Chapter 67 - Finding Out Who It Was.

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A/N - I'm So Sorry I've Not Updated This, I'm In Love With 'Hold Back The River' By James Bay. On A Downer - There's Only 1 More Episode Of Waterloo Road After Tonight Oh Man. Anyways Hope You Like This Update. Xoxo.


It had been a few days since Social Services had turned up at Chloe's and since then she had been trying to find out who called them. That morning Chloe got Aubree dressed and then text Charlotte -

*Chloe - I'm not givin up on findin who called them xo

*Lottie - I don't blame u, at least they didn't take Aubree xo

*Chloe - that's true, I'll see u at school, need too get dressed. Xo

*Lottie - alright c ya xo

Chloe sighed and looked at Aubree "Aubree come here" Aubree toddled over to Chloe "where's you teddy?" Aubree giggled and pointed to under Chloe's bed. Heading downstairs Chloe received a text message so she placed Aubree on the floor and looked at her phone where she saw the text was from Max -

*Max - come to the office at break

*Chloe - ok

Arriving at school Chloe noticed Celine was looking smug, she was about to speak when Charlotte came over "problem?" Chloe nodded "yeah, and the problem is called Celine Dixon" Charlotte frowned "what's she done?" Chloe sighed "I reckon it was her who called them" "we don't know that" Chloe groaned "I know" Charlotte saw Aubree hold her arms out so she took her from Chloe who had a grin on her face "Charl I think we should take this madam to the creche" Charlotte grinned "let's go". Once Aubree was in the creche Chloe and Charlotte went to registration and Chloe noticed Charlotte looking at Tom "stop staring, you're making it obvious" Charlotte grinned "can't help it" Chloe rolled her eyes but smiled "I think you're madly deeply in love with him" "I am".

Chloe had forgotten about the fact Max asked her to go too the office at break so she, Chlo and Charlotte went looking for Celine "she's there" Chloe stormed over to her "think you're clever do ya?" Celine smirked "Chloe, how's your daughter?" Chloe glared "she's great, your little trick to get her taken away didn't work" Celine rolled her eyes "you don't deserve that baby" Chloe felt her temper rising "just because you think you're better then everyone else doesn't mean you actually are" Celine grinned "at least I didn't get knocked up by a teacher, actually that was you and Charlotte wasn't it? Wow must be proper slags" Chloe looked at Charlotte who was getting angry so she turned to Celine and punched her "say anything else and you'll regret it" Celine smirked "I'm surprised Mr.Tyler hasn't taken the kid away yet, you must be doing a crap job with her" Chloe went for her and Celine started screaming.

Max heard about the fight and went to break it up he was already annoyed that Chloe didn't turn up, he got angry when he saw it was Chloe who was fighting "break it up!" Chloe eventually listened and Max took her off to the office "what was that about?" Chloe glared "it was her! She called social services" Max frowned "you don't know that" Chloe rolled her eyes "yeah I do, if you don't believe me then whatever" Chloe went to walk out the office when Max grabbed her "don't walk away" Chloe glared "what are you gonna do about it?" Max looked at her "you don't have proof that it was her who called them" "yeah I do, she admitted it" Chloe again went to leave when Max grabbed her again "stop grabbing me, seriously" Max smirked "you're forgetting that I asked you to come here at break" Chloe rolled her eyes "so what, not like it was for anything important" "how do you know?" Chloe grinned "when was the last time you had something important to tell me?" Max knew she had a point "so come on, what was this about?" "I'll have Aubree tonight" Chloe nodded "now can I go?" Max nodded and she left.

Chloe wasn't going to let Celine get away with what she did "wow, you've not been excluded?" Chloe grinned "perks of having the executive heads daughter" Charlotte grinned while Chlo laughed "anyways, Celine aint gonna get away with what she did" Chlo nodded "have you noticed that noOne sees her kid around?" Chloe frowned "I wasn't aware she had a kid" Chlo nodded "yeah, she gave birth before you found out you were pregnant with Aubree" "oh right, well then nope, haven't seen her kid" Charlotte was confused "wait Celine has a child, with who?" "Donte" "oh".

Chloe and Charlotte went looking for Celine while Chlo had a lesson "well if it isn't mother of the year" Chloe rolled her eyes "at least I have my baby with me, where's your kid Celine? Haven't seen it around" Celine frowned "my child is nothing to do with you" Chloe grinned "right but you saw fit to call Social Services on me?" Celine smirked "you're not suitable enough to raise that little girl, I heard about what your dad did too you" Chloe knew Celine was trying to goad her into hitting her "yeah and what? I got over it but you, you will never stop being the annoying cling on that you are" Celine was about to speak when Chris came over "problem girls?" Chloe gave a smile "no sir" Chris nodded and walked off so Chloe turned back to Celine "I think you should concentrate on your own kid before trying to get mine taken away" Chloe linked arms with Charlotte and walked off.

Chloe was sitting in the creche when Charlotte walked in "thought you might be here" Chloe smiled "I love being with her" Charlotte grinned and sat with Chloe "Aubree, come here" Aubree crawled over to Chloe and gave Charlotte her teddy "mama" Chloe grinned "yeah, she's special" Aubree giggled and sat on Charlotte's lap.

Heading to Science, Chloe was singing "do you always sing?" Chloe nodded "yeah, has too be done" Charlotte smiled "school would be crap without you" Chloe grinned "thanks, I think".

Once school was over Chloe made her way to the creche and saw Aubree standing with Max "mama" Chloe grinned as Aubree toddled over to her and she puck her up "ook" Chloe smiled "yeah, you're going with him" Aubree frowned "mama" Chloe grinned "you're going with your daddy" Aubree grinned as Max walked over and took her "bye Aubree" Aubree grinned.

Chloe went home and saw her mum "you dump me at school and then do a runner" Rachel smiled "a meeting" Chloe frowned "you have meetings everyday" Rachel nodded "I know, where's Aubree?" "With Max, she's staying there tonight and I'm having an early night" Rachel nodded and proceeded to make dinner.

After dinner Chloe went up to her room and logged onto facebook -

*Chloee 'AubreeLeigh Mason - #Believe #StayStrong that's all I can say xoxo

Logging off she fell asleep missing her little girl.


A/N - Hope You Likeed.

P.S - Waterloo Road Is Ending, How Boring Is Monday Gonna Be Now :(

Bye For Now


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