Chapter 21 - What?

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A/N - MASSIVE THANK YOU Too StrangeDesires For The Idea For The Idea For This Chapter :-D

Chloe arrived at school that day with Aubree and saw Charlotte so she walked over to her "alright?" Charlotte nodded "yeah" Chloe smiled "where's Chlo?" Charlotte shrugged "somewhere with Ben" Chloe laughed "she's in love" Charlotte grinned "yeah, don't blame her". Chlo soon arrived with Ben "well here come the lovers" Chlo grinned "can't help it" Chloe rolled her eyes at the soppiness "yeah don't make me puke up my bacon sarnie" Chlo bobbed her toungue out "wow, mature much" Chlo grinned "right we should head in".

Chloe had taken Aubree to creche and made her way to registration "Chloe you're late" Chloe grinned "sorry sir, had trouble with Aubree in the creche" Tom nodded "right well sit" Chloe took her seat with Charlotte "put your toungue away, you're staring" Charlotte grinned "can't help it" Chloe laughed "okay, I admit it, he's fit" Charlotte grinned "thank you, you admit it" Chloe rolled her eyes but laughed.

Chris had been preparing a lesson when Chloe walked in "everything alright Chloe?" Chloe nodded "yeah, I'm trying to pass my free time" Chris smiled "why not spend it with your little girl?" Chloe grinned "she's conked out asleep" Chris nodded "you can help me if you like?" Chloe smiled and nodded "I'd love too" Chris handed Chloe a pair of goggles "before you touch anything goggles on" Chloe nodded and put the goggles on.

Max was walking to the science lab as he needed a word with Chris. When he was outside he saw Chloe in there and frowned, he continued to watch them and got angry when he saw Chloe give Chris a hug, she was his and his alone. Chloe looked at the clock and sighed "I should go for my next lesson" Chris nodded "thanks for the help".

Max was fuming, he couldn't believe that Chloe was involved with Chris, he knew what to do in order to get at her "Joyce could you send for Charlotte Smith" Joyce nodded. Charlotte walked to the office and on her way there she saw Chloe,Tom and Chris talking "Charlotte why are you out of lesson?" "Mr.Tyler sent for me" Tom nodded "well off you go.

Charlotte arrived at the office "you wanted too see me sir?" Max nodded "come in Charlotte" Charlotte entered the office "what's this about?" Max smiled "how are you finding the school?" Charlotte smiled "fine thanks sir, Chloe and Chlo are amazing" Max nodded "that's good" "can I go now?" Max shook his head "no" Charlotte frowned "why not?" Max smirked and walked towards Charlotte "why don't you and I get out of here?" Charlotte shook her head "no thanks" Max smirked "well Chloe has moved on, I don't see why I shouldn't" Charlotte looked at Max "no" Max walked over to Charlotte and kissed her only she pushed him away "don't do that" Max kissed her again "GET OFF ME!"

Chloe,Tom and Chris were talking when they heard Charlotte scream "what the?" Chloe took off and went to the office, barging in she saw Max attempting to kiss Charlotte "what the?" Chris and Tom entered "what happened?" "H-he tr-tried too kiss me" Chloe gasped and glared at Max "he tried too kiss you?" Charlotte nodded and Tom punched him "Tom! No" Tom stopped and turned to Charlotte "let's get you out of here" Tom took Charlotte out leaving Chris,Chloe and Max.

Once Tom and Charlotte had gone Chloe turned to Max "why would you try it on with her?" Max smirked "you've moved onto Christopher, therefore I can move on" Chloe rolled her eyes "you think I've jumped into bed with him? He's been helping me out" Max smirked "that what you calling it?" Chloe felt her anger rise "yeah, that's what I'm calling it" Max looked at Chris "tut tut Christopher, getting a young girl into bed?" Chris rolled his eyes "I thought that was your job Max" Chloe rolled her eyes "you know what I'm getting out of here" Chris nodded and watched as Chloe walked out.

Chris waited for Chloe to be gone out the office before turning back to Max "you've messed that girls life up enough" Max smirked "Christopher, she chose to get into my bed" Chris rolled her eyes "you don't understand do you?" Max frowned "understand what?" Chris looked at him "she's fallen in love with you" Max watched as Chris walked out.

Chloe made her way to see if Charlotte was okay "are you okay?" Charlotte nodded "yeah" Chloe felt guilty "this is my fault" Tom frowned "why is it?" Chloe sighed "because I chose to get involved with him and sleep with him, and I chose to get close to Mr.Mead" Tom sighed "Chloe what happened wasn't your fault" Chloe nodded "yeah it is" Chloe walked out the classroom.

Max couldn't believe what Chris had told him, Chloe had fallen in love with him. After a few minutes of thinking he decided to send for Chloe "Joyce can you send for Chloe Mason?" Joyce nodded. Chloe was in science when a note came "er Chloe, you're needed in the office" Chloe sighed "alright" Chris frowned "Chloe can I have a quick word before you go?" Chloe nodded and went outside with Chris "it was Max who sent for you" Chloe smiled "I gathered that" "don't let him manipulate you" Chloe smiled "he won't".

Chloe arrived at the office "Mr.Tyler sent for me?" Joyce nodded "he's in the office" Chloe entered the office "you wanted to see me?" Max nodded "yes, thank you for coming" Chloe rolled her eyes "what do you want?" Max sighed "Christopher mentioned something earlier" Chloe frowned "what?" Max smirked "that you've fallen in love with me" Chloe gasped "why would he say that?" Max shrugged and smirked "noOne cares for you like I do Chloe" Chloe walked out.

Chloe puck Aubree up and went to leave school when Chris approached her "Chloe where you going?" Chloe looked at Chris with tears "you told him what I told you that I loved him" Chris sighed "I'm sorry" Chloe rolled her eyes "whatever, I'm not staying here, I can't stay here" Chris looked at Chloe "where you gonna go?" Chloe shrugged "anywhere away from this school" Chris sighed "I've got a free afternoon" Chloe frowned "you're telling me because?" "How about I take you home?" Chloe nodded.

Chris took Chloe back "are you gonna be okay?" Chloe nodded "yeah I'll be fine" Chris smiled "I'll tell your mum" Chloe grinned "thanks sir". Max was fuming that Chloe had left school with Chris "Rachel I'm going on a personal errand" Rachel nodded and watched as Max took his car keys.

Max arrived at Chloe's house and banged the door "what the hell?" Max glared "why did you leave school?" Chloe rolled her eyes "you think I would stay in school after what you heard?" Max smirked "ah that you're in love" Chloe glared "look if you've come here just to wind me up then do one" Max frowned as Chloe shut the door in his face.

Chloe went to check on Aubree who was asleep, she had just made a drink when her phone pinged signalling a text message -

*Max - I'm not leaving until you talk to me

*Chloe - Whatever, I'll let you in

Chloe opened the door and Max walked in "are you here to torment me about what I said?" Max shook his head "no" Chloe frowned "what then?" Max sighed "I wanted to see how you were? After the Charlotte incident" Chloe rolled her eyes "you tried to kiss her, you're lucky that Tom only punched you the once" "I know".

When Max had gone Chloe text Charlotte -

*Chloe - R U Okay? X

*Lottie - Yh, Tom won't tell any1 X

*Chloe - tbh, I really don't care X

*Lottie - what's wrong? X

*Chloe - nothing, I'm gonna sort Aubree, text u l8r X

Chloe turned her phone off and went to sit with Aubree.

A/N - Hope You Likeed xoxo

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