked in "Chloe? Mr.Tyler wants a word" Chloe looked up and rolled her eyes but followed him outside "what?" Max looked at her "you've been distant from everyone" Chloe sighed "I'm fine" Chloe went to walk away but Max took hold of her hand "what now?" Max saw she had tears in her eyes "what's wrong?" Chloe sighed "nothing, I'm fine" Chloe tried walking off but Max still had hold of her "seriously, I'm fine" Max sighed "Chloe, I've known you long enough to know you don't get upset over nothing" Chloe rolled her eyes "I've said and I've said, I'm flamming fine! I wish everyone would just back off" Max frowned as she walked off.

Charlotte saw Chloe walk off from Max and was worried about her "er sir, I need the toilet" Tom sighed "go on" Charlotte stood and left the classroom, she went the way that Chloe went hoping she would see her "Charlotte why are you out of registration?" Charlotte looked at Eddie "I'm looking for Chloe" Eddie frowned "wasn't she in registation?" Charlotte nodded "yeah but she walked out, and she looked upset" Eddie sighed "right well before we go and see Rachel let's just see if we can find" Charlotte nodded and she continued looking for Chloe.

Chloe sat in the library hoping noOne would look for her in there, she didn't know why she was upset when she felt fine this morning "Chloe?" Chloe looked up and saw Charlotte "I'm guessing Mr.Clarkson sent you" Charlotte smiled "no, he doesn't know" Chloe nodded and Charlotte sat down "what's wrong? I saw you and Max talking" Chloe sighed "nothing" Charlotte frowned "I've known you what? 5 and a half years, I know you well enough to know its something" Chloe smiled "he said that" "who?" Chloe sighed "Max" Charlotte grinned "see, what's happened? What happened to my cheerful best mate who sung in lesson and wound up Budgen?" Chloe laughed "I don't know, I was fine this morning but now? I feel crap" Charlotte hugged Chloe "everything is gonna be fine" Charlotte held Chloe as she cried.

Max was sitting in the office when Rachel came in "have you seen Chloe?" Max shook his head "no, why?" Rachel sighed "she walked out of registration and hasn't been seen since" Max frowned "is Aubree in the creche still?" Rachel nodded "yeah" Max sighed "she'll turn up". Charlotte had persuaded Chloe to attend science even though she was feeling like crap. When they got there Chris was standing in the doorway "Charlotte in you go, I need a quick word with Chloe" Charlotte looked at Chloe who nodded so she walked into the classroom.

When Charlotte had gone inside Chris looked at Chloe "your mum told me you walked from registration" Chloe sighed "I'm sorry, I just felt incredibly down" Chris frowned "is everything alright Chloe?" Chloe nodded "I'm fine" Chris smiled "you're not alone Chloe" "thanks sir". Chloe walked into the lesson and sat with Charlotte "is everything okay?" Chloe nodded "I'm fine" Charlotte smiled.

Chloe left the classroom and made her way to the creche "hey baby" Aubree looked up and giggled "mama" Chloe puck her up and held her close "mummy loves you so much Aubree" Aubree hugged her "where's your teddy?" Aubree pointed to the floor so Chloe puck the teddy up and gave it to Aubree.

When lunchtime came Chloe went back to the creche she was going to get Aubree and go home. Arriving back home Chloe saw Philip was there which made her frown "why are you here?" Philip sighed "I said I had something to talk to you about" Chloe rolled her eyes but placed Aubree down and watched as she walked into the living room "what do you wanna talk to me about?" Philip glared "keep away from Max" Chloe frowned "that it?" Philip again glared "I'm warning you stay away from him" Chloe scoffed "hate to break it to you, I'm not gonna listen to you" Philip took a step towards her "you're gonna stay away from him" Chloe glared "get out of my way" Philip shook his head "no" Chloe wasn't in the mood for this so she was going back to school "Aubree come here" Aubree came toddling into Chloe but Philip puck her up "you're not going anywhere" Chloe glared "put her down" Chloe went to take Aubree from Philip but he pushed her and she hit her head on the bannister and Aubree started crying "I swear you best put her down now" Philip put Aubree down and she walked over to Chloe while Philip locked the front door "don't try the backdoor, its locked" Chloe glared and walked upstairs.

Max was in the office with Chris discussing what could be wrong with Chloe when his phone rang, looking he saw it was Chloe -


Max - Chloe, is everything alright?

Chloe - no I need your help

Max - why?

Chloe - Philip, he's locked me in the house and he won't let me leave

Max - is Aubree alright?

Chloe - no, she saw him push me and now she won't stop crying, I need to get out of here and both doors are locked.

Max - we're coming

Chloe - we? Who's we?

Max - me and Christopher

Chloe - okay


Max looked at Chris and stood to get his car keys "we need to go" Chris frowned "what's happened?" "Philip has locked Chloe in the house and won't let her leave" Chris stood and they left the office.

Chloe sat on her bed with Aubree who was still crying "Aubs come on baby, he won't hurt you" Aubree pointed to the window which made Chloe smile. Max and Chris pulled up to Rachel's house and both got out the car and walked to the front door where they started banging the door "Philip! Open the door now" when noOne opened the door they started banging it again. 10minutes later the front door still hadn't been opened "Ryan open this door now!".

When the door eventually opened Max grabbed Philip while Chris went to find Chloe "Chloe? Where are you?" Chloe came out of her room with Aubree and Chris noticed the bruise on her face "what happened?" "He pushed me and I hit my head on the bannister" Chris frowned "looks painful" Chloe smiled "its fine, I've been through child birth remember" Chris nodded "come on, let's get you out of here". Max had just called the police when Chloe came out the house and Max saw the bruise on her face "you ever lay a finger on her again I will personally see to it that you are locked up" Chloe looked at Max "he's not worth it" Max looked at her "you alright?" Chloe nodded just as Rachel, Eddie and Charlotte pulled up onto the drive "oh my god Chloe, what happened?" Chloe looked at her mum "Philip, he locked me in the house and he pushed me and I whacked my head off the bannister" Charlotte frowned and took Aubree from Chloe "are you alright?" Chloe nodded "I'm fine, but I'm never being in a room with him again" Rachel sighed just as the police arrived.

Chloe put Aubree to bed that night and stayed until she fell asleep and when she was in a deep sleep Chloe climbed into her own bed and fell asleep as soon as she hit the pillow.


A/N - Like I Said Massive Thanks Too 5sos158 For The Idea For This :)

Hope You Likeed.

Bye For Now xoxo

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