Chapter 16 - Jealous Kim Campbell

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A/N - Hope You Like The Update xoxo

Rachel hadn't seen Chloe in 3days as she hadn't been in school and she was getting worried about her. That day she drove into school with Adam "do you think she'll be here today?" Rachel sighed "I'm hoping she is so I can talk to her" Adam smiled "she'll come back soon enough".

Chloe didn't want to go back to school but she knew she had too "I'm off" Max who had Aubree in his arms nodded "I'll see you later" Chloe nodded "yeah bye" Chloe left the house and made her way to school. Arriving she saw her mum's car and sighed "Chloe" she turned and saw Chlo "hey" "missed you and your hair looks amazing" Chloe grinned "thanks" "where's Aubree?" "With her dad" Chlo frowned "with Mr.Tyler?" Chloe nodded "been staying with him" "why?" Chloe sighed "Adam hit me because I wouldn't let him keep Aubree" Chlo was annoyed "he shouldn't do that".

Kim was going to see Max that day to find out what weather he wanted to be involved in the life of the baby he was expecting with her "Rach I need to go out during my free" Rachel smiled and nodded "that's fine Kim" Kim smiled "have you spoke to Chloe at all?" Rachel shook her head "no, I don't even know if she's in school" Kim frowned "she is in school, I've seen her with Chlo" Rachel nodded "I'll try and talk to her" "she's with my first, talk to her then" Rachel smiled "thanks Kim" "no problem".

Rachel made her way to Kim's lesson so she could speak to Chloe "Kim can I have Chloe?" Kim nodded "Chloe" Chloe stood and left the room "come on, my office" Chloe rolled her eyes but followed her mum.

Once they were in the office Rachel closed the door "what's this about?" Rachel smiled "how are you?" Chloe sighed "I'm fine" "and Aubree?" "She's fine too" Rachel smiled "where is she?" Chloe rolled her eyes "she's with Max, don't wanna bring her here in case Adam tries anything" Rachel sighed "he wouldn't" Chloe glared "look at what happened the other day, he hit me to try and take her" "Chloe things were difficult then" Chloe rolled her eyes "and you! You blamed me for Aubree having to go to hospital" "Chloe I didn't" Chloe glared "yes you did, you said 'this is what happens when you don't listen' that seems like you're blaming me" Rachel sighed "Chloe come on, how about me, you and Aubree go out the weekend?" Chloe shrugged "I don't know".

Kim had just left the school and made her way to Max's. When she arrived she saw his car and knew he was in, getting out the car she made her way up the path and knocked the door. When he answered he had Aubree "Kim?" "Max" Max looked at Kim "come in" Kim walked in the house "I need to talk to you about this baby" Max smirked "I will put Aubree to sleep then we'll talk" Kim nodded and sat on the sofa. When Max came back into the living room "what's this about then?" Kim sighed "are you gonna be involved in this baby's life as much as you are Chloe's?" Max smirked "jealous Kim?" Kim rolled her eyes "oh yeah, jealous that you got a 16 year old pregnant" Max again smirked "how do I even know that the child you're carrying is mine?" Kim rolled her eyes again "course I'm sure, how do you know that Chloe's baby is yours?" Max carried on smirking "because Aubree looks like me" Kim sighed "look you're either gonna be involved or not" Max stood I'll let you know" Kim sighed and left.

Adam went looking for Rachel "I've had an idea on how to get Chloe back" Rachel frowned "how?" "I go back to my flat for a bit and we tell Chloe I've moved out" Rachel sighed "that won't work" "Rach we don't know that" Rachel rolled her eyes "Adam, Chloe makes her own, if she doesn't want to come back then she won't" Rachel finished talking as Eddie walked in "Chloe hasn't turned up for my lesson" Rachel groaned "what" Eddie sighed "have you not seen her?" "Not since this morning" "right I think we search the school for her" Chris also walked in "what's going on?" "Chloe hasn't turned up for my lesson".

Chloe was sitting on the roof when Mr.Mead came up "Chloe? Are you alright" Chloe nodded "I'm fine" Chris nodded "then why are you sitting on the roof, in the rain, crying?" Chloe sighed "I think I'm falling in love with Max Tyler" Chris frowned "Chloe, have you slept with him again?" Chloe nodded "I can't help it, he's Aubree's father and no matter what happens he's always gonna be in my life" Chris sighed "Chloe what he's doing is wrong, you're a vulnerable young girl who's recently had a baby, he shouldn't be getting you into bed" Chloe looked at Chris with tears in her eyes "you can't help who you fall for" Chris sighed "I know, believe me its hard" Chloe looked at him "who?" Chris smiled "just some girl" Chloe nodded "I take she's with someone else" Chris nodded "she is" Chloe smiled "I'm sorry" "its alright, how about we go back inside because I'm freezing" Chloe smiled and nodded "Mr.Mead?" Chris looked at Chloe "yeah?" "Thanks".

Chloe got back to Max's and saw Aubree asleep "Chloe?" "Hiya" Max walked into the living room and saw Chloe "you alright?" Chloe nodded. When Chloe put Aubree to bed she had to do something so she went downstairs and saw Max in the kitchen so she walked in to him "Aubree asleep?" Chloe nodded and she kissed him "had to do that" Max nodded and kissed her back "upstairs" Chloe pulled him up to the bedroom.

Rachel pulled up outside of Max's and sighed she was going to give Adam's idea a go. Walking up to the door she knocked and waited for someone to answer, she didn't know what to think when Chloe opened the door in her dressing gown "Chloe?" "Mum what are you doing here?" Rachel smiled "I came to take you home, Adam has gone" Chloe frowned "what?" Rachel nodded "he's gone Chloe, so you and Aubree can come home" Chloe looked amused "no" Rachel frowned "what do you mean no?" "You heard me" Rachel frowned "Chloe you're coming home" "you gonna make me?" Rachel sighed "Chloe come on, come home" Chloe sighed "no" Rachel walked in the house to see Max walking downstairs "here again Rachel" Rachel glared at him "I'm taking Chloe and Aubree home" Max smirked "does Chloe want to go home?" "Yes she does" Chloe scoffed "do I ?" Max smirked "that proves she doesn't" "Max I'm her mother, therefore she has to do what I say and I say she's coming home".

Rachel left without Chloe and that annoyed her, returning home she saw Eddie "Rach? How did it go?" Rachel sighed "he's manipulated her, she doesn't wanna come back" "maybe Chris could help, he got her to come in earlier" Rachel sighed "its gotta be worth trying".

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