Chapter 13 - Going Back To School

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A/N - Massive ThankYou Too Everyone Who Has Commented/Voted On This Story xoxo

Chloe was going back to school that day and she was putting Aubree in the school creche. Arriving she saw Chlo waiting for her, before she got out the car she made sure Aubree was wrapped up warm "Chloe come on, out we get" Chloe got out first then got the carseat "Chloe! You're back" Chloe smiled at her best friend "yeah" Chlo peeked into the carseat "she's well cute, can I hold her?" Chloe smiled "yeah, let's go inside though, don't want her getting ill"

Chloe and Chlo got to the common room and Bolton came over to them "alright C, let's see the mini Tyler then" Chloe frowned "don't call her that Bolton" Bolton looked confused "but Tyler's her father innit?" Chloe rolled her eyes "I'm aware of that, I was the one who slept with him" Bolton sighed "sorry" Chloe smiled "leave me alone for now yeah?" Bolton nodded and left the girls.

Chloe sat on the sofa with Chlo and she got Aubree out then passed her to Chlo "awh, she's so small" Chloe smiled "yeah, when the nurse handed her to me I looked at her and thought 'how can she be this small' she looks tiny in her moses basket" Chlo smiled "what does Mr.Tyler think?" Chloe looked at Aubree and smiled "he's seen her twice" Chlo frowned "that wasn't my question" "he likes her" Chlo smiled "hard not too" Chloe grinned.

After taking Aubree to the creche Chloe made her way to registration with Mr.Clarkson "Chloe welcome back" Chloe smiled at him "hiya Sir" "how's the little one?" Chloe grinned "she's fine thanks" "good, take a seat then" Chloe sat with Chlo and they began chatting.

Chloe was walking to lesson when Eddie approached her "hiya Chloe" Chloe still hadn't forgiven him for what he said "Eddie, what do you want?" Eddie frowned "I'm here for the maths opening" Chloe rolled her eyes "well stay away from me then" Eddie sighed "Chloe I'm sorry about what I said" Chloe glared "leave me alone".

Kim went looking for Chloe as she needed a word with her "Steph can I have a word with Chloe?" Steph nodded "Chloe?" "I heard" Chloe stood and followed Kim outside "follow me Chloe" Chloe rolled her eyes "what's this about?" "Let's just wait until we're in the office".

In the office Chloe sat on the sofa and Kim sat opposite her "is Aubree okay?" Kim nodded "yeah she's fine" Chloe let out a sigh of relief "what's this about then?" Kim sighed "I wanted to see how you were, having Mr.Tyler's baby and him not being involved" Chloe frowned "how do you know he's not involved?" Kim sighed "Chloe I know full well Max isn't involved because not once as he asked me how this pregnancy is going and he knows" Chloe stood "you don't know anything!" Kim rolled her eyes "Chloe calm down" "no for your information Max sees Aubree and he loves her" Kim frowned "you're involved with him?" Chloe scoffed "you think I'm having sex with him again?" "Chloe I didn't say that" Chloe rolled her eyes "leave me alone" Chloe left the office and went to the creche and got Aubree.

Adam was in the kitchen preparing the dinner when Chloe came in holding Aubree's carseat "Chloe?" He saw Chloe was crying "what's wrong?" "Nothing I'm taking Aubree home so I need the pushchair" Adam frowned "why?" Chloe frowned "what's it got to do with you?" Adam sighed "Chloe I'm not giving you the pushchair unless you tell me" Chloe glared "I'm taking MY baby home because I'm not well" Adam nodded and went to get the pushchair for Chloe.

Chloe got home and went up to her room to sort some stuff out.

Rachel had just given Eddie his job back when Adam walked "you okay?" Adam shook his head "Chloe she just came into the kitchen with Aubree and asked for the pushchair, said she was taking Aubree home" Rachel frowned "that's bad because?" Adam sighed "she was crying" Rachel sighed Eddie however wasn't happy "you let a vulnerable 16year old girl who is also a new mum leave school with a premature baby?" Adam glared "Chloe and Aubree are nothing to do with you" Eddie glared back "I've known Chloe a lot longer then you therefore I know how vulnerable she can be" Rachel rolled her eyes "this isn't helping with Chloe".

Chloe knew where she was going and she was hoping noOne would look for her there.

Max sat at home thinking about his daughter and how he wouldn't get to see her until the weekend. He was deep in thought when the doorbell rang, frowning he braced himself for someone he didn't want to see "Chloe?" He noticed the tears in her eyes "come in" Max took the carseat from her "what's wrong?" Chloe sighed "everyone is going on at me for you being Aubree's father" Max sighed "ignore them" "I can't! Because Kim Campbell thinks I'm sleeping with you again" Max smirked "would that be so bad?" Chloe smiled through the tears "no it wouldn't".

Rachel found out from Chlo that Kim had taken Chloe from lesson to talk with her "Kim what did you talk to Chloe about?" Kim sighed "I asked her how she was feeling about Max not being in the baby's life" Rachel frowned "Kim, Max is involved with her" "right so why ask about the Chloe conversation?" "Because she's taken Aubree and left school" Kim frowned "what? She's taken her from the creche?" Rachel nodded "Adam mentioned she was crying" Kim sighed "could she have gone to Max's?" Rachel shrugged "I'm not sure".

Chloe had been at Max's for a few hours when the doorbell rang again Max stood with Aubree in his arms "I'll get it" Max answered the door and smirked when he saw Rachel "what the hell are you doing holding her?" Max again smirked "last time I checked she was my daughter, therefore I can hold her when I feel like it" Rachel barged past and walked into the living room "Chloe you're coming home" Chloe stood and frowned "whatever".

Adam hated the idea of Max holding Aubree so he made a move to take her "what do you think you're doing?" "Taking Aubree" Max smirked "I'm her father" Adam rolled his eyes "you're the sperm donor that knocked a 16year old up" Chloe walked into the hallway "you what?" Adam frowned "I'm sorry Chloe" Chloe rolled her eyes "Max is right, he's her father, you're nothing to her".

Rachel persuaded Chloe to go home with them but she wasn't happy about what Chloe had done "taking a new born baby out into the freezing cold isn't the best mothering is it" Chloe rolled her eyes "she's my daughter, not yours" when they pulled onto the drive Chloe noticed Eddie was there again "anyone would think Eddie's a bit jealous" Chloe took Aubree from the car and walked into the house.

Chloe had been asked by Chlo to meet up "me and Aubree are going out" Rachel came into the hallway "you're not taking her out" Chloe glared "like I said, she's my daughter, therefore I'll take her where I want" Chloe then left the house.

Meeting up with Chlo she noticed she was upset "what's wrong?" "Ben I think he's cheating on me" Chloe frowned "what makes you think that?" Chlo sighed "he's been meeting with someone called Lexi" Chloe was about to speak when Ben came out the house "Chlo you following me?" Chlo frowned whilst Chloe placed her hands on her hips and was waiting for an answer "who's Lexi?" "She's my cousin" Chloe rolled her eyes "really?" Ben looked at Chloe "shh" Chloe glared "don't shush me" Ben smirked and walked away "oh Chlo? Marry me?" Chlo gasped "serious?" Ben nodded "yeah, I've been planning it with my cousin Lexi" Chlo grinned "yeah, I'll marry you" Chloe smiled as Aubree started crying "I'm gonna take her home" Chlo nodded "see ya".

When Chloe got home she took Aubree out the pushchair and went straight upstairs "Chloe back down here" "leave me alone" Rachel followed Chloe upstairs "don't walk away from me, I told you not to take her out" Chloe glared "flipping hell! She's my kid! Therefore I can take her out when I want" Rachel rolled her eyes "Chloe, she shouldn't even be born yet!" Chloe glared "I'll raise MY child how I see fit!" "Grow up Chloe" Chloe shut the door on Rachel and placed Aubree into the moses basket and watched as she fell asleep.

A/N - Shall I Include Reddie Again Or Leave Radam? X

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