Chapter 55 - Aubree's Birthday.

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A/N - Hope You Like.


Chloe couldn't believe that Aubree was one. Waking up that day she walked into Aubree's room and saw her fast asleep so went to wake her up "Aubree, wakey wakey" Chloe took her out the cot and she started crying "hey birthday girl shouldn't cry" Aubree looked at Chloe and carried on crying so Chloe took her downstairs "everything alright Chloe?" Chloe nodded "fine" Rachel smiled and handed Chloe a gift bag "Aubs shall we see what nana has got you?" Aubree rested her head on Chloe's shoulder "I'm just gonna let her sleep" Rachel grinned "Chloe, she's only one, she has no idea what a birthday is".

When they got to school Aubree was asleep as Chlo and Charlotte walked over "there's the birthday girl" Chloe smiled "shh, she's sleeping" Chlo frowned "she shouldn't be asleep, she's one" Chloe laughed "she has no idea what birthday's are" Charlotte grinned and handed Chloe a giftbag "from me and Eddie" "thanks" Charlotte took Aubree from Chloe as had her hands full and Bolton walked over "alright C?" Chloe smiled "I'm all good" Bolton grinned "little one's birthday innit?" Chloe nodded "yeah, she's one" Bolton smiled and handed Chloe a birthday card "me mum wrote it" Chloe laughed "thanks anyway".

Chloe took Aubree to the creche. When she left she saw Max "where is she?" Chloe frowned "who?" Max smirked "Aubree?" Chloe grinned "in the creche, asleep" Max nodded "there's a gift at mine for her" Chloe smiled "I'm sure I can find time to visit" Max smirked and walked away.

In registration Chloe received a few more cards for Aubree from people including Tom andn a little teddy bear for her "how come people are giving you cards for Aubree?" Chloe shrugged "she doesn't even know half the people in here" Charlotte smiled "she's a popular baby" Chloe laughed "she would rather play with teddies then have attention" Charlotte grinned and Tom began the register "so what's Mr.Tyler got her?" Chloe shrugged "don't know, said he had something at his place" Charlotte nodded "well only one way you're gonna find out" Chloe nodded "I know".

Max sat in the office doing some paperwork when Kim walked in "your daughter's birthday today isn't it?" Max nodded and Kim continued "what you brought her?" Max smirked "that's none of your business" Kim laughed "Dex is alright, thanks for asking" Max looked at Kim "I wouldn't ask, you've told me he's not my child" Kim rolled her eyes "its not as if you actually acknowledged him anyway" Max smirked and Kim looked at him and scoffed "he could have been your son" Max glared "yes but he's not" Kim left the office and Max continued with the paperwork.

Chloe,Chlo and Charlotte were in Science when Rachel walked in "Chris I need a word" "right you lot carry on with the worksheet I'm just talking to Miss.Mason" Chloe turned to Chlo "when is Ben back at work?" Chlo shrugged "he doesn't talk too me about that" Chloe frowned but nodded "Chloe" Chloe looked at Vicki "what?" Vicki handed Chloe a card "its for your little girl" Chloe raised her eyebrows "tar" Chloe put it in her bag and looked at Charlotte who was confused.

After Science Chloe went to the creche to see Aubree. When she got there she saw Danielle sitting in there "what you doing in here?" Danielle smiled "I knew you were gonna come here so I thought I'd come and see if you would forgive me" Chloe rolled her eyes "after you bullied someone too the point where they didn't wanna live anymore? No, now get lost" Danielle frowned "I said I was sorry didn't I?" Chloe scoffed "sorry doesn't always fix it, get out" Danielle left the creche and Chloe looked at Aubree "you awake now?" Aubree smiled, Chloe sat by her and helped her open the cards that she had been given "you're a popular baby girl" Aubree was confused so Chloe handed her a teddy bear which made her smile "Aubree mummy loves you so much" Aubree hugged the teddy bear and climbed on Chloe's lap.

Chloe decided to take Aubree for a walk round the school so she put her coat on and left "Chloe" Chloe turned to see Chlo "happy birthday munchkin" Aubree looked confused and looked at Chloe who was grinning. After walking Chloe took Aubree back as she needed to go too lesson "mummy is gonna see you later" Aubree grinned and went to play with the toys.

Adam entered the school and made his way to the creche "er Max Tyler asked me too collect Aubree-Leigh and take her" the key worker nodded and Adam puck Aubree up. When he got outside he made sure noone was looking and left the school ground.

At lunchtime Chloe went back to the creche too take Aubree into town. When she got there she was shocked too see that Aubree wasn't there "where is she?" The keyworker looked up "someone said they were taking her to Mr.Tyler" Chloe turned to leave and ran to the office ignoring the fact that she was due in English with Tom.

Max was about to make a phonecall when Chloe barged in "tell me she's with you" Max was confused "who?" Chloe frowned "Aubree, the creche said someone brought her too you" Max shook his head "she's not here" Chloe paled "someone's took her" Chloe turned to leave "Chloe wait" Chloe didn't listen so Max went after her "slow down" Chloe glared at him "my babygirl has been taken from the creche and you want me too slow down?" Max frowned "I'm aware of that" Chloe was crying "I want her back".

Charlotte and Chlo were wondering why Chloe hadn't turned up too English "have you two seen Chloe?" Charlotte shook her head "not since break time" Tom frowned and walked to the office where he saw Chloe in tears and Max on the phone "Chloe what's happened?" Chloe looked up "someones taken Aubree from the creche" Tom was shocked "what do you mean taken?" Chloe sighed "I mean she's not there" Tom couldn't believe what happened "have you called the police?" "Mr.Tyler is calling them now" Tom nodded "I'll go and do a search of the school" Chloe frowned "you're teaching though" Tom sighed "finding your daughter is more important" Chloe smiled "thanks Sir".

Chloe sat shocked in the office when the police arrived "we're looking for Chloe Mason" Chloe smiled "that's me" the officer sat down "can you tell me what happened?" Chloe looked up "someone's taken my babygirl from the creche" the officer looked at Chloe "who is your daughter's father? Maybe he's taken her" Chloe shook her head "he hasn't" the officer frowned "what makes you sure of that?" Chloe sighed "because her father is Mr.Tyler" the officer turned to Max "you're the child's father?" Max nodded and the officer turned back to Chloe "we will do everything we can too find your daughter".

Rachel walked in the office just as the police left "what's happened?" Chloe looked at her mum "someone's taken Aubree from the creche" Rachel frowned "what?" Chloe nodded "some sick idiot walked into the creche and took her".

Chloe walked out the office just as the bell rang but she wasn't paying attention "Chloe?" Chloe didn't listen to Charlotte as she carried on walking "Chloe what's happened?" Chloe turned to Charlotte "someone has taken Aubree from the creche" Charlotte was confused "what do you mean?" Chloe was crying again "someone has took my babygirl from the creche" Charlotte was shocked and pulled Chloe into a hug just as she broke down crying "I want her back" Charlotte held Chloe as she cried "I want my baby girl back, I can't live without her, I need her" Charlotte looked at Chloe "I'm promising you that you will get Aubree back" Charlotte was crying.

Rachel had taken Chloe home as she didn't want to be in school. When she got there she saw Aubree's blanket and she broke down "Chloe its alright" Chloe couldn't handle it so she ran out the house and ran to Max's.

Max sat at home drinking when the doorbell rang he went to answer it and saw Chloe "Chloe?" Chloe didn't speak instead she walked inside and kissed Max so he took her upstairs where he undressed her and pushed her onto the bed.

Chloe lay in bed with Max "you alright?" Chloe shook her head "my little girl is out there right now without me or you" Max looked at her "we're going to find her" Chloe was crying again and she fell asleep in bed with Max.


A/N - I'm Going Too Start Another Update For This Tonight I'm Just Trying Too Figure Out Some Idea's For Chloe&Max. Hope You Likeed. Xoxo

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