Chapter 26 - Jealous Are We ?

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A/N - Hope You Enjoy, The Storyline Based On A Series 2 One Will Start At Chapter 30 & Chapter 31 Is When Series 6 Will Start, Karen Will Be Part Of This Story As Will Her Kids But Karen Won't Be Headmistress She'll Be A History Teacher & The Song In Chapter 28 I Don't Own It xoxo.

Chloe couldn't believe there was another talent show, she just hoped that noone would be revealed for having a secret affair with a teacher "Chloe are you ready?" Chloe nodded "yeah" Chloe went downstairs and saw Eddie and Charlotte there "wow, you're here early aren't you?" Charlotte grinned "well Eddie here wanted to see your mum" Chloe laughed "true love" Rachel rolled her eyes "hush girls" Chloe grinned "yeah and with that I'm going" Rachel frowned "aren't you going in with us?" Chloe smirked "no I thought I'd give the love birds some time alone" Charlotte laughed "I'll come with you" Chloe nodded and grinned and they left the house.

Arriving at school Chloe saw Daniella and Aleesha dancing "why you doing that?" Aleesha grinned "for the talent show, we're gonna win" Chloe rolled her eyes "right, well I'm gonna go and let you two carry on acting weird" Chloe walked off with Charlotte behind her "they're so vain" Chloe nodded "I know, but they've always been that way" Charlotte grinned "maybe you should star in the show" Chloe shook her head "yeah no chance" Charlotte frowned "why not? You're amazing at singing" Chloe smiled "maybe so but I don't want too sing" Charlotte groaned "please, it will prove to Danielle and Aleesha that they're not the best in the school" Chloe groaned "do I have too?" Charlotte grinned and nodded "yep and I'll be there cheering you on" Chloe rolled her eyes "you owe me big time for this".

Chloe was sitting in the common room when Chlo walked in "you're singing in the talent show?" Chloe groaned and nodded "I'm only doing it to shut Charlotte up" Chlo grinned "I can't wait for this" Chloe again groaned "I don't wanna do it" Chlo laughed "I'll be there, cheering you" Chloe glared "not funny Chlo" Chlo again grinned "does anyone else know?" Chloe shook her head "nope and its gonna stay that way" Chlo nodded "yeah".

Sitting in science Chloe was working on a song she started writing call 'Give Your Heart A Break' and as she was writing she started singing -


Don't Wanna Break Your Heart

Wanna Give Your Heart A Break

I Know You're Scared Its Wrong

Like You Might Make A Mistake

There's Just One Life To Live

And There's No Time To Waste

So Let Me Give Your Heart A Brek


"Chloe I hope you're not writing notes" Chloe grinned at Chris "no sir, I wouldn't do that when your lesson is so intresting" Chris smirked "alright carry on" Chloe put the paper with her song on and carried on with her work.

Chloe left science and saw Max with Kim "Kim that baby isn't here yet, therefore I don't have to explain anything to you" Kim frowned "Max this baby is gonna wanna know its father" Max rolled his eyes "Kim I will discuss this with you at a more reasonable time" Kim walked off but before Chloe could walk off Max took her arm "where are you going so quick?" Chloe sighed "its called a lesson, you know something us students have too attend" Max smirked "right well I want you to bring Aubree to mine tonight" Chloe nodded "fine but no funny business".

Chris had been cleaning up when he saw a piece of paper with Chloe's name on so he decided to keep it back and give it her next time he saw her. Heading to the office he had a meeting with Max "ah Christopher thank you for coming" Chris rolled his eyes "drop the act Max" Max frowned when Chris had some paper in his hand "what's that?" "Something of Chloe's" Max nodded "I'll give it her" Chris shook his head "it says private, therefore I'll give it straight to her" Max again nodded and they started their meeting.

Chloe wasn't in the best of moods, she had lost the paper with her song on "Chloe I think you left this behind in my lesson" Chloe frowned until Chris handed her a piece of paper "you haven't read it have you?" Chris shook his head " its completely private" Chloe grinned "thanks sir" Chris smiled "no worries".

Max stood watching Chloe and Chris talk and frowned he wanted that to stop "Chloe?" Chloe turned and saw Max "oh joy" Chloe walked over to him "you yelled?" Max smirked "I don't want you getting close to Christopher" Chloe smirked "don't be jealous, doesn't suit you" Max noticed the corridor was empty so he pushed Chloe against the wall "I'm not jealous, I just don't like how close you are getting to him" Chloe grinned "that's jealousy talking, never did have you down as the jealous type" Max was getting angry "stop it Chloe" Chloe feigned innocence "stop what?" Max didn't speak, instead he roughly kissed her, when he stopped Chloe was smirking "yeah you're jealous" Chloe pushed Max away and walked off.

Chloe was sitting in the common room when Max walked in "anyone would think you're stalking me" Max glared "Chloe be quiet" Chloe smirked and left the common room to meet with Chlo,Charlotte and Janeece "well here she is, our future winner of the talent show" Chloe groaned "oh god don't" Chlo grinned "you're gonna be fine" Chloe glared " no I'm really not, I hate performing in front of people" Charlotte frowned "then why are you doing this then?" Chloe grinned "too show Danielle and Aleesha they're not as talented as they think".

Chloe went home that day and got changed "mum I'm off out" Rachel frowned "where?" Chloe rolled her eyes "out and Aubree is coming with me" Rachel nodded "be back for 8" Chloe frowned "you what?" Rachel sighed "you're taking Aubree with you and its freezing there" Chloe nodded and left the house.

Arriving at Max's Chloe decided that she didn't want to go in there but she found herself walking up the path and knocking the door "Chloe" Chloe didn't smile "hi" Chloe entered the house and Max took Aubree out of the pushchair.

2 hours later later and Chloe left Max's and went home. When she got there she saw Adam's car which made her frown. Entering the house she took Aubree upstairs and went to see why Adam was here "what's he doing here?" Rachel sighed "Chloe" Chloe interupted "no! How can you forgive him for what he did?" "He explained his reasons and I haven't forgiven him, in fact he's here to get his stuff" "oh" Adam smiled "how's Aubree?" Chloe glared "she's fine" Adam nodded "good". Chloe sat upstairs until Adam left and then she went for dinner. After dinner Chloe had a shower and went to bed.

A/N - Hopee Youu Likeed xoxo

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