Chapter 39 - Charlotte's Breakdown.

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A/N - Massive Thankyou Too StrangeDesires For The Idea For This Chapter :). Hope You Like xoxo


Chloe had dyed her hair blue and had been adamant that she wasn't going to dye it again. That day she was texting Charlotte before school -

*Chloe - how about I come with you too tell Mr.C ? Xo

*Lottie - I'm scared Chloe, he will hate me xo

*Chloe - Mr.Clarkson won't hate you, ur having his baby xo

*Lottie - I don't know Chloe, things r confusin 4 me xo

*Chloe - look I gotta get Aubree sorted but meet me b4 registration & we'll chat xo

*Lottie - okay xo

Chloe looked at Aubree "you are so lucky that you don't know how crazy life is" Aubree started giggling which made Chloe smile "and your giggles are adorable" Chloe puck Aubree up "let's go see what madness happens in school today" Chloe went downstairs "morning" Chloe smiled "morning" Rachel looked at Chloe "we're leaving in 5minutes" Chloe nodded "alright".

Chloe arrived at school and saw Charlotte who looked upset "what's wrong?" Charlotte smiled "nothing, my hormones" Chloe smiled "awh, I know that feeling" Charlotte grinned "yeah?" Chloe nodded "ask my mum, I was an emotional wreck when I was pregnant, never again" Charlotte laughed. Charlotte went with Chloe to take Aubree to creche "she really is adorable" Chloe smiled "try saying that at half 3 in the morning when she's crying" Charlotte laughed "I've got all that too look forward to" Chloe nodded "yep".

Just as the bell went Chloe and Charlotte made their way to registration where Chlo was "hey Chlo" Chlo smiled "alright?" Before Chloe could speak Celine walked up to them "alright?" Chloe inwardly groaned "what?" Chloe was shocked when Celine hugged her but what she didn't know was that Celine took her phone out of her pocket "I'm sorry for grassing you up" Chloe rolled her eyes "whatever" Celine walked off with Chloe's phone.

After registration Celine sat in the common room going through Chloe's phone when she saw text messages between Charlotte and Chloe so she read them, she grinned when she read that Charlotte was pregnant with Mr.Clarkson's baby, she took a picture of the text messages on her phone then put the memory card into a computer and printed 300copies, smirking to herself she knew Charlotte would hate anyone finding out about it and she would be there to witness it.

While everyone was in lesson Celine walked round the school putting the picture of the text message's on the wall. As soon as the bell rang she looked for Chloe,Chlo and Charlotte.

Chloe walked out of lesson and saw a piece of paper on the wall so went to have a look she paled when she saw the text messages between herself and Charlotte "Chloe? Is this true?" Chloe looked at Chlo "is what true?" Chlo rolled her eyes "that the father of Charlotte's baby is Tom?" "What?" Chlo turned to see Charlotte standing there "you told them?" Chloe frowned "no I didn't" Charlotte paled and took the paper from Chloe "these are the texts that I sent you" Chloe sighed "I know" Chloe went to check her phone "someone's nicked my phone" Charlotte paled again "who?" Chloe shrugged "I don't know" Chlo couldn't believe it "is it true? Is Tom the father?" Charlotte nodded and ran off "Charlotte!" Chloe took off after her "Charlotte wait".

Charlotte got by the hall and saw everyone looking at her "you got knocked up by Clarkson?" Charlotte looked at Danielle with tears in her eyes "you're even more pathetic than I thought" Charlotte heard people laughing "look at her, hasn't even got the guts too stand up for herself, when Chloe got knocked up by Tyler, she admitted it" what Charlotte didn't know was that Tom was standing behind her "Danielle cooler now" Charlotte paled and turned to him "we need too talk" Charlotte shook her head "no we don't" Tom sighed "yes we do" Charlotte looked at him and took off to the roof.

Rachel had heard about what happened and that Charlotte was on the roof "Max we need to keep the kids away from there" Max nodded and he and Rachel made their way down to the hall "noone should be here now" Danielle looked at them "Sir, she's pathetic, noone would ever like her so she jumped into bed with Mr.Clarkson" Max didn't realise that Chloe was standing there and she went for Danielle "you horrible cow! I swear I'll kill you" Max had to hold Chloe back "everyone get out of here now" Eddie, Tom and Chris had decided to go up onto the roof to try and get Charlotte to come down "Chloe calm down" Chloe glared and she was fighting against Max and trying to get Danielle who was shaking "you're a vindictive tart and you ever upset her or anyone again you're gonna regret it" Mac had lifted Chloe up and took her away from Danielle.

Up on the roof Charlotte was standing on the edge "Charlotte?" Charlotte turned and saw Eddie,Chris and Tom "go away" Eddie took a step towards her "come on darling come down" Charlotte shook her head "I don't wanna be here anymore and I don't deserve this baby, it needs someone better than me" Eddie smiled "you're gonna be an amazing mum to your baby, you'll have my help, Chloe's, Chlo's and Rachel's" Charlotte shook her head "Chlo is gonna hate me" Tom looked at her "she won't, she'll be angry but she will forgive you" Charlotte shook her head again "no! I don't wanna be here anymore" Charlotte took a step closer towards the edge "Charlotte, think of Chloe she's your best friend isn't she?" Charlotte looked at Chris and nodded "she's like my sister" Chris smiled "yeah well I'm sure that Chloe doesn't want you to hurt yourself of your baby" Charlotte's eyes were blurry "how can I face people again? Danielle she was so mean and I hated that, she made me feel worthless" Chris sighed "Danielle will be punished, as will anyone".

Max took Chloe into an empty classroom "let me out of here now!" Max sighed "calm down Chloe" Chloe glared "no! Danielle needs putting in her place" Max smirked "Danielle will be punished for her bullying" "yeah?" Max nodded and Chloe scoffed and attempted to leave the class "Chloe wait" Chloe turned back to him "what?" Max smirked "I love you" Chloe stopped where she was and was speechless "what?" Max smirked "I'm not repeating it" Chloe frowned "you said you loved me, you don't mean that" Max looked at her "I did" Max started walking towards her "no you don't mean that" Max kissed her and she kissed back.

Trying to convince Charlotte to come in was getting hard, she was adamant that she didn't want to be alive anymore "Eddie, Tom go inside?" They both nodded and left "look Charlotte its just me now" Charlotte looked at Chris "I never meant to hurt anybody, I kept hoping that noone would find out about Mr.Clarkson being the father and that I could pretend he was someone I didn't know" Chris smiled "noone is judging you" Charlotte scoffed "yeah right" Chris smiled "look, Chloe got pregnant by Max Tyler, he's as idiotic as they come" Charlotte let out a small smile "I know that Chloe cares for you" Charlotte nodded and Chris continued "I also know that Chloe's little girl adores you" Charlotte smiled "she's cute" Chris nodded "how about we go see Chloe and ask her if you can see Aubree?" Charlotte nodded and Chris took her hand and took her downstairs where Eddie pulled her into a hug "are you alright darling?" Charlotte nodded "where's Chloe?" Rachel smiled "she went for Danielle so Mr.Tyler took her off to calm down" Charlotte nodded "actually she's here now" Charlotte turned to see Chloe and was pulled into a hug by her "I'm so sorry, I should have deleted the text messages" Charlotte smiled "did you find your phone?" Chloe frowned "where's Celine?" "Behind you" Chloe turned to Celine "give me my phone back" Celine handed Chloe her phone and Chloe slapped her "do anything like this again and you will regret it" Celine stood there shocked and Chloe walked off with Charlotte.

Chloe took Charlotte to the creche where Aubree was "Aubs come here" Aubree crawled over to Chloe and Charlotte sat with them "I'm so sorry about what happened" Charlotte smiled "it was Celine" Chloe sighed "I need a password on my phone" Charlotte laughed although inside she felt like breaking.

Chloe asked Rachel to keep an eye on Aubree while she did something. Arriving at Max's she smiled when she saw his car so she knocked the door "Chloe" Chloe smiled "you gonna stand there gawping or let me in" Max moved out the way and Chloe walked in the house. As soon as Max closed the door Chloe kisssed him.

A few hours later Chloe left Max's and went back home to be with her baby girl "hey beaut" Aubree grinned and Chloe got her out the playpen "mummy loves you so much baby" Chloe sat with Aubree until she fell asleep then Chloe climbed into bed falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.


A/N - hope youu likeed. & I hopee you've all read the first chapter of the sequel too please save me by StrangeDesires. Its only on the first chapter and its amazing so far!! :D Shoutout Too Her @StrangeDesires. Go Follow Her ♡̲ ♡̲ ♡̲ ♡̲

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